This patch updates the HWRM API to version 1.8.2

Signed-off-by: Ajit Khaparde <>
v1->v2: Trim down the patch size to avoid unused structures
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c         |    2 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c           |    2 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_rxr.c            |    4 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h | 1406 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 856 insertions(+), 558 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
index d3da30189..78c4e1ddc 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
@@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@ bnxt_rx_queue_count_op(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t 
                        goto nothing_to_do;
                valid = FLIP_VALID(cons, cpr->cp_ring_struct->ring_mask, valid);
                cmp_type = CMP_TYPE(rxcmp);
-               if (cmp_type == RX_PKT_CMPL_TYPE_RX_L2_TPA_END) {
+               if (cmp_type == RX_TPA_END_CMPL_TYPE_RX_TPA_END) {
                        cmp = (rte_le_to_cpu_32(
                                        ((struct rx_tpa_end_cmpl *)
                                         (rxcmp))->agg_bufs_v1) &
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
index 0e96d3c4d..c130ce884 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ static int bnxt_hwrm_port_phy_qcfg(struct bnxt *bp,
                (link_info->phy_link_status ==
                 HWRM_PORT_PHY_QCFG_OUTPUT_LINK_LINK) ? 1 : 0;
        link_info->link_speed = rte_le_to_cpu_16(resp->link_speed);
-       link_info->duplex = resp->duplex;
+       link_info->duplex = resp->duplex_cfg;
        link_info->pause = resp->pause;
        link_info->auto_pause = resp->auto_pause;
        link_info->force_pause = resp->force_pause;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_rxr.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_rxr.c
index 153ca93ed..d9621e593 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_rxr.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_rxr.c
@@ -410,12 +410,12 @@ static int bnxt_rx_pkt(struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkt,
        cmp_type = CMP_TYPE(rxcmp);
-       if (cmp_type == RX_PKT_CMPL_TYPE_RX_L2_TPA_START) {
+       if (cmp_type == RX_TPA_START_CMPL_TYPE_RX_TPA_START) {
                bnxt_tpa_start(rxq, (struct rx_tpa_start_cmpl *)rxcmp,
                               (struct rx_tpa_start_cmpl_hi *)rxcmp1);
                rc = -EINVAL; /* Continue w/o new mbuf */
                goto next_rx;
-       } else if (cmp_type == RX_PKT_CMPL_TYPE_RX_L2_TPA_END) {
+       } else if (cmp_type == RX_TPA_END_CMPL_TYPE_RX_TPA_END) {
                mbuf = bnxt_tpa_end(rxq, &tmp_raw_cons,
                                   (struct rx_tpa_end_cmpl *)rxcmp,
                                   (struct rx_tpa_end_cmpl_hi *)rxcmp1);
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h 
index 1b35466a9..c16edbadb 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h
@@ -33,25 +33,27 @@
-/* HSI and HWRM Specification 1.7.7 */
+/* HSI and HWRM Specification 1.8.2 */
 #define HWRM_VERSION_MAJOR     1
-#define HWRM_VERSION_MINOR     7
+#define HWRM_VERSION_MINOR     8
-#define HWRM_VERSION_STR       "1.7.7"
+#define HWRM_VERSION_RSVD      0 /* non-zero means beta version */
+#define HWRM_VERSION_STR       ""
  * Following is the signature for HWRM message field that indicates not
  * applicable  (All F's). Need to cast it the size of the field if needed.
 #define HWRM_NA_SIGNATURE      ((uint32_t)(-1))
 #define HWRM_MAX_REQ_LEN       (128)  /* hwrm_func_buf_rgtr */
-#define HWRM_MAX_RESP_LEN      (248)  /* hwrm_selftest_qlist */
+#define HWRM_MAX_RESP_LEN      (280)  /* hwrm_selftest_qlist */
 #define HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE      0x80   /* 7 bit indirection table index. */
 #define HW_HASH_KEY_SIZE       40
 #define HWRM_RESP_VALID_KEY    1 /* valid key for HWRM response */
  * Request types
@@ -818,8 +820,6 @@ struct rx_pkt_cmpl {
         * packet. Length = 32B
        #define RX_PKT_CMPL_TYPE_RX_L2                  UINT32_C(0x11)
-       #define RX_PKT_CMPL_TYPE_RX_L2_TPA_START        UINT32_C(0x13)
-       #define RX_PKT_CMPL_TYPE_RX_L2_TPA_END          UINT32_C(0x15)
         * When this bit is '1', it indicates a packet that has an error
         * of some type. Type of error is indicated in error_flags.
@@ -1803,6 +1803,8 @@ struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl {
        /* VF Configuration Change */
+       /* LLFC/PFC Configuration Change */
        /* HWRM Error */
        #define HWRM_ASYNC_EVENT_CMPL_EVENT_ID_HWRM_ERROR       UINT32_C(0xff)
        uint32_t event_data2;
@@ -2120,9 +2122,18 @@ struct hwrm_ver_get_output {
         * This field returns the default request timeout value in
         * milliseconds.
+       uint8_t init_pending;
+       /*
+        * This field will indicate if any subsystems is not fully
+        * initialized.
+        */
+       /*
+        * If set to 1, device is not ready. If set to 0, device is
+        * ready to accept all HWRM commands.
+        */
        uint8_t unused_0;
        uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint8_t unused_2;
        uint8_t valid;
         * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
@@ -2249,6 +2260,122 @@ struct hwrm_func_reset_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_func_vf_cfg */
+ * Description: This command allows configuration of a VF by its driver. If 
+ * function is called by a PF driver, then the HWRM shall fail this command. If
+ * guest VLAN and/or MAC address are provided in this command, then the HWRM
+ * shall set up appropriate MAC/VLAN filters for the VF that is being
+ * configured. A VF driver should set VF MTU/MRU using this command prior to
+ * allocating RX VNICs or TX rings for the corresponding VF.
