Add document to describe the  model for representing switching capable
devices in DPDK, using a general ethdev port model and through port
representors. This document also details the port model and the
rte_flow semantics required for flow programming, as well as listing
some example use cases.

Signed-off-by: Adrien Mazarguil <>
Signed-off-by: Declan Doherty <>
Reviewed-by: Marko Kovacevic <>
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+    switch_representation
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+..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+    Copyright(c) 2018 6WIND S.A.
+.. _switch_representation:
+Switch Representation within DPDK Applications
+.. contents:: :local:
+Network adapters with multiple physical ports and/or SR-IOV capabilities
+usually support the offload of traffic steering rules between their virtual
+functions (VFs), physical functions (PFs) and ports.
+Like for standard Ethernet switches, this involves a combination of
+automatic MAC learning and manual configuration. For most purposes it is
+managed by the host system and fully transparent to users and applications.
+On the other hand, applications typically found on hypervisors that process
+layer 2 (L2) traffic (such as OVS) need to steer traffic themselves
+according on their own criteria.
+Without a standard software interface to manage traffic steering rules
+between VFs, PFs and the various physical ports of a given device,
+applications cannot take advantage of these offloads; software processing is
+mandatory even for traffic which ends up re-injected into the device it
+originates from.
+This document describes how such steering rules can be configured through
+the DPDK flow API (**rte_flow**), with emphasis on the SR-IOV use case
+(PF/VF steering) using a single physical port for clarity, however the same
+logic applies to any number of ports without necessarily involving SR-IOV.
+Port Representors
+In many cases, traffic steering rules cannot be determined in advance;
+applications usually have to process a bit of traffic in software before
+thinking about offloading specific flows to hardware.
+Applications therefore need the ability to receive and inject traffic to
+various device endpoints (other VFs, PFs or physical ports) before
+connecting them together. Device drivers must provide means to hook the
+"other end" of these endpoints and to refer them when configuring flow
+This role is left to so-called "port representors" (also known as "VF
+representors" in the specific context of VFs), which are to DPDK what the
+Ethernet switch device driver model (**switchdev**) [1]_ is to Linux, and
+which can be thought as a software "patch panel" front-end for applications.
+- DPDK port representors are implemented as additional virtual Ethernet
+  device (**ethdev**) instances, spawned on an as needed basis through
+  configuration parameters passed to the driver of the underlying
+  device using devargs.
+   -w pci:dbdf,representor=0
+   -w pci:dbdf,representor=[0-3]
+   -w pci:dbdf,representor=[0,5-11]
+- As virtual devices, they may be more limited than their physical
+  counterparts, for instance by exposing only a subset of device
+  configuration callbacks and/or by not necessarily having Rx/Tx capability.
+- Among other things, they can be used to assign MAC addresses to the
+  resource they represent.
+- Applications can tell port representors apart from other physical of virtual
+  port by checking the dev_flags field within their device information
+  structure for the RTE_ETH_DEV_REPRESENTOR bit-field.
+.. code-block:: c
+  struct rte_eth_dev_info {
+      ...
+      uint32_t dev_flags; /**< Device flags */
+      ...
+  };
+- The device or group relationship of ports can be discovered using the
+  switch ``domain_id`` field within the devices switch information structure. 
+  default the switch ``domain_id`` of a port will be
+  ``RTE_ETH_DEV_SWITCH_DOMAIN_ID_INVALID`` to indicate that the port doesn't
+  support the concept of a switch domain, but ports which do support the 
+  will be allocated a unique switch ``domain_id``, ports within the same switch
+  domain will share the same ``domain_id``. The switch ``port_id`` is used to
+  specify the port_id in terms of the switch, so in the case of SR-IOV devices
+  the switch ``port_id`` would represent the virtual function identifier of the
+  port.
