Signed-off-by: Ravi Kumar <>
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c       | 667 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h       |  22 ++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_pmd_ops.c      | 168 +++++++++
 lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h |  17 +
 4 files changed, 873 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c
index 31353ed..1290cdd 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c
@@ -89,6 +89,74 @@ uint64_t ccp_sha512_init[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE / 
sizeof(uint64_t)] = {
        SHA512_H1, SHA512_H0,
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define SHA3_CONST(x) x
+#define SHA3_CONST(x) x##L
+/** 'Words' here refers to uint64_t */
+       (((1600) / 8) / sizeof(uint64_t))
+typedef struct sha3_context_ {
+       uint64_t saved;
+       /**
+        * The portion of the input message that we
+        * didn't consume yet
+        */
+       union {
+               uint64_t s[SHA3_KECCAK_SPONGE_WORDS];
+               /* Keccak's state */
+               uint8_t sb[SHA3_KECCAK_SPONGE_WORDS * 8];
+               /**total 200 ctx size**/
+       };
+       unsigned int byteIndex;
+       /**
+        * 0..7--the next byte after the set one
+        * (starts from 0; 0--none are buffered)
+        */
+       unsigned int wordIndex;
+       /**
+        * 0..24--the next word to integrate input
+        * (starts from 0)
+        */
+       unsigned int capacityWords;
+       /**
+        * the double size of the hash output in
+        * words (e.g. 16 for Keccak 512)
+        */
+} sha3_context;
+#ifndef SHA3_ROTL64
+#define SHA3_ROTL64(x, y) \
+       (((x) << (y)) | ((x) >> ((sizeof(uint64_t)*8) - (y))))
+static const uint64_t keccakf_rndc[24] = {
+       SHA3_CONST(0x0000000000000001UL), SHA3_CONST(0x0000000000008082UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x800000000000808aUL), SHA3_CONST(0x8000000080008000UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x000000000000808bUL), SHA3_CONST(0x0000000080000001UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x8000000080008081UL), SHA3_CONST(0x8000000000008009UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x000000000000008aUL), SHA3_CONST(0x0000000000000088UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x0000000080008009UL), SHA3_CONST(0x000000008000000aUL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x000000008000808bUL), SHA3_CONST(0x800000000000008bUL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x8000000000008089UL), SHA3_CONST(0x8000000000008003UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x8000000000008002UL), SHA3_CONST(0x8000000000000080UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x000000000000800aUL), SHA3_CONST(0x800000008000000aUL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x8000000080008081UL), SHA3_CONST(0x8000000000008080UL),
+       SHA3_CONST(0x0000000080000001UL), SHA3_CONST(0x8000000080008008UL)
+static const unsigned int keccakf_rotc[24] = {
+       1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62,
+       18, 39, 61, 20, 44
+static const unsigned int keccakf_piln[24] = {
+       10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3, 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4, 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2, 20,
+       14, 22, 9, 6, 1
 static enum ccp_cmd_order
 ccp_get_cmd_id(const struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform)
@@ -173,6 +241,223 @@ static int partial_hash_sha512(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t 
        return 0;
+static void
+keccakf(uint64_t s[25])
+       int i, j, round;
+       uint64_t t, bc[5];
+#define KECCAK_ROUNDS 24
+       for (round = 0; round < KECCAK_ROUNDS; round++) {
+               /* Theta */
+               for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+                       bc[i] = s[i] ^ s[i + 5] ^ s[i + 10] ^ s[i + 15] ^
+                               s[i + 20];
+               for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+                       t = bc[(i + 4) % 5] ^ SHA3_ROTL64(bc[(i + 1) % 5], 1);
+                       for (j = 0; j < 25; j += 5)
+                               s[j + i] ^= t;
+               }
+               /* Rho Pi */
+               t = s[1];
+               for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
+                       j = keccakf_piln[i];
+                       bc[0] = s[j];
+                       s[j] = SHA3_ROTL64(t, keccakf_rotc[i]);
+                       t = bc[0];
+               }
+               /* Chi */
+               for (j = 0; j < 25; j += 5) {
+                       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+                               bc[i] = s[j + i];
+                       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+                               s[j + i] ^= (~bc[(i + 1) % 5]) &
+                                           bc[(i + 2) % 5];
+               }
+               /* Iota */
+               s[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[round];
+       }
+static void
+sha3_Init224(void *priv)
+       sha3_context *ctx = (sha3_context *) priv;
+       memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
+       ctx->capacityWords = 2 * 224 / (8 * sizeof(uint64_t));
+static void
+sha3_Init256(void *priv)
+       sha3_context *ctx = (sha3_context *) priv;
+       memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
+       ctx->capacityWords = 2 * 256 / (8 * sizeof(uint64_t));
+static void
+sha3_Init384(void *priv)
+       sha3_context *ctx = (sha3_context *) priv;
+       memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
+       ctx->capacityWords = 2 * 384 / (8 * sizeof(uint64_t));
+static void
+sha3_Init512(void *priv)
+       sha3_context *ctx = (sha3_context *) priv;
+       memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
+       ctx->capacityWords = 2 * 512 / (8 * sizeof(uint64_t));
+/* This is simply the 'update' with the padding block.
