0) Check action items from last meetings

    - list of files and initial authors for SPDX compliance
                                - Good progress here
                                - For completeness all files should have 
license and copyright
                                - For files used by everyone, e.g. release 
notes, suggestion is to have them copyright the DPDK community.
* Proposal agreed by technical board.

    - list of gaps in the new build system
                                - Bruce circulated a draft list to the 
technical board
                                - Next Steps: Bruce to publish list in docs, 
and highlight to community, especially driver maintainers

    - NFF-Go Governing Board referral update
                                - Appoved by GB.
                                - Next Step: Thomas to contact NFF-Go people to 
see about a repo.
                                - Request legal check of licenses ahead of repo 
- Next Step: Bruce to follow up with NFF-Go maintainers

    - Maintainers of stable releases
                                - Thomas has been working on a plan, and has 
identified a number of volunteers for the work:
                                                - Luca has agreed to do 18.02.1 
                                                - Yuanhan will still do one 
more 17.11 release before he hands over to a new maintainers
                                                - Yongseok Koh has volunteered 
to take over 17.11 maintenance post 18.05, and will work with Luca for training 
during this release
                                                - Christian Ehrhardt will do 
18.05.1 when that becomes necessary
                                                - Kevin Traynor will take 18.11 
stable release
                                - Technical Board agreed with the plan.
                                - Next Steps:  Thomas to work with maintainers 
as needed.

1) Technical board membership
                - Yuanhan has resigned from the Technical board.
                - Technical board thanks him for all his contributions over the 
years, both to the board and to the project itself.
                - Following some discussion, it was agreed that there would be 
no new additions to TB at this time. Membership will be reviewed later in the 
year by the board.

2) 18.05 release status:
     - Any patches needing special attention - see below
     - Ethdev offload survey
                                - agreement reached on list on proposal
                                - now needs patches done - Shahaf will do 
ethdev changes, needs volunteer for example, Thomas to do other patches re 
                                - ethdev drivers need update first
     - Ethdev offload API conversion progress
                                - vmxnet3 the main driver lacking update or 
                                - Ferruh to follow-up

3) BPF Licensing
                - awaiting legal input, no discussion.

4) Technical discussion
- clang error on ARM (atomic function)
                * Cavium to upstream patch
                * Request special testing from Intel CI team - CI is currently 
1 week behind.
                * Bruce to follow-up with CI team
- hotplug binding (in or outside DPDK)
   * From existing patches on mailing list, one patchset merged for working 
with Linux uevent.
   * overall approach to hotplug of new devices to be discussed on ML. 
Discussion is now ongoing.

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