+.. code-block:: c
+   /**
+    * Ethernet device associated switch information
+    */
+   struct rte_eth_switch_info {
+       const char *name; /**< switch name */
+       uint16_t domain_id; /**< switch domain id */
+       uint16_t port_id; /**< switch port id */
+   };
+.. [1] `Ethernet switch device driver model (switchdev)
+       <>`_
+Basic SR-IOV
+"Basic" in the sense that it is not managed by applications, which
+nonetheless expect traffic to flow between the various endpoints and the
+outside as if everything was linked by an Ethernet hub.
+The following diagram pictures a setup involving a device with one PF, two
+VFs and one shared physical port
+       .-------------.                 .-------------. .-------------.
+       | hypervisor  |                 |    VM 1     | |    VM 2     |
+       | application |                 | application | | application |
+       `--+----------'                 `----------+--' `--+----------'
+          |                                       |       |
+    .-----+-----.                                 |       |
+    | port_id 3 |                                 |       |
+    `-----+-----'                                 |       |
+          |                                       |       |
+        .-+--.                                .---+--. .--+---.
+        | PF |                                | VF 1 | | VF 2 |
+        `-+--'                                `---+--' `--+---'
+          |                                       |       |
+          `---------.     .-----------------------'       |
+                    |     |     .-------------------------'
+                    |     |     |
+                 .--+-----+-----+--.
+                 | interconnection |
+                 `--------+--------'
+                          |
+                     .----+-----.
+                     | physical |
+                     |  port 0  |
+                     `----------'
+- A DPDK application running on the hypervisor owns the PF device, which is
+  arbitrarily assigned port index 3.
+- Both VFs are assigned to VMs and used by unknown applications; they may be
+  DPDK-based or anything else.
+- Interconnection is not necessarily done through a true Ethernet switch and
+  may not even exist as a separate entity. The role of this block is to show
+  that something brings PF, VFs and physical ports together and enables
+  communication between them, with a number of built-in restrictions.
+Subsequent sections in this document describe means for DPDK applications
+running on the hypervisor to freely assign specific flows between PF, VFs
+and physical ports based on traffic properties, by managing this
+Controlled SR-IOV
+When a DPDK application gets assigned a PF device and is deliberately not
+started in `basic SR-IOV`_ mode, any traffic coming from physical ports is
+received by PF according to default rules, while VFs remain isolated.
+       .-------------.                 .-------------. .-------------.
+       | hypervisor  |                 |    VM 1     | |    VM 2     |
+       | application |                 | application | | application |
+       `--+----------'                 `----------+--' `--+----------'
+          |                                       |       |
+    .-----+-----.                                 |       |
+    | port_id 3 |                                 |       |
+    `-----+-----'                                 |       |
+          |                                       |       |
+        .-+--.                                .---+--. .--+---.
+        | PF |                                | VF 1 | | VF 2 |
+        `-+--'                                `------' `------'
+          |
+          `-----.
+                |
+             .--+----------------------.
+             | managed interconnection |
+             `------------+------------'
+                          |
+                     .----+-----.
+                     | physical |
+                     |  port 0  |
+                     `----------'
+In this mode, interconnection must be configured by the application to
+enable VF communication, for instance by explicitly directing traffic with a
+given destination MAC address to VF 1 and allowing that with the same source
+MAC address to come out of it.
+For this to work, hypervisor applications need a way to refer to either VF 1
+or VF 2 in addition to the PF. This is addressed by `VF representors`_.
+VF Representors
+VF representors are virtual but standard DPDK network devices (albeit with
+limited capabilities) created by PMDs when managing a PF device.
+Since they represent VF instances used by other applications, configuring
+them (e.g. assigning a MAC address or setting up promiscuous mode) affects
+interconnection accordingly. If supported, they may also be used as two-way
+communication ports with VFs (assuming **switchdev** topology)
+       .-------------.                 .-------------. .-------------.
