On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 4:15 AM, Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
> The basic operations for ports enumeration should not be
> considered as experimental in DPDK 18.05.
> The iterator RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV was introduced in DPDK 17.05.
> It uses the function the rte_eth_find_next_owned_by() to get
> only ownerless ports. Its API can be considered stable.
> So the flag experimental is removed from rte_eth_find_next_owned_by().
> The flag experimental is removed from rte_eth_dev_count_avail()
> which is the new name of the old function rte_eth_dev_count().
> The flag experimental is set to rte_eth_dev_count_total()
> in the .c file for consistency with the declaration in the .h file.
> A lot of internal applications are fixed to not allow experimental API.
> Fixes: 8728ccf37615 ("fix ethdev ports enumeration")
> Fixes: d9a42a69febf ("ethdev: deprecate port count function")
> Fixes: e70e26861eaf ("net/mvpp2: fix build")
> Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>

Tested-by: David Marchand <david.march...@6wind.com>

> It was a really bad idea to keep the iterator macro and function
> as experimental.
> And it was a real mistake of setting the new name of rte_eth_dev_count
> function as experimental.
> I think this fix must be merged in 18.05-rc1, in order to avoid
> troubles when testing coming RC1.


David Marchand

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