+ * The padding block is 0x01 || 0x00* || 0x80. First 0x01 and last 0x80
+ * bytes are always present, but they can be the same byte.
+ */
+static void
+sha3_Update(void *priv, void const *bufIn, size_t len)
+       sha3_context *ctx = (sha3_context *) priv;
+       unsigned int old_tail = (8 - ctx->byteIndex) & 7;
+       size_t words;
+       unsigned int tail;
+       size_t i;
+       const uint8_t *buf = bufIn;
+       if (len < old_tail) {
+               while (len--)
+                       ctx->saved |= (uint64_t) (*(buf++)) <<
+                                     ((ctx->byteIndex++) * 8);
+               return;
+       }
+       if (old_tail) {
+               len -= old_tail;
+               while (old_tail--)
+                       ctx->saved |= (uint64_t) (*(buf++)) <<
+                                     ((ctx->byteIndex++) * 8);
+               ctx->s[ctx->wordIndex] ^= ctx->saved;
+               ctx->byteIndex = 0;
+               ctx->saved = 0;
+               if (++ctx->wordIndex ==
+                  (SHA3_KECCAK_SPONGE_WORDS - ctx->capacityWords)) {
+                       keccakf(ctx->s);
+                       ctx->wordIndex = 0;
+               }
+       }
+       words = len / sizeof(uint64_t);
+       tail = len - words * sizeof(uint64_t);
+       for (i = 0; i < words; i++, buf += sizeof(uint64_t)) {
+               const uint64_t t = (uint64_t) (buf[0]) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[1]) << 8 * 1) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[2]) << 8 * 2) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[3]) << 8 * 3) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[4]) << 8 * 4) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[5]) << 8 * 5) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[6]) << 8 * 6) |
+                       ((uint64_t) (buf[7]) << 8 * 7);
+               ctx->s[ctx->wordIndex] ^= t;
+               if (++ctx->wordIndex ==
+                  (SHA3_KECCAK_SPONGE_WORDS - ctx->capacityWords)) {
+                       keccakf(ctx->s);
+                       ctx->wordIndex = 0;
+               }
+       }
+       while (tail--)
+               ctx->saved |= (uint64_t) (*(buf++)) << ((ctx->byteIndex++) * 8);
+int partial_hash_sha3_224(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out)
+       sha3_context *ctx;
+       int i;
+       ctx = rte_zmalloc("sha3-ctx", sizeof(sha3_context), 0);
+       if (!ctx) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("sha3-ctx creation failed");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       sha3_Init224(ctx);
+       sha3_Update(ctx, data_in, SHA3_224_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE; i++, data_out++)
+               *data_out = ctx->sb[CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - i - 1];
+       rte_free(ctx);
+       return 0;
+int partial_hash_sha3_256(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out)
+       sha3_context *ctx;
+       int i;
+       ctx = rte_zmalloc("sha3-ctx", sizeof(sha3_context), 0);
+       if (!ctx) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("sha3-ctx creation failed");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       sha3_Init256(ctx);
+       sha3_Update(ctx, data_in, SHA3_256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE; i++, data_out++)
+               *data_out = ctx->sb[CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - i - 1];
+       rte_free(ctx);
+       return 0;
+int partial_hash_sha3_384(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out)
+       sha3_context *ctx;
+       int i;
+       ctx = rte_zmalloc("sha3-ctx", sizeof(sha3_context), 0);
+       if (!ctx) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("sha3-ctx creation failed");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       sha3_Init384(ctx);
+       sha3_Update(ctx, data_in, SHA3_384_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE; i++, data_out++)
+               *data_out = ctx->sb[CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - i - 1];
+       rte_free(ctx);
+       return 0;
+int partial_hash_sha3_512(uint8_t *data_in, uint8_t *data_out)
+       sha3_context *ctx;
+       int i;
+       ctx = rte_zmalloc("sha3-ctx", sizeof(sha3_context), 0);
+       if (!ctx) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("sha3-ctx creation failed");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       sha3_Init512(ctx);
+       sha3_Update(ctx, data_in, SHA3_512_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE; i++, data_out++)
+               *data_out = ctx->sb[CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - i - 1];
+       rte_free(ctx);
+       return 0;
 static int generate_partial_hash(struct ccp_session *sess)
@@ -182,6 +467,7 @@ static int generate_partial_hash(struct ccp_session *sess)
        uint32_t *hash_value_be32, hash_temp32[8];
        uint64_t *hash_value_be64, hash_temp64[8];
        int i, count;
+       uint8_t *hash_value_sha3;
        opad_t = ipad_t = (uint8_t *)sess->auth.key;
@@ -225,6 +511,16 @@ static int generate_partial_hash(struct ccp_session *sess)
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++, hash_value_be32++)
                        *hash_value_be32 = hash_temp32[count - 1 - i];
                return 0;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224_HMAC:
+               hash_value_sha3 = sess->auth.pre_compute;
