> Signed-off-by: Lee Daly <lee.d...@intel.com>
> ---
>  MAINTAINERS                               |  5 ++
>  devtools/test-build.sh                    |  4 ++
>  doc/guides/compressdevs/features/isal.ini | 40 +++++++++++++
>  doc/guides/compressdevs/index.rst         |  1 +
>  doc/guides/compressdevs/isal.rst          | 94
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


> +Limitations
> +-----------
> +
> +* Chained mbufs are not supported.
> +
> +* Compressdev level 0, no compression, is not supported. ISA-L level 0
> +used for
> +
> +fixed huffman codes.

For the bit above have the two lines together as it messes up the format and 
look of the sentance

* Compressdev level 0, no compression, is not supported. ISA-L level 0
    used for fixed huffman codes.

> +* Out of order operations are not supported
> +
> +Installation
> +------------
> +
> +* To build DPDK with Intel's ISA-L library, the user is required to
> +download
> +
> +the library from
> +
> +`<https://github.com/01org/isa-l>`_.

Same here, 

 +* To build DPDK with Intel's ISA-L library, the user is required to
       download the library from `<https://github.com/01org/isa-l>`_.

> +* Once downloaded, the user needs to build the library, the ISA-L
> +autotools
> +
> +are usualy sufficient::
> +
> +     ./autogen.sh
> +     ./configure
> +

Same above, also use 4 spaces to indent the code block not tabs, 

 * Once downloaded, the user needs to build the library, the ISA-L
     autotools are usualy sufficient::

> +make can  be used to install the library on their system, before building
> DPDK::
> +
> +     make
> +     sudo make install

Spaces instead of tabs for the commands above

> +* To build with meson, the "libisal.pc" file, must be copied into
> +"pkgconfig",
> +
> +e.g. /usr/lib/pkgconfig or /usr/lib64/pkgconfig depending on your
> +system,
> +
> +for meson to find the ISA-L library. "libisal.pc" is located in library 
> sources,::
> +
> +       cp isal/libisal.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
> +
> +instructions on how to download below.

Same changes as above also you can get rid of the comma after sources

* To build with meson, the "libisal.pc" file, must be copied into
    "pkgconfig", e.g. /usr/lib/pkgconfig or /usr/lib64/pkgconfig depending 
    on your system, for meson to find the ISA-L library. "libisal.pc" is 
    in library sources ::

          cp isal/libisal.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/

    instructions on how to download below.


> +Initialization
> +--------------
> +
> +In order to enable this virtual compression PMD, user must:
> +
> +* Set CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_ISAL=y in config/common_base.
> +
> +To use the PMD in an application, user must:
> +
> +* Call rte_vdev_init("compress_isal") within the application.
> +
> +* Use --vdev="compress_isal" in the EAL options, which will call
> rte_vdev_init() internally.
> +
> +The following parameters (all optional) can be provided in the previous two
> calls:
> +
> +* socket_id: Specify the socket where the memory for the device is
> +going to be allocated
> +  (by default, socket_id will be the socket where the core that is creating 
> the
> PMD is running on).

In this section commands like CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_ISAL=y and  
Put them in ``   ``  quotes to highlight it's a command as it's a bit hard to 
see and also looks better.

Marko K

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