+ */
+/* Input (32 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_func_vf_cfg_input {
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format for the
+        * rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
+       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request will be
+        * optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no CR completion
+        * will be generated. Any other value must be a valid CR ring_id value
+        * for this function.
+        */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
+       uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function ids
+        * 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF - HWRM
+        */
+       uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written when the
+        * request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned and must be
+        * cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
+       uint32_t enables;
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the mtu field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_FUNC_VF_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_MTU                 UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the guest_vlan field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_FUNC_VF_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_GUEST_VLAN          UINT32_C(0x2)
+       /*
+        * This bit must be '1' for the async_event_cr field to be configured.
+        */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the dflt_mac_addr field to be configured. */
+       uint16_t mtu;
+       /*
+        * The maximum transmission unit requested on the function. The HWRM
+        * should make sure that the mtu of the function does not exceed the mtu
+        * of the physical port that this function is associated with. In
+        * addition to requesting mtu per function, it is possible to configure
+        * mtu per transmit ring. By default, the mtu of each transmit ring
+        * associated with a function is equal to the mtu of the function. The
+        * HWRM should make sure that the mtu of each transmit ring that is
+        * assigned to a function has a valid mtu.
+        */
+       uint16_t guest_vlan;
+       /*
+        * The guest VLAN for the function being configured. This field's format
+        * is same as 802.1Q Tag's Tag Control Information (TCI) format that
+        * includes both Priority Code Point (PCP) and VLAN Identifier (VID).
+        */
+       uint16_t async_event_cr;
+       /*
+        * ID of the target completion ring for receiving asynchronous event
+        * completions. If this field is not valid, then the HWRM shall use the
+        * default completion ring of the function that is being configured as
+        * the target completion ring for providing any asynchronous event
+        * completions for that function. If this field is valid, then the HWRM
+        * shall use the completion ring identified by this ID as the target
+        * completion ring for providing any asynchronous event completions for
+        * the function that is being configured.
+        */
+       uint8_t dflt_mac_addr[6];
+       /*
+        * This value is the current MAC address requested by the VF driver to
+        * be configured on this VF. A value of 00-00-00-00-00-00 indicates no
+        * MAC address configuration is requested by the VF driver. The parent
+        * PF driver may reject or overwrite this MAC address.
+        */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* Output (16 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_func_vf_cfg_output {
+       uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in parameters,
+        * and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
+       uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
+        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
+        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
+        */
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint8_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_3;
+       uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output is
+        * completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1' to
+        * indicate that the output has been completely written. When writing a
+        * command completion or response to an internal processor, the order of
+        * writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+        */
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_func_qcaps */
  * Description: This command returns capabilities of a function. The input FID
@@ -2730,8 +2857,16 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcfg_output {
        uint16_t dflt_vnic_id;
        /* The default VNIC ID assigned to a function that is being queried. */
-       uint8_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint16_t max_mtu_configured;
+       /*
+        * This value specifies the MAX MTU that can be configured by
+        * host drivers. This 'max_mtu_configure' can be HW max MTU or
+        * OEM applications specified value. Host drivers can't
+        * configure the MTU greater than this value. Host drivers
+        * should read this value prior to configuring the MTU. FW will
+        * fail the host request with MTU greater than
+        * 'max_mtu_configured'.
+        */
        uint32_t min_bw;
         * Minimum BW allocated for this function. The HWRM will
@@ -2829,7 +2964,7 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcfg_output {
        #define HWRM_FUNC_QCFG_OUTPUT_EVB_MODE_VEB      UINT32_C(0x1)
        /* Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator     (VEPA) */
        #define HWRM_FUNC_QCFG_OUTPUT_EVB_MODE_VEPA     UINT32_C(0x2)
-       uint8_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_0;
        uint16_t alloc_vfs;
         * The number of VFs that are allocated to the function. This is
@@ -2849,7 +2984,7 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcfg_output {
         * The number of strict priority transmit rings out of currently
         * allocated TX rings to the function   (alloc_tx_rings).
-       uint8_t unused_3;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
        uint8_t valid;
         * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
@@ -3202,6 +3337,14 @@ struct hwrm_func_cfg_input {
+       /*
+        * This bit requests that the firmware test to see if all the
+        * assets requested in this command (i.e. number of TX rings)
+        * are available. The firmware will return an error if the
+        * requested assets are not available. The firwmare will NOT
+        * reserve the assets if they are available.
+        */
        uint32_t enables;
        /* This bit must be '1' for the mtu field to be configured. */
@@ -4239,123 +4382,6 @@ struct hwrm_func_buf_unrgtr_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_func_vf_cfg */
- * Description: This command allows configuration of a VF by its driver. If 
- * function is called by a PF driver, then the HWRM shall fail this command. If
- * guest VLAN and/or MAC address are provided in this command, then the HWRM
- * shall set up appropriate MAC/VLAN filters for the VF that is being
- * configured. A VF driver should set VF MTU/MRU using this command prior to
- * allocating RX VNICs or TX rings for the corresponding VF.
- */
-/* Input (32 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_func_vf_cfg_input {
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format for the
-        * rest of the command is determined by this field.
-        */
-       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request will be
-        * optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no CR completion
-        * will be generated. Any other value must be a valid CR ring_id value
-        * for this function.
-        */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
-       uint16_t target_id;
-       /*
-        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function ids
-        * 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF - HWRM
-        */
-       uint64_t resp_addr;
-       /*
-        * This is the host address where the response will be written when the
-        * request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned and must be
-        * cleared to zero before the request is made.