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_224(ipad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               hash_value_sha3 = (uint8_t *)(sess->auth.pre_compute
+                                              + sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_224(opad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               return 0;
        case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256_HMAC:
                count = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE >> 2;
@@ -240,6 +536,16 @@ static int generate_partial_hash(struct ccp_session *sess)
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++, hash_value_be32++)
                        *hash_value_be32 = hash_temp32[count - 1 - i];
                return 0;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256_HMAC:
+               hash_value_sha3 = sess->auth.pre_compute;
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_256(ipad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               hash_value_sha3 = (uint8_t *)(sess->auth.pre_compute
+                                             + sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_256(opad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               return 0;
        case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA384_HMAC:
                count = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE >> 3;
@@ -255,6 +561,16 @@ static int generate_partial_hash(struct ccp_session *sess)
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++, hash_value_be64++)
                        *hash_value_be64 = hash_temp64[count - 1 - i];
                return 0;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384_HMAC:
+               hash_value_sha3 = sess->auth.pre_compute;
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_384(ipad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               hash_value_sha3 = (uint8_t *)(sess->auth.pre_compute
+                                             + sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_384(opad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               return 0;
        case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA512_HMAC:
                count = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE >> 3;
@@ -270,6 +586,16 @@ static int generate_partial_hash(struct ccp_session *sess)
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++, hash_value_be64++)
                        *hash_value_be64 = hash_temp64[count - 1 - i];
                return 0;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512_HMAC:
+               hash_value_sha3 = sess->auth.pre_compute;
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_512(ipad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               hash_value_sha3 = (uint8_t *)(sess->auth.pre_compute
+                                             + sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               if (partial_hash_sha3_512(opad, hash_value_sha3))
+                       return -1;
+               return 0;
                CCP_LOG_ERR("Invalid auth algo");
                return -1;
@@ -510,6 +836,30 @@ ccp_configure_session_auth(struct ccp_session *sess,
                if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
                        return -1;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_224:
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_224;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               break;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_224_HMAC:
+               if (auth_xform->key.length > SHA3_224_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                       return -1;
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224_HMAC;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_224;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.block_size = SHA3_224_BLOCK_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.key_length = auth_xform->key.length;
+               memset(sess->auth.key, 0, sess->auth.block_size);
+               memset(sess->auth.pre_compute, 0, 2 * sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               rte_memcpy(sess->auth.key, auth_xform->,
+                          auth_xform->key.length);
+               if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
+                       return -1;
+               break;
        case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA256:
                sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256;
                sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
@@ -535,6 +885,30 @@ ccp_configure_session_auth(struct ccp_session *sess,
                if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
                        return -1;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_256:
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_256;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               break;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_256_HMAC:
+               if (auth_xform->key.length > SHA3_256_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                       return -1;
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256_HMAC;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_256;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.block_size = SHA3_256_BLOCK_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.key_length = auth_xform->key.length;
