On 11/10/2017 11:14 AM, Ananyev, Konstantin wrote:
> Agree with Adrian here - the patch doesn't fix the problem in any case,

I would agree with you if it were possible to assume one can fully
isolate a CPU on Linux... but it is not...


is still an open issue, and the reason why it is an open issue is the
kernel threads that need to run on every CPU, mainly when using the
PREEMPT_RT, which turns almost everything on threads.

> while introducing an unnecessary slowdown in testpmd iofwd mode.
> Please think up some other approach.

The other approach is to increase the priority of all other threads that
run on the isolate CPU. But that is not a good idea at all, as the other
threads might preempt the busy-loop thread at the worst possible moment.

Using the knowledge of the thread about when it is the best time to give
a chance for other threads to run would be a smarter decision.

-- Daniel

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