Hello Alexander,

Intermediate results are indeed looking promising, also for finally 
implementing a proper flink-shell for exploratory data analysis.
We are also looking at the moment on how to implement a collect() for the 
flink-streaming scala api that returns a Seq that can be consumed at the client 
side as a part of Flink-1344 [1]. It looks like intermediate results support 
will help, basically I would like to be able to initiate a stream endpoint at 
the client side via the JobClient perhaps, referencing an intermediate result 
id for example. For streaming this is a feature that Spark doesn't explicitly 
have (one has to use foreach and collect on a dstream which is quite 
inefficient) so I guess it would be nice to add. 


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-1344
From: Alexander Alexandrov [alexander.s.alexand...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 11:42 AM
To: dev@flink.apache.org
Subject: Gather a distributed dataset

Hi there,

I wished for intermediate datasets, and Santa Ufuk made my wishes come true
(thank you, Santa)!

Now that FLINK-986 is in the mainline, I want to ask some practical

In Spark, there is a way to put a value from the local driver to the
distributed runtime via

val x = env.parallelize(...) // expose x to the distributed runtime
val y = dataflow(env, x) // y is produced by a dataflow which reads from x

and also to get a value from the distributed runtime back to the driver

val z = env.collect("y")

As far as I know, in Flink we have an equivalent for parallelize

val x = env.fromCollection(...)

but not for collect. Is this still the case?

If yes, how hard would it be to add this feature at the moment? Can you
give me some pointers?



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