> 05/02/2018 11:22, Marko Kovacevic:
> > Updated the make build to fix external build issues
> Please explain what is the issue.
> > Fixes: 3a5c339d51a4 ("mk: support renamed Makefile in external project")
> > Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
> No need to Cc stable when fixing a bug which is not in a major release.

Olivier reported an issue this morning, that my commit was breaking 
the build of one of our external module:

make[5]: /path/to/ext-module//path/to/ext-module/Makefile: No such file or 
make[5]: *** No rule to make target 
'/path/to/ext-module//path/to/ext-module/Makefile'.  Stop.                      

The reason is that entries in $(MAKEFILE_LIST) can be absolute.


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