The following changes since commit c43cb3b184ca416c2a2ecd66668edb797cbcd25c:

  hash: select fbk function at run-time (2018-01-20 15:35:16 +0100)

are available in the Git repository at: 

for you to fetch changes up to a4063a1d84ff393334c8c5f325529a99586f9751:

  examples/ipsec-secgw: try end in flow actions before fail (2018-01-20 
15:10:53 +0000)

Akhil Goyal (8):
      security: fix enum start value
      examples/ipsec-secgw: add cryptodev mask option
      crypto/dpaa_sec: support ipsec protocol offload
      examples/ipsec-secgw: update mbuf packet type
      examples/ipsec-secgw: update incremental checksum
      crypto/dpaa_sec: rewrite Rx/Tx path
      examples/ipsec-secgw: improve ipsec dequeue logic
      examples/ipsec-secgw: fix corner case for SPI value

Alok Makhariya (1):
      crypto/dpaa_sec: retire fq while detaching with session

Andrea Grandi (2):
      doc: fix lists of supported algorithms
      doc: fix format in OpenSSL installation guide

Anoob Joseph (3):
      examples/ipsec-secgw: fix usage of incorrect port
      security: support userdata retrieval
      examples/ipsec-secgw: support inline protocol

Billy O'Mahony (2):
      doc: fix typo in QAT doc
      cryptodev: extend sym session Doxygen info

Fan Zhang (1):
      crypto/aesni_mb: support AES-CCM

Hemant Agrawal (2):
      crypto/dpaa_sec: optimize virt to phy conversion
      crypto/dpaa_sec: support multiple sessions per qp

Jerin Jacob (1):
      test/crypto: fix missing include

NĂ©lio Laranjeiro (8):
      security: fix device operation type
      crypto: fix pedantic compilation errors
      security: fix pedantic compilation
      examples/ipsec-secgw: fix missing ingress flow attribute
      examples/ipsec-secgw: add target queues in flow actions
      examples/ipsec-secgw: add egress flow actions
      net: fix ESP header byte ordering definition
      examples/ipsec-secgw: fix SPI byte order in flow item

Pablo de Lara (5):
      doc: update IPSec Multi-buffer lib versioning
      cryptodev: add missing CPU flag string
      cryptodev: fix function prototype
      app/crypto-perf: support IMIX
      cryptodev: remove duplicated device name length

Radu Nicolau (4):
      security: add get session size function
      net/ixgbe: implement security session get size
      examples/ipsec_secgw: create session mempools for ethdevs
      examples/ipsec-secgw: try end in flow actions before fail

Tomasz Duszynski (1):
      crypto/mrvl: update MRVL CRYPTO PMD documentation

 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.c                   |  77 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_ops.h                   |   2 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options.h               |   7 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_options_parsing.c       |  61 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c          |   4 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_pmd_cyclecount.c   |   8 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c       |   3 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c           |   3 +-
 app/test-crypto-perf/main.c                        |  89 ++-
 config/common_base                                 |   1 -
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/aesni_gcm.rst                |   4 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/aesni_mb.rst                 |  13 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/aesni_mb.ini        |   1 +
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/features/dpaa_sec.ini        |   1 +
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/mrvl.rst                     |  31 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/openssl.rst                  |  15 +-
 doc/guides/cryptodevs/qat.rst                      |   3 +-
 doc/guides/nics/mrvl.rst                           |   2 +
 doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_security.rst             |  22 +-
 doc/guides/rel_notes/release_18_02.rst             |  11 +
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ipsec_secgw.rst           |  10 +-
 doc/guides/tools/cryptoperf.rst                    |  14 +
 drivers/crypto/aesni_gcm/aesni_gcm_pmd_private.h   |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/aesni_mb/rte_aesni_mb_pmd.c         | 145 +++-
 drivers/crypto/aesni_mb/rte_aesni_mb_pmd_ops.c     |  33 +-
 drivers/crypto/aesni_mb/rte_aesni_mb_pmd_private.h |  12 +-
 drivers/crypto/armv8/rte_armv8_pmd_private.h       |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/dpaa_sec/dpaa_sec.c                 | 806 ++++++++++++++++-----
 drivers/crypto/dpaa_sec/dpaa_sec.h                 | 138 +++-
 drivers/crypto/kasumi/rte_kasumi_pmd_private.h     |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/mrvl/rte_mrvl_pmd_ops.c             |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/null/null_crypto_pmd_private.h      |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/openssl/rte_openssl_pmd_private.h   |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/snow3g/rte_snow3g_pmd_private.h     |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/zuc/rte_zuc_pmd_private.h           |   2 +-
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ipsec.c                    |   7 +
 examples/ipsec-secgw/esp.c                         |   6 +-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipip.h                        |  26 +-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c                 | 221 +++++-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec.c                       | 216 +++++-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec.h                       |   6 +-
 examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c                          |   2 +
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto.h                  |   2 +-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.c               |   2 +
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev.h               |   5 +-
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_cryptodev_pmd.h           |   2 +-
 lib/librte_net/rte_esp.h                           |   4 +-
 lib/librte_security/rte_security.c                 |  19 +
 lib/librte_security/rte_security.h                 |  44 +-
 lib/librte_security/rte_security_driver.h          |  32 +
 lib/librte_security/       |   2 +
 test/test/test_cryptodev.c                         |  14 +
 52 files changed, 1768 insertions(+), 374 deletions(-)

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