-        */
-       uint32_t enables;
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the mtu field to be configured. */
-       #define HWRM_FUNC_VF_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_MTU                 UINT32_C(0x1)
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the guest_vlan field to be configured. */
-       #define HWRM_FUNC_VF_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_GUEST_VLAN          UINT32_C(0x2)
-       /*
-        * This bit must be '1' for the async_event_cr field to be configured.
-        */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the dflt_mac_addr field to be configured. */
-       uint16_t mtu;
-       /*
-        * The maximum transmission unit requested on the function. The HWRM
-        * should make sure that the mtu of the function does not exceed the mtu
-        * of the physical port that this function is associated with. In
-        * addition to requesting mtu per function, it is possible to configure
-        * mtu per transmit ring. By default, the mtu of each transmit ring
-        * associated with a function is equal to the mtu of the function. The
-        * HWRM should make sure that the mtu of each transmit ring that is
-        * assigned to a function has a valid mtu.
-        */
-       uint16_t guest_vlan;
-       /*
-        * The guest VLAN for the function being configured. This field's format
-        * is same as 802.1Q Tag's Tag Control Information (TCI) format that
-        * includes both Priority Code Point (PCP) and VLAN Identifier (VID).
-        */
-       uint16_t async_event_cr;
-       /*
-        * ID of the target completion ring for receiving asynchronous event
-        * completions. If this field is not valid, then the HWRM shall use the
-        * default completion ring of the function that is being configured as
-        * the target completion ring for providing any asynchronous event
-        * completions for that function. If this field is valid, then the HWRM
-        * shall use the completion ring identified by this ID as the target
-        * completion ring for providing any asynchronous event completions for
-        * the function that is being configured.
-        */
-       uint8_t dflt_mac_addr[6];
-       /*
-        * This value is the current MAC address requested by the VF driver to
-        * be configured on this VF. A value of 00-00-00-00-00-00 indicates no
-        * MAC address configuration is requested by the VF driver. The parent
-        * PF driver may reject or overwrite this MAC address.
-        */
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Output (16 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_func_vf_cfg_output {
-       uint16_t error_code;
-       /*
-        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in parameters,
-        * and fail the call with an error when appropriate
-        */
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
-       uint16_t resp_len;
-       /*
-        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
-        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
-        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
-        */
-       uint32_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint8_t unused_2;
-       uint8_t unused_3;
-       uint8_t valid;
-       /*
-        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output is
-        * completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1' to
-        * indicate that the output has been completely written. When writing a
-        * command completion or response to an internal processor, the order of
-        * writes has to be such that this field is written last.
-        */
-} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_port_phy_cfg */
  * Description: This command configures the PHY device for the port. It allows
@@ -4920,12 +4946,12 @@ struct hwrm_port_phy_qcfg_output {
        #define HWRM_PORT_PHY_QCFG_OUTPUT_LINK_SPEED_100GB      UINT32_C(0x3e8)
        /* 10Mb link speed */
        #define HWRM_PORT_PHY_QCFG_OUTPUT_LINK_SPEED_10MB       UINT32_C(0xffff)
-       uint8_t duplex;
+       uint8_t duplex_cfg;
        /* This value is indicates the duplex of the current connection. */
        /* Half Duplex connection. */
        /* Full duplex connection. */
        uint8_t pause;
         * This value is used to indicate the current pause
@@ -5253,6 +5279,11 @@ struct hwrm_port_phy_qcfg_output {
        /* 40G_ACTIVE_CABLE */
+       /* 1G_baseSX */
+       /* 1G_baseCX */
        uint8_t media_type;
        /* This value represents a media type. */
        /* Unknown */
@@ -5579,8 +5610,16 @@ struct hwrm_port_phy_qcfg_output {
+       uint8_t duplex_state;
+       /*
+        * This value is indicates the duplex of the current connection
+        * state.
+        */
+       /* Half Duplex connection. */
+       /* Full duplex connection. */
        uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint8_t unused_2;
        char phy_vendor_name[16];
         * Up to 16 bytes of null padded ASCII string representing PHY
@@ -5594,10 +5633,10 @@ struct hwrm_port_phy_qcfg_output {
         * to null, then the vendor specific part number is not
         * available.
-       uint32_t unused_3;
+       uint32_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_3;
        uint8_t unused_4;
        uint8_t unused_5;
-       uint8_t unused_6;
        uint8_t valid;
         * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
@@ -7317,6 +7356,14 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_cfg_input {
         * that is used for computing RSS hash only.
        #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_RSS_DFLT_CR_MODE      UINT32_C(0x20)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC is being configured to receive
+        * both RoCE and non-RoCE traffic, but forward only the RoCE
+        * traffic further. Also, RoCE traffic can be mirrored to L2
+        * driver.
+        */
+       UINT32_C(0x40)
        uint32_t enables;
         * This bit must be '1' for the dflt_ring_grp field to be
@@ -7526,6 +7573,13 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_qcfg_output {
         * is not configured.
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC is configured to receive both
+        * RoCE and non-RoCE traffic, but forward only RoCE traffic
+        * further. Also RoCE traffic can be mirrored to L2 driver.
+        */
+       UINT32_C(0x40)
        uint32_t unused_2;
        uint8_t unused_3;
        uint8_t unused_4;
@@ -7541,6 +7595,183 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_qcfg_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg */
+/* Description: This function is used to enable/configure TPA on the VNIC. */
+/* Input       (40 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg_input {
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
+        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
+       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
+        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
+        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
+        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
+        */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
+       uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
+        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
+        * - HWRM
+        */
+       uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written
+        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
+        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
+       uint32_t flags;
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
+        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) of non-tunneled TCP
+        * packets.