+               memset(sess->auth.key, 0, sess->auth.block_size);
+               memset(sess->auth.pre_compute, 0, 2 * sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               rte_memcpy(sess->auth.key, auth_xform->,
+                          auth_xform->key.length);
+               if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
+                       return -1;
+               break;
        case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA384:
                sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA384;
                sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
@@ -560,6 +934,30 @@ ccp_configure_session_auth(struct ccp_session *sess,
                if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
                        return -1;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_384:
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_384;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               break;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_384_HMAC:
+               if (auth_xform->key.length > SHA3_384_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                       return -1;
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384_HMAC;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_384;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.block_size = SHA3_384_BLOCK_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.key_length = auth_xform->key.length;
+               memset(sess->auth.key, 0, sess->auth.block_size);
+               memset(sess->auth.pre_compute, 0, 2 * sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               rte_memcpy(sess->auth.key, auth_xform->,
+                          auth_xform->key.length);
+               if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
+                       return -1;
+               break;
        case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA512:
                sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA512;
                sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
@@ -585,7 +983,30 @@ ccp_configure_session_auth(struct ccp_session *sess,
                if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
                        return -1;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_512:
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_512;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               break;
+       case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_512_HMAC:
+               if (auth_xform->key.length > SHA3_512_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                       return -1;
+               sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512_HMAC;
+               sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_SHA;
+               sess->auth.ut.sha_type = CCP_SHA3_TYPE_512;
+               sess->auth.ctx_len = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.offset = CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE - SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.block_size = SHA3_512_BLOCK_SIZE;
+               sess->auth.key_length = auth_xform->key.length;
+               memset(sess->auth.key, 0, sess->auth.block_size);
+               memset(sess->auth.pre_compute, 0, 2 * sess->auth.ctx_len);
+               rte_memcpy(sess->auth.key, auth_xform->,
+                          auth_xform->key.length);
+               if (generate_partial_hash(sess))
+                       return -1;
+               break;
                sess->auth.algo = CCP_AUTH_ALGO_AES_CMAC;
                sess->auth.engine = CCP_ENGINE_AES;
@@ -806,6 +1227,26 @@ ccp_auth_slot(struct ccp_session *session)
                 * 6. Retrieve HMAC output from LSB to host memory
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512:
+               count = 1;
+               /**< only op ctx and dst in host memory*/
+               break;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224_HMAC:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256_HMAC:
+               count = 3;
+               break;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384_HMAC:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512_HMAC:
+               count = 4;
+               /**
+                * 1. Op to Perform Ihash
+                * 2. Retrieve result from LSB to host memory
+                * 3. Perform final hash
+                */
+               break;
        case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_AES_CMAC:
                count = 4;
@@ -1196,6 +1637,213 @@ ccp_perform_sha(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
 static int
+ccp_perform_sha3_hmac(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
+                     struct ccp_queue *cmd_q)
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       struct ccp_passthru pst;
+       union ccp_function function;
+       struct ccp_desc *desc;
+       uint8_t *append_ptr;
+       uint32_t tail;
+       phys_addr_t src_addr, dest_addr, ctx_paddr, dest_addr_t;
+       session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                        op->sym->session,
+                                       ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       src_addr = rte_pktmbuf_mtophys_offset(op->sym->m_src,
+                                             op->sym->;
+       append_ptr = (uint8_t *)rte_pktmbuf_append(op->sym->m_src,