+       | hypervisor  |                 |    VM 1     | |    VM 2     |
+       | application |                 | application | | application |
+       `--+---+---+--'                 `----------+--' `--+----------'
+          |   |   |                               |       |
+          |   |   `-------------------.           |       |
+          |   `---------.             |           |       |
+          |             |             |           |       |
+    .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .-----+-----.     |       |
+    | port_id 3 | | port_id 4 | | port_id 5 |     |       |
+    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `-----+-----'     |       |
+          |             |             |           |       |
+        .-+--.    .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .---+--. .--+---.
+        | PF |    | VF 1 rep. | | VF 2 rep. | | VF 1 | | VF 2 |
+        `-+--'    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `---+--' `--+---'
+          |             |             |           |       |
+          |             |   .---------'           |       |
+          `-----.       |   |   .-----------------'       |
+                |       |   |   |   .---------------------'
+                |       |   |   |   |
+             .--+-------+---+---+---+--.
+             | managed interconnection |
+             `------------+------------'
+                          |
+                     .----+-----.
+                     | physical |
+                     |  port 0  |
+                     `----------'
+- VF representors are assigned arbitrary port indices 4 and 5 in the
+  hypervisor application and are respectively associated with VF 1 and VF 2.
+- They can't be dissociated; even if VF 1 and VF 2 were not connected,
+  representors could still be used for configuration.
+- In this context, port index 3 can be thought as a representor for physical
+  port 0.
+As previously described, the "interconnection" block represents a logical
+concept. Interconnection occurs when hardware configuration enables traffic
+flows from one place to another (e.g. physical port 0 to VF 1) according to
+some criteria.
+This is discussed in more detail in `traffic steering`_.
+Traffic Steering
+In the following diagram, each meaningful traffic origin or endpoint as seen
+by the hypervisor application is tagged with a unique letter from A to F.
+       .-------------.                 .-------------. .-------------.
+       | hypervisor  |                 |    VM 1     | |    VM 2     |
+       | application |                 | application | | application |
+       `--+---+---+--'                 `----------+--' `--+----------'
+          |   |   |                               |       |
+          |   |   `-------------------.           |       |
+          |   `---------.             |           |       |
+          |             |             |           |       |
+    .----(A)----. .----(B)----. .----(C)----.     |       |
+    | port_id 3 | | port_id 4 | | port_id 5 |     |       |
+    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `-----+-----'     |       |
+          |             |             |           |       |
+        .-+--.    .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .---+--. .--+---.
+        | PF |    | VF 1 rep. | | VF 2 rep. | | VF 1 | | VF 2 |
+        `-+--'    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `--(D)-' `-(E)--'
+          |             |             |           |       |
+          |             |   .---------'           |       |
+          `-----.       |   |   .-----------------'       |
+                |       |   |   |   .---------------------'
+                |       |   |   |   |
+             .--+-------+---+---+---+--.
+             | managed interconnection |
+             `------------+------------'
+                          |
+                     .---(F)----.
+                     | physical |
+                     |  port 0  |
+                     `----------'
+- **A**: PF device.
+- **B**: port representor for VF 1.
+- **C**: port representor for VF 2.
+- **D**: VF 1 proper.
+- **E**: VF 2 proper.
+- **F**: physical port.
+Although uncommon, some devices do not enforce a one to one mapping between
+PF and physical ports. For instance, by default all ports of **mlx4**
+adapters are available to all their PF/VF instances, in which case
+additional ports appear next to **F** in the above diagram.
+Assuming no interconnection is provided by default in this mode, setting up
+a `basic SR-IOV`_ configuration involving physical port 0 could be broken
+down as:
+- **A to F**: let everything through.
+- **F to A**: PF MAC as destination.
+VF 1:
+- **A to D**, **E to D** and **F to D**: VF 1 MAC as destination.
+- **D to A**: VF 1 MAC as source and PF MAC as destination.
+- **D to E**: VF 1 MAC as source and VF 2 MAC as destination.
+- **D to F**: VF 1 MAC as source.
+VF 2:
+- **A to E**, **D to E** and **F to E**: VF 2 MAC as destination.
