Increasing the RX/TX default ring size to 1024/1024 to accommodate for
faster NICs. With the increase of number of PPS, a larger RX buffer is
required in order to avoid packet loss. While a ring size of 128 may be
large enough for 1G and possibly 10G NICs, this is not going to scale to
small packet sizes at 25G and 40G line rates. As we are increasing the RX
buffer size to 1024, we also need to increase the TX buffer size to ensure
that the TX side does not become the bottleneck.

Kevin Laatz (3):
  examples: increase rx and tx default ring sizes
  app/testpmd: increase rx and tx default ring sizes
  test: increase rx and tx default ring sizes

 app/test-pmd/testpmd.c                                   | 4 ++--
 examples/bond/main.c                                     | 4 ++--
 examples/distributor/main.c                              | 4 ++--
 examples/ethtool/ethtool-app/main.c                      | 4 ++--
 examples/exception_path/main.c                           | 4 ++--
 examples/flow_classify/flow_classify.c                   | 4 ++--
 examples/ip_fragmentation/main.c                         | 4 ++--
 examples/ip_reassembly/main.c                            | 4 ++--
 examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c                       | 4 ++--
 examples/ipv4_multicast/main.c                           | 4 ++--
 examples/kni/main.c                                      | 4 ++--
 examples/l2fwd-crypto/main.c                             | 4 ++--
 examples/l2fwd-jobstats/main.c                           | 4 ++--
 examples/l2fwd-keepalive/main.c                          | 4 ++--
 examples/l2fwd/main.c                                    | 4 ++--
 examples/l3fwd-acl/main.c                                | 4 ++--
 examples/l3fwd-power/main.c                              | 4 ++--
 examples/l3fwd-vf/main.c                                 | 4 ++--
 examples/l3fwd/main.c                                    | 4 ++--
 examples/link_status_interrupt/main.c                    | 4 ++--
 examples/multi_process/client_server_mp/mp_server/init.c | 4 ++--
 examples/multi_process/l2fwd_fork/main.c                 | 4 ++--
 examples/multi_process/symmetric_mp/main.c               | 4 ++--
 examples/packet_ordering/main.c                          | 4 ++--
 examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/main.c          | 4 ++--
 examples/ptpclient/ptpclient.c                           | 4 ++--
 examples/qos_meter/main.c                                | 4 ++--
 examples/qos_sched/main.h                                | 4 ++--
 examples/quota_watermark/include/conf.h                  | 4 ++--
 examples/rxtx_callbacks/main.c                           | 4 ++--
 examples/skeleton/basicfwd.c                             | 4 ++--
 examples/vm_power_manager/main.c                         | 4 ++--
 examples/vmdq/main.c                                     | 4 ++--
 examples/vmdq_dcb/main.c                                 | 4 ++--
 test/test/test_kni.c                                     | 4 ++--
 test/test/test_link_bonding.c                            | 4 ++--
 test/test/test_link_bonding_mode4.c                      | 4 ++--
 test/test/test_pmd_perf.c                                | 4 ++--
 38 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)


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