+                                               session->auth.ctx_len);
+       if (!append_ptr) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("CCP MBUF append failed\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       dest_addr = (phys_addr_t)rte_mem_virt2phy((void *)append_ptr);
+       dest_addr_t = dest_addr + (session->auth.ctx_len / 2);
+       ctx_paddr = (phys_addr_t)rte_mem_virt2phy((void
+                                                  *)session->auth.pre_compute);
+       desc = &cmd_q->qbase_desc[cmd_q->qidx];
+       memset(desc, 0, Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       /*desc1 for SHA3-Ihash operation */
+       CCP_CMD_INIT(desc) = 1;
+       CCP_CMD_EOM(desc) = 1;
+       function.raw = 0;
+       CCP_SHA_TYPE(&function) = session->auth.ut.sha_type;
+       CCP_CMD_FUNCTION(desc) = function.raw;
+       CCP_CMD_LEN(desc) = op->sym->;
+       CCP_CMD_SRC_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)src_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_SRC_HI(desc) = high32_value(src_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_DST_LO(desc) = (cmd_q->sb_sha * CCP_SB_BYTES);
+       CCP_CMD_DST_HI(desc) = 0;
+       CCP_CMD_KEY_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)ctx_paddr);
+       CCP_CMD_KEY_HI(desc) = high32_value(ctx_paddr);
+       cmd_q->qidx = (cmd_q->qidx + 1) % COMMANDS_PER_QUEUE;
+       rte_wmb();
+       tail = (uint32_t)(cmd_q->qbase_phys_addr + cmd_q->qidx * Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_TAIL_LO_BASE, tail);
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_CONTROL_BASE,
+                     cmd_q->qcontrol | CMD_Q_RUN);
+       /* Intermediate Hash value retrieve */
+       if ((session->auth.ut.sha_type == CCP_SHA3_TYPE_384) ||
+           (session->auth.ut.sha_type == CCP_SHA3_TYPE_512)) {
+               pst.src_addr =
+                       (phys_addr_t)((cmd_q->sb_sha + 1) * CCP_SB_BYTES);
+               pst.dest_addr = dest_addr_t;
+               pst.len = CCP_SB_BYTES;
+               pst.dir = 0;
+               pst.bit_mod = CCP_PASSTHRU_BITWISE_NOOP;
+               pst.byte_swap = CCP_PASSTHRU_BYTESWAP_256BIT;
+               ccp_perform_passthru(&pst, cmd_q);
+               pst.src_addr = (phys_addr_t)(cmd_q->sb_sha * CCP_SB_BYTES);
+               pst.dest_addr = dest_addr_t + CCP_SB_BYTES;
+               pst.len = CCP_SB_BYTES;
+               pst.dir = 0;
+               pst.bit_mod = CCP_PASSTHRU_BITWISE_NOOP;
+               pst.byte_swap = CCP_PASSTHRU_BYTESWAP_256BIT;
+               ccp_perform_passthru(&pst, cmd_q);
+       } else {
+               pst.src_addr = (phys_addr_t)(cmd_q->sb_sha * CCP_SB_BYTES);
+               pst.dest_addr = dest_addr_t;
+               pst.len = CCP_SB_BYTES;
+               pst.dir = 0;
+               pst.bit_mod = CCP_PASSTHRU_BITWISE_NOOP;
+               pst.byte_swap = CCP_PASSTHRU_BYTESWAP_256BIT;
+               ccp_perform_passthru(&pst, cmd_q);
+       }
+       /**sha engine command descriptor for FinalHash*/
+       ctx_paddr += CCP_SHA3_CTX_SIZE;
+       desc = &cmd_q->qbase_desc[cmd_q->qidx];
+       memset(desc, 0, Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       CCP_CMD_INIT(desc) = 1;
+       CCP_CMD_EOM(desc) = 1;
+       function.raw = 0;
+       CCP_SHA_TYPE(&function) = session->auth.ut.sha_type;
+       CCP_CMD_FUNCTION(desc) = function.raw;
+       if (session->auth.ut.sha_type == CCP_SHA3_TYPE_224) {
+               dest_addr_t += (CCP_SB_BYTES - SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE);
+               CCP_CMD_LEN(desc) = SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE;
+       } else if (session->auth.ut.sha_type == CCP_SHA3_TYPE_256) {
+               CCP_CMD_LEN(desc) = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+       } else if (session->auth.ut.sha_type == CCP_SHA3_TYPE_384) {
+               dest_addr_t += (2 * CCP_SB_BYTES - SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE);
+               CCP_CMD_LEN(desc) = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;
+       } else {
+               CCP_CMD_LEN(desc) = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE;
+       }
+       CCP_CMD_SRC_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)dest_addr_t);
+       CCP_CMD_SRC_HI(desc) = high32_value(dest_addr_t);
+       CCP_CMD_DST_LO(desc) = (uint32_t)dest_addr;
+       CCP_CMD_DST_HI(desc) = high32_value(dest_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_KEY_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)ctx_paddr);
+       CCP_CMD_KEY_HI(desc) = high32_value(ctx_paddr);
+       cmd_q->qidx = (cmd_q->qidx + 1) % COMMANDS_PER_QUEUE;
+       rte_wmb();
+       tail = (uint32_t)(cmd_q->qbase_phys_addr + cmd_q->qidx * Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_TAIL_LO_BASE, tail);
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_CONTROL_BASE,
+                     cmd_q->qcontrol | CMD_Q_RUN);
+       return 0;
+static int
+ccp_perform_sha3(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
+                struct ccp_queue *cmd_q)
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       union ccp_function function;
+       struct ccp_desc *desc;
+       uint8_t *ctx_addr, *append_ptr;
+       uint32_t tail;
+       phys_addr_t src_addr, dest_addr, ctx_paddr;
+       session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                        op->sym->session,