+        */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_TPA       UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
+        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) of tunneled TCP packets.
+        */
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
+        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) according to Windows
+        * Receive Segment Coalescing   (RSC) rules.
+        */
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
+        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) according to Linux
+        * Generic Receive Offload      (GRO) rules.
+        */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_GRO       UINT32_C(0x8)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
+        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) for TCP packets with IP
+        * ECN set to non-zero.
+        */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_AGG_WITH_ECN      UINT32_C(0x10)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
+        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) for GRE tunneled TCP
+        * packets only if all packets have the same GRE sequence.
+        */
+               UINT32_C(0x20)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1' and the GRO mode is enabled, the VNIC
+        * shall be configured to perform transparent packet aggregation
+        *      (TPA) for TCP/IPv4 packets with consecutively increasing
+        * IPIDs. In other words, the last packet that is being
+        * aggregated to an already existing aggregation context shall
+        * have IPID 1 more than the IPID of the last packet that was
+        * aggregated in that aggregation context.
+        */
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1' and the GRO mode is enabled, the VNIC
+        * shall be configured to perform transparent packet aggregation
+        *      (TPA) for TCP packets with the same TTL (IPv4) or Hop limit
+        *      (IPv6) value.
+        */
+       uint32_t enables;
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the max_agg_segs field to be configured. */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the max_aggs field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_MAX_AGGS        UINT32_C(0x2)
+       /*
+        * This bit must be '1' for the max_agg_timer field to be
+        * configured.
+        */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the min_agg_len field to be configured. */
+       uint16_t vnic_id;
+       /* Logical vnic ID */
+       uint16_t max_agg_segs;
+       /*
+        * This is the maximum number of TCP segments that can be
+        * aggregated   (unit is Log2). Max value is 31.
+        */
+       /* 1 segment */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_1  UINT32_C(0x0)
+       /* 2 segments */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_2  UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /* 4 segments */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_4  UINT32_C(0x2)
+       /* 8 segments */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_8  UINT32_C(0x3)
+       /* Any segment size larger than this is not valid */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_MAX        UINT32_C(0x1f)
+       uint16_t max_aggs;
+       /*
+        * This is the maximum number of aggregations this VNIC is
+        * allowed      (unit is Log2). Max value is 7
+        */
+       /* 1 aggregation */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_1      UINT32_C(0x0)
+       /* 2 aggregations */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_2      UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /* 4 aggregations */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_4      UINT32_C(0x2)
+       /* 8 aggregations */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_8      UINT32_C(0x3)
+       /* 16 aggregations */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_16     UINT32_C(0x4)
+       /* Any aggregation size larger than this is not valid */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_MAX    UINT32_C(0x7)
+       uint8_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint32_t max_agg_timer;
+       /*
+        * This is the maximum amount of time allowed for an aggregation
+        * context to complete after it was initiated.
+        */
+       uint32_t min_agg_len;
+       /*
+        * This is the minimum amount of payload length required to
+        * start an aggregation context.
+        */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* Output      (16 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg_output {
+       uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
+        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
+       uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
+        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
+        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
+        */
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint8_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_3;
+       uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
+        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
+        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
+        * this field is written last.
+        */
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg */
 /* Description: This function is used to enable RSS configuration. */
 /* Input       (48 bytes) */
@@ -7654,7 +7885,6 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_output {
  * the VNIC.
 /* Input (40 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_cfg_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
@@ -7773,7 +8003,6 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_cfg_input {
 } __attribute__((packed));
 /* Output (16 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_cfg_output {
        uint16_t error_code;
@@ -7810,7 +8039,6 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_cfg_output {
  * of the VNIC.
 /* Input (24 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_qcfg_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
@@ -7843,7 +8071,6 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_qcfg_input {
 } __attribute__((packed));
 /* Output (24 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_vnic_plcmodes_qcfg_output {
        uint16_t error_code;
@@ -8068,10 +8295,12 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cos_lb_ctx_free_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg */
-/* Description: This function is used to enable/configure TPA on the VNIC. */
-/* Input       (40 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg_input {
+/* hwrm_ring_alloc */
+ * Description: This command allocates and does basic preparation for a ring.
+ */
+/* Input       (80 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_ring_alloc_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
         * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
@@ -8098,233 +8327,55 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg_input {
         * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
         * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
-       uint32_t flags;
+       uint32_t enables;
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the Reserved1 field to be configured. */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the ring_arb_cfg field to be configured. */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the Reserved3 field to be configured. */
-        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
-        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) of non-tunneled TCP
-        * packets.
+        * This bit must be '1' for the stat_ctx_id_valid field to be
+        * configured.
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_TPA       UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the Reserved4 field to be configured. */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the max_bw_valid field to be configured. */
+       uint8_t ring_type;
+       /* Ring Type. */
+       /* L2 Completion Ring   (CR) */
+       /* TX Ring      (TR) */
+       #define HWRM_RING_ALLOC_INPUT_RING_TYPE_TX      UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /* RX Ring      (RR) */
+       #define HWRM_RING_ALLOC_INPUT_RING_TYPE_RX      UINT32_C(0x2)
+       /* RoCE Notification Completion Ring    (ROCE_CR) */
+       uint8_t unused_0;
+       uint16_t unused_1;
+       uint64_t page_tbl_addr;
+       /* This value is a pointer to the page table for the Ring. */
+       uint32_t fbo;
+       /* First Byte Offset of the first entry in the first page. */
+       uint8_t page_size;
-        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
-        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) of tunneled TCP packets.