+- **E to A**: VF 2 MAC as source and PF MAC as destination.
+- **E to D**: VF 2 MAC as source and VF 1 MAC as destination.
+- **E to F**: VF 2 MAC as source.
+Devices may additionally support advanced matching criteria such as
+IPv4/IPv6 addresses or TCP/UDP ports.
+The combination of matching criteria with target endpoints fits well with
+**rte_flow** [6]_, which expresses flow rules as combinations of patterns
+and actions.
+Enhancing **rte_flow** with the ability to make flow rules match and target
+these endpoints provides a standard interface to manage their
+interconnection without introducing new concepts and whole new API to
+implement them. This is described in `flow API (rte_flow)`_.
+.. [6] `Generic flow API (rte_flow)
+       <>`_
+Flow API (rte_flow)
+Compared to creating a brand new dedicated interface, **rte_flow** was
+deemed flexible enough to manage representor traffic only with minor
+- Using physical ports, PF, VF or port representors as targets.
+- Affecting traffic that is not necessarily addressed to the DPDK port ID a
+  flow rule is associated with (e.g. forcing VF traffic redirection to PF).
+For advanced uses:
+- Rule-based packet counters.
+- The ability to combine several identical actions for traffic duplication
+  (e.g. VF representor in addition to a physical port).
+- Dedicated actions for traffic encapsulation / decapsulation before
+  reaching an endpoint.
+Traffic Direction
+From an application standpoint, "ingress" and "egress" flow rule attributes
+apply to the DPDK port ID they are associated with. They select a traffic
+direction for matching patterns, but have no impact on actions.
+When matching traffic coming from or going to a different place than the
+immediate port ID a flow rule is associated with, these attributes keep
+their meaning while applying to the chosen origin, as highlighted by the
+following diagram
+       .-------------.                 .-------------. .-------------.
+       | hypervisor  |                 |    VM 1     | |    VM 2     |
+       | application |                 | application | | application |
+       `--+---+---+--'                 `----------+--' `--+----------'
+          |   |   |                               |       |
+          |   |   `-------------------.           |       |
+          |   `---------.             |           |       |
+          | ^           | ^           | ^         |       |
+          | | ingress   | | ingress   | | ingress |       |
+          | | egress    | | egress    | | egress  |       |
+          | v           | v           | v         |       |
+    .----(A)----. .----(B)----. .----(C)----.     |       |
+    | port_id 3 | | port_id 4 | | port_id 5 |     |       |
+    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `-----+-----'     |       |
+          |             |             |           |       |
+        .-+--.    .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .---+--. .--+---.
+        | PF |    | VF 1 rep. | | VF 2 rep. | | VF 1 | | VF 2 |
+        `-+--'    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `--(D)-' `-(E)--'
+          |             |             |         ^ |       | ^
+          |             |             |  egress | |       | | egress
+          |             |             | ingress | |       | | ingress
+          |             |   .---------'         v |       | v
+          `-----.       |   |   .-----------------'       |
+                |       |   |   |   .---------------------'
+                |       |   |   |   |
+             .--+-------+---+---+---+--.
+             | managed interconnection |
+             `------------+------------'
+                        ^ |
+                ingress | |
+                 egress | |
+                        v |
+                     .---(F)----.
+                     | physical |
+                     |  port 0  |
+                     `----------'
+Ingress and egress are defined as relative to the application creating the
+flow rule.
+For instance, matching traffic sent by VM 2 would be done through an ingress
+flow rule on VF 2 (**E**). Likewise for incoming traffic on physical port
+(**F**). This also applies to **C** and **A** respectively.
+Transferring Traffic
+Without Port Representors
+`Traffic direction`_ describes how an application could match traffic coming
+from or going to a specific place reachable from a DPDK port ID. This makes
+sense when the traffic in question is normally seen (i.e. sent or received)
+by the application creating the flow rule (e.g. as in "redirect all traffic
+coming from VF 1 to local queue 6").