+                                       ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       src_addr = rte_pktmbuf_mtophys_offset(op->sym->m_src,
+                                             op->sym->;
+       append_ptr = (uint8_t *)rte_pktmbuf_append(op->sym->m_src,
+                                               session->auth.ctx_len);
+       if (!append_ptr) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("CCP MBUF append failed\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       dest_addr = (phys_addr_t)rte_mem_virt2phy((void *)append_ptr);
+       ctx_addr = session->auth.sha3_ctx;
+       ctx_paddr = (phys_addr_t)rte_mem_virt2phy((void *)ctx_addr);
+       desc = &cmd_q->qbase_desc[cmd_q->qidx];
+       memset(desc, 0, Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       /* prepare desc for SHA3 operation */
+       CCP_CMD_INIT(desc) = 1;
+       CCP_CMD_EOM(desc) = 1;
+       function.raw = 0;
+       CCP_SHA_TYPE(&function) = session->auth.ut.sha_type;
+       CCP_CMD_FUNCTION(desc) = function.raw;
+       CCP_CMD_LEN(desc) = op->sym->;
+       CCP_CMD_SRC_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)src_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_SRC_HI(desc) = high32_value(src_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_DST_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)dest_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_DST_HI(desc) = high32_value(dest_addr);
+       CCP_CMD_KEY_LO(desc) = ((uint32_t)ctx_paddr);
+       CCP_CMD_KEY_HI(desc) = high32_value(ctx_paddr);
+       cmd_q->qidx = (cmd_q->qidx + 1) % COMMANDS_PER_QUEUE;
+       rte_wmb();
+       tail = (uint32_t)(cmd_q->qbase_phys_addr + cmd_q->qidx * Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_TAIL_LO_BASE, tail);
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_CONTROL_BASE,
+                     cmd_q->qcontrol | CMD_Q_RUN);
+       return 0;
+static int
 ccp_perform_aes_cmac(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
                     struct ccp_queue *cmd_q)
@@ -1785,6 +2433,23 @@ ccp_crypto_auth(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
                result = ccp_perform_hmac(op, cmd_q);
                b_info->desccnt += 7;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512:
+               result = ccp_perform_sha3(op, cmd_q);
+               b_info->desccnt += 1;
+               break;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_224_HMAC:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_256_HMAC:
+               result = ccp_perform_sha3_hmac(op, cmd_q);
+               b_info->desccnt += 3;
+               break;
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_384_HMAC:
+       case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_SHA3_512_HMAC:
+               result = ccp_perform_sha3_hmac(op, cmd_q);
+               b_info->desccnt += 4;
+               break;
        case CCP_AUTH_ALGO_AES_CMAC:
                result = ccp_perform_aes_cmac(op, cmd_q);
                b_info->desccnt += 4;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h
index ca1c1a8..8459b71 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h
@@ -80,15 +80,19 @@
 #define SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE      28
 #define SHA224_BLOCK_SIZE       64
+#define SHA3_224_BLOCK_SIZE     144
 #define SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE      32
 #define SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE       64
+#define SHA3_256_BLOCK_SIZE     136
 #define SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE      48
 #define SHA384_BLOCK_SIZE       128
+#define SHA3_384_BLOCK_SIZE    104
 #define SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE      64
 #define SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE       128
+#define SHA3_512_BLOCK_SIZE     72
 /* SHA LSB intialiazation values */
@@ -386,4 +390,22 @@ int process_ops_to_dequeue(struct ccp_qp *qp,
                           struct rte_crypto_op **op,
                           uint16_t nb_ops);
+ * Apis for SHA3 partial hash generation
+ * @param data_in buffer pointer on which phash is applied
+ * @param data_out phash result in ccp be format is written
+ */
+int partial_hash_sha3_224(uint8_t *data_in,
+                         uint8_t *data_out);
+int partial_hash_sha3_256(uint8_t *data_in,
+                         uint8_t *data_out);
+int partial_hash_sha3_384(uint8_t *data_in,
+                         uint8_t *data_out);
+int partial_hash_sha3_512(uint8_t *data_in,
+                         uint8_t *data_out);
 #endif /* _CCP_CRYPTO_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_pmd_ops.c b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_pmd_ops.c
index ab6199f..bb59d15 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_pmd_ops.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_pmd_ops.c
@@ -123,6 +123,48 @@ static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities 
ccp_pmd_capabilities[] = {
                         }, }
                }, }
+       {       /* SHA3-224 */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_224,
+                                .block_size = 144,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 0,
+                                        .max = 0,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 28,
+                                        .max = 28,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* SHA3-224  HMAC*/
