Hi I am trying to extract/retrieve the Flink execution plan. I managed to get it as JSON string in following ways: 1. Using JAR - via PackagedProgram using getPreviewPlan() ; or 2. Directly in program - via ExecutionEnvironment's getExecutionPlan()
My question is - Is it possible to retrieve directly the Plan object? I tried for this but was not successful as submitting the jar takes us into interactive mode, and in order to use the other mode, programEntryPoint, the main class needs to implement Program interface with getPlan method. Even if we manage to get the execution plan as a Plan object, will it be different from what we have using JSON string? like in terms of - 1. What are the datatypes used in the dataset's tuple 2. On what key is the Join taking place 3. Filtering predicate 4. Field for Distinct and so on (JSON plan does have the operator tree but the contents field points to the line of code in the class, which is not that helpful) If not, is it possible (by some other way) to get the above details just by using the Flink job/jar as an input? Thanks and Regards Amit Pawar