+        * Actual page size in 2^page_size. The supported range is
+        * increments in powers of 2 from 16 bytes to 1GB. - 4 = 16 B
+        * Page size is 16 B. - 12 = 4 KB Page size is 4 KB. - 13 = 8 KB
+        * Page size is 8 KB. - 16 = 64 KB Page size is 64 KB. - 21 = 2
+        * MB Page size is 2 MB. - 22 = 4 MB Page size is 4 MB. - 30 = 1
+        * GB Page size is 1 GB.
+       uint8_t page_tbl_depth;
-        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
-        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) according to Windows
-        * Receive Segment Coalescing   (RSC) rules.
-        */
-       /*
-        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
-        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) according to Linux
-        * Generic Receive Offload      (GRO) rules.
-        */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_GRO       UINT32_C(0x8)
-       /*
-        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
-        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) for TCP packets with IP
-        * ECN set to non-zero.
-        */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_AGG_WITH_ECN      UINT32_C(0x10)
-       /*
-        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC shall be configured to perform
-        * transparent packet aggregation       (TPA) for GRE tunneled TCP
-        * packets only if all packets have the same GRE sequence.
-        */
-               UINT32_C(0x20)
-       /*
-        * When this bit is '1' and the GRO mode is enabled, the VNIC
-        * shall be configured to perform transparent packet aggregation
-        *      (TPA) for TCP/IPv4 packets with consecutively increasing
-        * IPIDs. In other words, the last packet that is being
-        * aggregated to an already existing aggregation context shall
-        * have IPID 1 more than the IPID of the last packet that was
-        * aggregated in that aggregation context.
-        */
-       /*
-        * When this bit is '1' and the GRO mode is enabled, the VNIC
-        * shall be configured to perform transparent packet aggregation
-        *      (TPA) for TCP packets with the same TTL (IPv4) or Hop limit
-        *      (IPv6) value.
-        */
-       uint32_t enables;
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the max_agg_segs field to be configured. */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the max_aggs field to be configured. */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_MAX_AGGS        UINT32_C(0x2)
-       /*
-        * This bit must be '1' for the max_agg_timer field to be
-        * configured.
-        */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the min_agg_len field to be configured. */
-       uint16_t vnic_id;
-       /* Logical vnic ID */
-       uint16_t max_agg_segs;
-       /*
-        * This is the maximum number of TCP segments that can be
-        * aggregated   (unit is Log2). Max value is 31.
-        */
-       /* 1 segment */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_1  UINT32_C(0x0)
-       /* 2 segments */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_2  UINT32_C(0x1)
-       /* 4 segments */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_4  UINT32_C(0x2)
-       /* 8 segments */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_8  UINT32_C(0x3)
-       /* Any segment size larger than this is not valid */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGG_SEGS_MAX        UINT32_C(0x1f)
-       uint16_t max_aggs;
-       /*
-        * This is the maximum number of aggregations this VNIC is
-        * allowed      (unit is Log2). Max value is 7
-        */
-       /* 1 aggregation */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_1      UINT32_C(0x0)
-       /* 2 aggregations */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_2      UINT32_C(0x1)
-       /* 4 aggregations */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_4      UINT32_C(0x2)
-       /* 8 aggregations */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_8      UINT32_C(0x3)
-       /* 16 aggregations */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_16     UINT32_C(0x4)
-       /* Any aggregation size larger than this is not valid */
-       #define HWRM_VNIC_TPA_CFG_INPUT_MAX_AGGS_MAX    UINT32_C(0x7)
-       uint8_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint32_t max_agg_timer;
-       /*
-        * This is the maximum amount of time allowed for an aggregation
-        * context to complete after it was initiated.
-        */
-       uint32_t min_agg_len;
-       /*
-        * This is the minimum amount of payload length required to
-        * start an aggregation context.
-        */
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Output      (16 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg_output {
-       uint16_t error_code;
-       /*
-        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
-        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
-        */
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
-       uint16_t resp_len;
-       /*
-        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
-        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
-        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
-        */
-       uint32_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint8_t unused_2;
-       uint8_t unused_3;
-       uint8_t valid;
-       /*
-        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
-        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
-        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
-        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
-        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
-        * this field is written last.
-        */
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_ring_alloc */
- * Description: This command allocates and does basic preparation for a ring.
- */
-/* Input       (80 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_ring_alloc_input {
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
-        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
-        */
-       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
-        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
-        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
-        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
-        */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
-       uint16_t target_id;
-       /*
-        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
-        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
-        * - HWRM
-        */
-       uint64_t resp_addr;
-       /*
-        * This is the host address where the response will be written
-        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
-        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
-        */
-       uint32_t enables;
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the Reserved1 field to be configured. */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the ring_arb_cfg field to be configured. */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the Reserved3 field to be configured. */
-       /*
-        * This bit must be '1' for the stat_ctx_id_valid field to be
-        * configured.
-        */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the Reserved4 field to be configured. */
-       /* This bit must be '1' for the max_bw_valid field to be configured. */
-       uint8_t ring_type;
-       /* Ring Type. */
-       /* L2 Completion Ring   (CR) */
-       /* TX Ring      (TR) */
-       #define HWRM_RING_ALLOC_INPUT_RING_TYPE_TX      UINT32_C(0x1)
-       /* RX Ring      (RR) */
-       #define HWRM_RING_ALLOC_INPUT_RING_TYPE_RX      UINT32_C(0x2)
-       /* RoCE Notification Completion Ring    (ROCE_CR) */
-       uint8_t unused_0;
-       uint16_t unused_1;
-       uint64_t page_tbl_addr;
-       /* This value is a pointer to the page table for the Ring. */
-       uint32_t fbo;
-       /* First Byte Offset of the first entry in the first page. */
-       uint8_t page_size;
-       /*
-        * Actual page size in 2^page_size. The supported range is
-        * increments in powers of 2 from 16 bytes to 1GB. - 4 = 16 B
-        * Page size is 16 B. - 12 = 4 KB Page size is 4 KB. - 13 = 8 KB
-        * Page size is 8 KB. - 16 = 64 KB Page size is 64 KB. - 21 = 2
-        * MB Page size is 2 MB. - 22 = 4 MB Page size is 4 MB. - 30 = 1
-        * GB Page size is 1 GB.