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_224_HMAC,
+                                .block_size = 144,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 1,
+                                        .max = 144,
+                                        .increment = 1
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 28,
+                                        .max = 28,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
        {       /* SHA256 */
                .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
                {.sym = {
@@ -165,6 +207,48 @@ static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities 
ccp_pmd_capabilities[] = {
                         }, }
                }, }
+       {       /* SHA3-256 */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_256,
+                                .block_size = 136,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 0,
+                                        .max = 0,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 32,
+                                        .max = 32,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* SHA3-256-HMAC */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_256_HMAC,
+                                .block_size = 136,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 1,
+                                        .max = 136,
+                                        .increment = 1
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 32,
+                                        .max = 32,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
        {       /* SHA384 */
                .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
                {.sym = {
@@ -207,6 +291,48 @@ static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities 
ccp_pmd_capabilities[] = {
                         }, }
                }, }
+       {       /* SHA3-384 */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_384,
+                                .block_size = 104,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 0,
+                                        .max = 0,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 48,
+                                        .max = 48,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* SHA3-384-HMAC */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_384_HMAC,
+                                .block_size = 104,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 1,
+                                        .max = 104,
+                                        .increment = 1
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 48,
+                                        .max = 48,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
        {       /* SHA512  */
                .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
                {.sym = {
@@ -249,6 +375,48 @@ static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities 
ccp_pmd_capabilities[] = {
                         }, }
                }, }
+       {       /* SHA3-512  */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_512,
+                                .block_size = 72,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 0,
+                                        .max = 0,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 64,
+                                        .max = 64,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                        }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* SHA3-512-HMAC  */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                                .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_512_HMAC,
+                                .block_size = 72,
+                                .key_size = {
+                                        .min = 1,
+                                        .max = 72,
+                                        .increment = 1
+                                },
+                                .digest_size = {
+                                        .min = 64,
+                                        .max = 64,
+                                        .increment = 0
+                                },
+                                .aad_size = { 0 }
+                       }, }
+               }, }
+       },
        {       /*AES-CMAC */
                .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
                {.sym = {
diff --git a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h 
index 60797e9..eb5afc5 100644
--- a/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h
+++ b/lib/librte_cryptodev/rte_crypto_sym.h
@@ -245,6 +245,23 @@ enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm {
        /**< ZUC algorithm in EIA3 mode */
+       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_224,
+       /**< 224 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       /**< HMAC using 224 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_256,
+       /**< 256 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       /**< HMAC using 256 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_384,
+       /**< 384 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       /**< HMAC using 384 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA3_512,
+       /**< 512 bit SHA3 algorithm. */
+       /**< HMAC using 512 bit SHA3 algorithm. */

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