
15/03/2018 17:15, Melik-Adamyan, Areg:
> Hello.
> Within Intel, we developed and open-sourced a DPDK based high-level library 
> and runtime named Network Function Framework for Go (NFF-Go: 
> https://github.com/intel-go/nff-go) which is intended to simplify packet 
> processing applications, especially for cloud-native deployment. Based on 
> DPDK NFF-Go provides higher-level packet processing functions in native Go 
> alongside with simple, powerful runtime.

I don't see any reply to this thread, so I update:

The DPDK boards have accepted to host this project on dpdk.org.

Please send me the name of the committer, its SSH public key
and the name of the repository to create (nff-go?).

Thank you

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