+However this does not force such traffic to take a specific route. Creating
+a flow rule on **A** matching traffic coming from **D** is only meaningful
+if it can be received by **A** in the first place, otherwise doing so simply
+has no effect.
+A new flow rule attribute named "transfer" is necessary for that. Combining
+it with "ingress" or "egress" and a specific origin requests a flow rule to
+be applied at the lowest level
+             ingress only           :       ingress + transfer
+                                    :
+    .-------------. .-------------. : .-------------. .-------------.
+    | hypervisor  | |    VM 1     | : | hypervisor  | |    VM 1     |
+    | application | | application | : | application | | application |
+    `------+------' `--+----------' : `------+------' `--+----------'
+           |           | | traffic  :        |           | | traffic
+     .----(A)----.     | v          :  .----(A)----.     | v
+     | port_id 3 |     |            :  | port_id 3 |     |
+     `-----+-----'     |            :  `-----+-----'     |
+           |           |            :        | ^         |
+           |           |            :        | | traffic |
+         .-+--.    .---+--.         :      .-+--.    .---+--.
+         | PF |    | VF 1 |         :      | PF |    | VF 1 |
+         `-+--'    `--(D)-'         :      `-+--'    `--(D)-'
+           |           | | traffic  :        | ^         | | traffic
+           |           | v          :        | | traffic | v
+        .--+-----------+--.         :     .--+-----------+--.
+        | interconnection |         :     | interconnection |
+        `--------+--------'         :     `--------+--------'
+                 | | traffic        :              |
+                 | v                :              |
+            .---(F)----.            :         .---(F)----.
+            | physical |            :         | physical |
+            |  port 0  |            :         |  port 0  |
+            `----------'            :         `----------'
+With "ingress" only, traffic is matched on **A** thus still goes to physical
+port **F** by default
+   testpmd> flow create 3 ingress pattern vf id is 1 / end
+              actions queue index 6 / end
+With "ingress + transfer", traffic is matched on **D** and is therefore
+successfully assigned to queue 6 on **A**
+    testpmd> flow create 3 ingress transfer pattern vf id is 1 / end
+              actions queue index 6 / end
+With Port Representors
+When port representors exist, implicit flow rules with the "transfer"
+attribute (described in `without port representors`_) are be assumed to
+exist between them and their represented resources. These may be immutable.
+In this case, traffic is received by default through the representor and
+neither the "transfer" attribute nor traffic origin in flow rule patterns
+are necessary. They simply have to be created on the representor port
+directly and may target a different representor as described in `PORT_ID
+Implicit traffic flow with port representor
+       .-------------.   .-------------.
+       | hypervisor  |   |    VM 1     |
+       | application |   | application |
+       `--+-------+--'   `----------+--'
+          |       | ^               | | traffic
+          |       | | traffic       | v
+          |       `-----.           |
+          |             |           |
+    .----(A)----. .----(B)----.     |
+    | port_id 3 | | port_id 4 |     |
+    `-----+-----' `-----+-----'     |
+          |             |           |
+        .-+--.    .-----+-----. .---+--.
+        | PF |    | VF 1 rep. | | VF 1 |
+        `-+--'    `-----+-----' `--(D)-'
+          |             |           |
+       .--|-------------|-----------|--.
+       |  |             |           |  |
+       |  |             `-----------'  |
+       |  |              <-- traffic   |
+       `--|----------------------------'
+          |
+     .---(F)----.
+     | physical |
+     |  port 0  |
+     `----------'
+Pattern Items And Actions
+PORT Pattern Item
+Matches traffic originating from (ingress) or going to (egress) a physical
+port of the underlying device.
+Using this pattern item without specifying a port index matches the physical
+port associated with the current DPDK port ID by default. As described in
+`traffic steering`_, specifying it should be rarely needed.
+- Matches **F** in `traffic steering`_.
+PORT Action
+Directs matching traffic to a given physical port index.
+- Targets **F** in `traffic steering`_.
