The patches of TAP RSS eBPF follow the RFC on this issue

Pascal Mazon (1):
  net/tap: add BPF sections for TAP device
  This commit introduces BPF program (tap_bpf_program.c)
  with different sections which should be loaded to the kernel in BPF
  architecture format.
  BPF code compilation is not part of dpdk compilation.
  This commit also adds a skeleton for the RAP RSS implementation

Ophir Munk (2):
  net/tap: add eBPF instructions
  This commit adds eBPF machine instructions as part of dkdk compilation
  in the format of C arrays. This approach is currently under review with
  regard to:
  - licensing
  - Ability to update a BPF program and download new machine code

  net/tap: add eBPF classifiers map and actions
  This commit builds and sends netlink messages to the kernel that include BPF
  classifiers and actions.

  When using BPF system call to load code to the kernel a license name
  must be specified. The license name is currently set to "Dual BSD/GPL".
  Please note licensing in general is under review and is not adderessed in
  this patch.

 doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow_tap.rst |  962 ++++++
 drivers/net/tap/Makefile               |    7 +-
 drivers/net/tap/rte_eth_tap.h          |    9 +-
 drivers/net/tap/tap_bpf_insns.c        | 5460 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/tap/tap_bpf_program.c      |  321 ++
 drivers/net/tap/tap_bpf_shared.h       |   56 +
 drivers/net/tap/tap_flow.c             |  613 +++-
 7 files changed, 7323 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow_tap.rst
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/tap/tap_bpf_insns.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/tap/tap_bpf_program.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/tap/tap_bpf_shared.h


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