-        */
-       uint8_t page_tbl_depth;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates the depth of page table. For this
-        * version of the specification, value other than 0 or 1 shall
-        * be considered as an invalid value. When the page_tbl_depth =
-        * 0, then it is treated as a special case with the following.
-        * 1. FBO and page size fields are not valid. 2. page_tbl_addr
-        * is the physical address of the first element of the ring.
+        * This value indicates the depth of page table. For this
+        * version of the specification, value other than 0 or 1 shall
+        * be considered as an invalid value. When the page_tbl_depth =
+        * 0, then it is treated as a special case with the following.
+        * 1. FBO and page size fields are not valid. 2. page_tbl_addr
+        * is the physical address of the first element of the ring.
        uint8_t unused_2;
        uint8_t unused_3;
@@ -9049,6 +9100,12 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_l2_filter_alloc_input {
         * datagram payload
+       /*
+        * IPV4 over virtual eXtensible Local Area
+        * Network (IPV4oVXLAN)
+        */
+               UINT32_C(0x9)
        /* Any tunneled traffic */
@@ -9474,44 +9531,142 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_l2_set_rx_mask_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc */
- * Description: This is a ntuple filter that uses fields from L4/L3 header and
- * optionally fields from L2. The ntuple filters apply to receive traffic only.
- * All L2/L3/L4 header fields are specified in network byte order. These 
- * can be used for Receive Flow Steering (RFS). # For ethertype value, only
- * 0x0800 (IPv4) and 0x86dd (IPv6) shall be supported for ntuple filters. # If 
- * field specified in this command is not enabled as a valid field, then that
- * field shall not be used in matching packet header fields against this 
- */
-/* Input       (128 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc_input {
+/* Command specific Error Codes (8 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_l2_set_rx_mask_cmd_err {
+       uint8_t code;
+       /*
+        * command specific error codes that goes to the cmd_err field
+        * in Common HWRM Error Response.
+        */
+       /* Unknown error */
+       /*
+        * Unable to complete operation due to conflict
+        * with Ntuple Filter
+        */
+       #define \
+       UINT32_C(0x1)
+       uint8_t unused_0[7];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_cfa_vlan_antispoof_cfg */
+/* Description: Configures vlan anti-spoof filters for VF. */
+/* Input (32 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_vlan_antispoof_cfg_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
-        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
-        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format for the
+        * rest of the command is determined by this field.
        uint16_t cmpl_ring;
-        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
-        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
-        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
-        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request will be
+        * optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no CR completion
+        * will be generated. Any other value must be a valid CR ring_id value
+        * for this function.
        uint16_t seq_id;
        /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
        uint16_t target_id;
-        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
-        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
-        * - HWRM
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function ids
+        * 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF - HWRM
        uint64_t resp_addr;
-        * This is the host address where the response will be written
-        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
-        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
-        */
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written when the
+        * request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned and must be
+        * cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
+       uint16_t fid;
+       /*
+        * Function ID of the function that is being configured. Only valid for
+        * a VF FID configured by the PF.
+        */
+       uint8_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint32_t num_vlan_entries;
+       /* Number of VLAN entries in the vlan_tag_mask_tbl. */
+       uint64_t vlan_tag_mask_tbl_addr;
+       /*
+        * The vlan_tag_mask_tbl_addr is the DMA address of the VLAN antispoof
+        * table. Each table entry contains the 16-bit TPID (0x8100 or 0x88a8
+        * only), 16-bit VLAN ID, and a 16-bit mask, all in network order to
+        * match hwrm_cfa_l2_set_rx_mask. For an individual VLAN entry, the mask
+        * value should be 0xfff for the 12-bit VLAN ID.
+        */
+/* Output (16 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_vlan_antispoof_cfg_output {
+       uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in parameters,
+        * and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
+       uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last byte of
+        * the response is a valid flag that will read as '1' when the command
+        * has been completely written to memory.
+        */
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint8_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_3;
+       uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output is
+        * completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1' to
+        * indicate that the output has been completely written. When writing a
+        * command completion or response to an internal processor, the order of
+        * writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+        */
+/* hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc */
+ * Description: This is a ntuple filter that uses fields from L4/L3 header and
+ * optionally fields from L2. The ntuple filters apply to receive traffic only.
+ * All L2/L3/L4 header fields are specified in network byte order. These 
+ * can be used for Receive Flow Steering (RFS). # For ethertype value, only
+ * 0x0800 (IPv4) and 0x86dd (IPv6) shall be supported for ntuple filters. # If 
+ * field specified in this command is not enabled as a valid field, then that
+ * field shall not be used in matching packet header fields against this 
+ */
+/* Input       (128 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc_input {
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
+        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
+       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
+        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
+        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
+        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
+        */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
+       uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
+        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
+        * - HWRM
+        */
+       uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written
+        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
+        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
        uint32_t flags;
         * Setting of this flag indicates the applicability to the
@@ -9635,16 +9790,16 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc_input {
        uint8_t ip_protocol;
         * The value of protocol filed in IP header. Applies to UDP and
-        * TCP traffic. 6 - UDP 17 - TCP
+        * TCP traffic. 6 - TCP 17 - UDP
        /* invalid */
-       /* UDP */
-               UINT32_C(0x6)
        /* TCP */
+               UINT32_C(0x6)
+       /* UDP */
        uint16_t dst_id;
@@ -9802,6 +9957,25 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
+/* Command specific Error Codes (8 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_alloc_cmd_err {
+       uint8_t code;
+       /*
+        * command specific error codes that goes to the cmd_err field
+        * in Common HWRM Error Response.
