Great. So can you assign me someone to brainstorm the project idea and
make a proposal that would benefit flink the most?
On Mar 04, 2015, at 02:08 AM, Stephan Ewen <> wrote:
Hey Dulaj!
I think that the issue is only marked as "low priority", because it is not
on the immediate roadmap for any committer and we are looking for outside
If that is actually what you are interested in, I think you can pick this
On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Dulaj Viduranga <>
I would really like to know what are your high priority GSoC projects and
that is it possible for me to have one to contribute this summer.
I’ve played around and went through the flink system sources and I’m
really interested in contributing to this project.
I was interested in working on [FLINK-1537] Machine learning with Apache
Flink project for GSoC, becase I have a past neural networks knowledge. But
I see it is a Minor priority one. I'm wondering if you could help me to
select a good high priority project.
Thank you.
> On Feb 20, 2015, at 10:33 PM, Till Rohrmann <>
> Good to hear.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 5:31 PM, Dulaj Viduranga <
<>> wrote:
> Great. I have already started to go through documentation. I’ll follow
your directions and contact you when I’m up and ready. :)
> Best regards.
> Dulaj
>> On Feb 19, 2015, at 10:49 PM, Till Rohrmann <
<>> wrote:
>> Hi Dulaj,
>> first of all, sorry for my late reply.
>> Yes, we're definitely making the "Machine learning with Apache Flink" a
GSoC project and it's great to hear that you are interested in this topic.
At the moment, I'm about to set Flink's machine learning library up with
some basic algorithms. There is still some work to do in order to figure
out in which direction it should finally head. But we are confident that we
can provide a highly usable and still performant tool for many data
>> Implementing algorithms with Apache Flink is a little bit different
from regular programming, because the programming model is a little bit
more restrictive. Therefore, I'd recommend to familiarize yourself a little
bit with the system by by reading the documentation [1], going through the
example jobs contained in the repo [2] and maybe even try to implement one
job yourself. That is the best way to understand Flink.
>> The next step would be try to tackle down one of the starter issues in
order to get to know how the community works and to become visible for the
community. You can find the starter issues here [3].
>> Afterwards we can brainstorm a little bit what you could do in the
context of the GSoC project so that we can make a proposal.
>> It would be great, but not strictly required, to have some knowledge of
Scala, because some of the machine learning library will probably be
implemented in Scala.
>> Cheers,
>> Till
>> [1] <>
>> [2] <>
>> [3]
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Dulaj Viduranga <
<>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm Dulaj Viduranga and I’m a 3rd year Computer Science and
Engineering student at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
>> I’m really interested about "Machine learning with Apache
Flink” Project and wondering if you are planing to make this a GSoC
project. I have a 5 years Java experience and great knowledge and interest
about machine learning. I haven’t used Flink or it’s machine learning
library but I have a good experience with pylearn2 python neural network
library and also I have made a neural network with java se from the scratch
in my 2nd year.
>> If you think I’m up for it, please let me know.
>> Thank you.
>> Dulaj Viduranga.