+PORT_ID Pattern Item
+Matches traffic originating from (ingress) or going to (egress) a given DPDK
+port ID.
+Normally only supported if the port ID in question is known by the
+underlying PMD and related to the device the flow rule is created against.
+This must not be confused with the `PORT pattern item`_ which refers to the
+physical port of a device. ``PORT_ID`` refers to a ``struct rte_eth_dev``
+object on the application side (also known as "port representor" depending
+on the kind of underlying device).
+- Matches **A**, **B** or **C** in `traffic steering`_.
+PORT_ID Action
+Directs matching traffic to a given DPDK port ID.
+Same restrictions as `PORT_ID pattern item`_.
+- Targets **A**, **B** or **C** in `traffic steering`_.
+PF Pattern Item
+Matches traffic originating from (ingress) or going to (egress) the physical
+function of the current device.
+If supported, should work even if the physical function is not managed by
+the application and thus not associated with a DPDK port ID. Its behavior is
+otherwise similar to `PORT_ID pattern item`_ using PF port ID.
+- Matches **A** in `traffic steering`_.
+PF Action
+Directs matching traffic to the physical function of the current device.
+Same restrictions as `PF pattern item`_.
+- Targets **A** in `traffic steering`_.
+VF Pattern Item
+Matches traffic originating from (ingress) or going to (egress) a given
+virtual function of the current device.
+If supported, should work even if the virtual function is not managed by
+the application and thus not associated with a DPDK port ID. Its behavior is
+otherwise similar to `PORT_ID pattern item`_ using VF port ID.
+Note this pattern item does not match VF representors traffic which, as
+separate entities, should be addressed through their own port IDs.
+- Matches **D** or **E** in `traffic steering`_.
+VF Action
+Directs matching traffic to a given virtual function of the current device.
+Same restrictions as `VF pattern item`_.
+- Targets **D** or **E** in `traffic steering`_.
+\*_ENCAP actions
+These actions are named according to the protocol they encapsulate traffic
+with (e.g. ``VXLAN_ENCAP``) and using specific parameters (e.g. VNI for
+While they modify traffic and can be used multiple times (order matters),
+unlike `PORT_ID action`_ and friends, they have no impact on steering.
+As described in `actions order and repetition`_ this means they are useless
+if used alone in an action list, the resulting traffic gets dropped unless
+combined with either ``PASSTHRU`` or other endpoint-targeting actions.
+\*_DECAP actions
+They perform the reverse of `\*_ENCAP actions`_ by popping protocol headers
+from traffic instead of pushing them. They can be used multiple times as
+Note that using these actions on non-matching traffic results in undefined
+behavior. It is recommended to match the protocol headers to decapsulate on
+the pattern side of a flow rule in order to use these actions or otherwise
+make sure only matching traffic goes through.
+Actions Order and Repetition
+Flow rules are currently restricted to at most a single action of each
+supported type, performed in an unpredictable order (or all at once). To
+repeat actions in a predictable fashion, applications have to make rules
+pass-through and use priority levels.
+It's now clear that PMD support for chaining multiple non-terminating flow
+rules of varying priority levels is prohibitively difficult to implement
+compared to simply allowing multiple identical actions performed in a
+defined order by a single flow rule.
+- This change is required to support protocol encapsulation offloads and the
+  ability to perform them multiple times (e.g. VLAN then VXLAN).
+- It makes the ``DUP`` action redundant since multiple ``QUEUE`` actions can
+  be combined for duplication.
+- The (non-)terminating property of actions must be discarded. Instead, flow
+  rules themselves must be considered terminating by default (i.e. dropping
+  traffic if there is no specific target) unless a ``PASSTHRU`` action is
+  also specified.
+Switching Examples
+This section provides practical examples based on the established testpmd
+flow command syntax [2]_, in the context described in `traffic steering`_
+      .-------------.                 .-------------. .-------------.