+        */
+       /* Unknown error */
+       /*
+        * Unable to complete operation due to conflict
+        * with Rx Mask VLAN
+        */
+       #define \
+       UINT32_C(0x1)
+       uint8_t unused_0[7];
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_cfa_ntuple_filter_free */
 /* Description: Free an ntuple filter */
 /* Input       (24 bytes) */
@@ -10144,6 +10318,11 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_em_flow_alloc_input {
         * datagram payload
+       /*
+        * IPV4 over virtual eXtensible Local Area
+        * Network (IPV4oVXLAN)
+        */
        /* Any tunneled traffic */
@@ -10199,14 +10378,14 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_em_flow_alloc_input {
        uint8_t ip_protocol;
         * The value of protocol filed in IP header. Applies to UDP and
-        * TCP traffic. 6 - UDP 17 - TCP
+        * TCP traffic. 6 - TCP 17 - UDP
        /* invalid */
-       /* UDP */
        /* TCP */
+       /* UDP */
        uint8_t unused_2;
        uint8_t unused_3;
        uint32_t src_ipaddr[4];
@@ -10454,86 +10633,6 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_em_flow_cfg_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_cfa_vlan_antispoof_cfg */
-/* Description: Configures vlan anti-spoof filters for VF. */
-/* Input (32 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_vlan_antispoof_cfg_input {
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format for the
-        * rest of the command is determined by this field.
-        */
-       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request will be
-        * optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no CR completion
-        * will be generated. Any other value must be a valid CR ring_id value
-        * for this function.
-        */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
-       uint16_t target_id;
-       /*
-        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function ids
-        * 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF - HWRM
-        */
-       uint64_t resp_addr;
-       /*
-        * This is the host address where the response will be written when the
-        * request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned and must be
-        * cleared to zero before the request is made.
-        */
-       uint16_t fid;
-       /*
-        * Function ID of the function that is being configured. Only valid for
-        * a VF FID configured by the PF.
-        */
-       uint8_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint32_t num_vlan_entries;
-       /* Number of VLAN entries in the vlan_tag_mask_tbl. */
-       uint64_t vlan_tag_mask_tbl_addr;
-       /*
-        * The vlan_tag_mask_tbl_addr is the DMA address of the VLAN antispoof
-        * table. Each table entry contains the 16-bit TPID (0x8100 or 0x88a8
-        * only), 16-bit VLAN ID, and a 16-bit mask, all in network order to
-        * match hwrm_cfa_l2_set_rx_mask. For an individual VLAN entry, the mask
-        * value should be 0xfff for the 12-bit VLAN ID.
-        */
-/* Output (16 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_vlan_antispoof_cfg_output {
-       uint16_t error_code;
-       /*
-        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in parameters,
-        * and fail the call with an error when appropriate
-        */
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
-       uint16_t resp_len;
-       /*
-        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last byte of
-        * the response is a valid flag that will read as '1' when the command
-        * has been completely written to memory.
-        */
-       uint32_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint8_t unused_2;
-       uint8_t unused_3;
-       uint8_t valid;
-       /*
-        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output is
-        * completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1' to
-        * indicate that the output has been completely written. When writing a
-        * command completion or response to an internal processor, the order of
-        * writes has to be such that this field is written last.
-        */
 /* hwrm_tunnel_dst_port_query */
  * Description: This function is called by a driver to query tunnel type
@@ -10575,6 +10674,12 @@ struct hwrm_tunnel_dst_port_query_input {
        /* Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation (Geneve) */
+       /*
+        * IPV4 over virtual eXtensible Local Area
+        * Network (IPV4oVXLAN)
+        */
+               UINT32_C(0x9)
        uint8_t unused_0[7];
 } __attribute__((packed));
@@ -10675,6 +10780,12 @@ struct hwrm_tunnel_dst_port_alloc_input {
        /* Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation (Geneve) */
+       /*
+        * IPV4 over virtual eXtensible Local Area
+        * Network (IPV4oVXLAN)
+        */
+               UINT32_C(0x9)
        uint8_t unused_0;
        uint16_t tunnel_dst_port_val;
@@ -10765,6 +10876,12 @@ struct hwrm_tunnel_dst_port_free_input {
        /* Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation (Geneve) */
+       /*
+        * IPV4 over virtual eXtensible Local Area
+        * Network (IPV4oVXLAN)
+        */
+               UINT32_C(0x9)
        uint8_t unused_0;
        uint16_t tunnel_dst_port_id;
@@ -10968,77 +11085,9 @@ struct hwrm_stat_ctx_free_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_stat_ctx_clr_stats */
-/* Description: This command clears statistics of a context. */
-/* Input       (24 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_stat_ctx_clr_stats_input {
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
-        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
-        */
-       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
-       /*
-        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
-        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
-        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
-        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
-        */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
-       uint16_t target_id;
-       /*
-        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
-        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
-        * - HWRM
-        */
-       uint64_t resp_addr;
-       /*
-        * This is the host address where the response will be written
-        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
-        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
-        */
-       uint32_t stat_ctx_id;
-       /* ID of the statistics context that is being queried. */
-       uint32_t unused_0;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Output      (16 bytes) */
-struct hwrm_stat_ctx_clr_stats_output {
-       uint16_t error_code;
-       /*
-        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
-        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
-        */
-       uint16_t req_type;
-       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
-       uint16_t seq_id;
-       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
-       uint16_t resp_len;
-       /*
-        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
-        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
-        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
-        */
-       uint32_t unused_0;
-       uint8_t unused_1;
-       uint8_t unused_2;
-       uint8_t unused_3;
-       uint8_t valid;
-       /*
-        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
-        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
-        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
-        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
-        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
-        * this field is written last.