+      | hypervisor  |                 |    VM 1     | |    VM 2     |
+      | application |                 | application | | application |
+      `--+---+---+--'                 `----------+--' `--+----------'
+         |   |   |                               |       |
+         |   |   `-------------------.           |       |
+         |   `---------.             |           |       |
+         |             |             |           |       |
+   .----(A)----. .----(B)----. .----(C)----.     |       |
+   | port_id 3 | | port_id 4 | | port_id 5 |     |       |
+   `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `-----+-----'     |       |
+         |             |             |           |       |
+       .-+--.    .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .---+--. .--+---.
+       | PF |    | VF 1 rep. | | VF 2 rep. | | VF 1 | | VF 2 |
+       `-+--'    `-----+-----' `-----+-----' `--(D)-' `-(E)--'
+         |             |             |           |       |
+         |             |   .---------'           |       |
+         `-----.       |   |   .-----------------'       |
+               |       |   |   |   .---------------------'
+               |       |   |   |   |
+            .--|-------|---|---|---|--.
+            |  |       |   `---|---'  |
+            |  |       `-------'      |
+            |  `---------.            |
+            `------------|------------'
+                         |
+                    .---(F)----.
+                    | physical |
+                    |  port 0  |
+                    `----------'
+By default, PF (**A**) can communicate with the physical port it is
+associated with (**F**), while VF 1 (**D**) and VF 2 (**E**) are isolated
+and restricted to communicate with the hypervisor application through their
+respective representors (**B** and **C**) if supported.
+Examples in subsequent sections apply to hypervisor applications only and
+are based on port representors **A**, **B** and **C**.
+.. [2] `Flow syntax
+Associating VF 1 with Physical Port 0
+Assign all port traffic (**F**) to VF 1 (**D**) indiscriminately through
+their representors
+   flow create 3 ingress pattern / end actions port_id id 4 / end
+   flow create 4 ingress pattern / end actions port_id id 3 / end
+More practical example with MAC address restrictions
+   flow create 3 ingress
+       pattern eth dst is {VF 1 MAC} / end
+       actions port_id id 4 / end
+   flow create 4 ingress
+       pattern eth src is {VF 1 MAC} / end
+       actions port_id id 3 / end
+Sharing Broadcasts
+From outside to PF and VFs
+   flow create 3 ingress
+      pattern eth dst is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff / end
+      actions port_id id 3 / port_id id 4 / port_id id 5 / end
+Note ``port_id id 3`` is necessary otherwise only VFs would receive matching
+From PF to outside and VFs
+   flow create 3 egress
+      pattern eth dst is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff / end
+      actions port / port_id id 4 / port_id id 5 / end
+From VFs to outside and PF
+   flow create 4 ingress
+      pattern eth dst is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff src is {VF 1 MAC} / end
+      actions port_id id 3 / port_id id 5 / end
+   flow create 5 ingress
+      pattern eth dst is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff src is {VF 2 MAC} / end
+      actions port_id id 4 / port_id id 4 / end
+Similar ``33:33:*`` rules based on known MAC addresses should be added for
+IPv6 traffic.
+Encapsulating VF 2 Traffic in VXLAN
+Assuming pass-through flow rules are supported
+   flow create 5 ingress
+      pattern eth / end
+      actions vxlan_encap vni 42 / passthru / end
+   flow create 5 egress
+      pattern vxlan vni is 42 / end
+      actions vxlan_decap / passthru / end
+Here ``passthru`` is needed since as described in `actions order and
+repetition`_, flow rules are otherwise terminating; if supported, a rule
+without a target endpoint will drop traffic.
+Without pass-through support, ingress encapsulation on the destination
+endpoint might not be supported and action list must provide one
+   flow create 5 ingress
+      pattern eth src is {VF 2 MAC} / end
+      actions vxlan_encap vni 42 / port_id id 3 / end
+   flow create 3 ingress
+      pattern vxlan vni is 42 / end
+      actions vxlan_decap / port_id id 5 / end

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