-        */
-} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_stat_ctx_query */
 /* Description: This command returns statistics of a context. */
 /* Input (24 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_stat_ctx_query_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
@@ -11071,7 +11120,6 @@ struct hwrm_stat_ctx_query_input {
 } __attribute__((packed));
 /* Output (176 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_stat_ctx_query_output {
        uint16_t error_code;
@@ -11142,6 +11190,73 @@ struct hwrm_stat_ctx_query_output {
 } __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_stat_ctx_clr_stats */
+/* Description: This command clears statistics of a context. */
+/* Input       (24 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_stat_ctx_clr_stats_input {
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
+        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
+       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
+        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
+        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
+        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
+        */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
+       uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
+        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
+        * - HWRM
+        */
+       uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written
+        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
+        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
+       uint32_t stat_ctx_id;
+       /* ID of the statistics context that is being queried. */
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* Output      (16 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_stat_ctx_clr_stats_output {
+       uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
+        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
+       uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
+        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
+        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
+        */
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint8_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_3;
+       uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
+        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
+        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
+        * this field is written last.
+        */
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_exec_fwd_resp */
  * Description: This command is used to send an encapsulated request to the
@@ -11378,79 +11493,245 @@ struct hwrm_nvm_get_dir_info_input {
 /* Output (24 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_nvm_get_dir_info_output {
        uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
+        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
        uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
        uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
        uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
+        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
+        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
+        */
        uint32_t entries;
+       /* Number of directory entries in the directory. */
        uint32_t entry_length;
+       /* Size of each directory entry, in bytes. */
        uint32_t unused_0;
        uint8_t unused_1;
        uint8_t unused_2;
        uint8_t unused_3;
        uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
+        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
+        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
+        * this field is written last.
+        */
 } __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_nvm_write */
+ * Note: Write to the allocated NVRAM of an item referenced by an existing
+ * directory entry.
+ */
 /* Input (48 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_nvm_write_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
+        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
        uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
+        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
+        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
+        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
+        */
        uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
        uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
+        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
+        * - HWRM
+        */
        uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written
+        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
+        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
        uint64_t host_src_addr;
+       /* 64-bit Host Source Address. This is where the source data is. */
        uint16_t dir_type;
+       /*
+        * The Directory Entry Type (valid values are defined in the
+        * bnxnvm_directory_type enum defined in the file
+        * bnxnvm_defs.h).
+        */
        uint16_t dir_ordinal;
+       /*
+        * Directory ordinal. The 0-based instance of the combined
+        * Directory Entry Type and Extension.
+        */
        uint16_t dir_ext;
+       /*
+        * The Directory Entry Extension flags (see BNX_DIR_EXT_* in the
+        * file bnxnvm_defs.h).
+        */
        uint16_t dir_attr;
+       /*
+        * Directory Entry Attribute flags (see BNX_DIR_ATTR_* in the
+        * file bnxnvm_defs.h).
+        */
        uint32_t dir_data_length;
+       /*
+        * Length of data to write, in bytes. May be less than or equal
+        * to the allocated size for the directory entry. The data
+        * length stored in the directory entry will be updated to
+        * reflect this value once the write is complete.
+        */
        uint16_t option;
+       /* Option. */
        uint16_t flags;
-       #define NVM_WRITE_REQ_FLAGS_KEEP_ORIG_ACTIVE_IMG            0x1UL
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the original active image will not be
+        * removed. TBD: what purpose is this?
+        */
        uint32_t dir_item_length;
+       /*
+        * The requested length of the allocated NVM for the item, in
+        * bytes. This value may be greater than or equal to the
+        * specified data length (dir_data_length). If this value is
+        * less than the specified data length, it will be ignored. The
+        * response will contain the actual allocated item length, which
+        * may be greater than the requested item length. The purpose
+        * for allocating more than the required number of bytes for an
+        * item's data is to pre-allocate extra storage (padding) to
+        * accommodate the potential future growth of an item (e.g.
+        * upgraded firmware with a size increase, log growth, expanded
+        * configuration data).
+        */
        uint32_t unused_0;
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* Output (16 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_nvm_write_output {
        uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
+        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
        uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
        uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
        uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
+        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
+        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
+        */
        uint32_t dir_item_length;
+       /*
+        * Length of the allocated NVM for the item, in bytes. The value
+        * may be greater than or equal to the specified data length or
+        * the requested item length. The actual item length used when
+        * creating a new directory entry will be a multiple of an NVM
+        * block size.
+        */
        uint16_t dir_idx;
+       /* The directory index of the created or modified item. */
        uint8_t unused_0;
        uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
+        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
+        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
+        * this field is written last.
+        */
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_nvm_read */
+ * Note: Read the contents of an NVRAM item as referenced (indexed) by an
+ * existing directory entry.
+ */
 /* Input (40 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_nvm_read_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format
+        * for the rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
        uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request
+        * will be optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no
+        * CR completion will be generated. Any other value must be a
+        * valid CR ring_id value for this function.
+        */
        uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
        uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function
+        * ids 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF
+        * - HWRM
+        */
        uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written
+        * when the request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned
+        * and must be cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
        uint64_t host_dest_addr;
+       /*
+        * 64-bit Host Destination Address. This is the host address
+        * where the data will be written to.
+        */
        uint16_t dir_idx;
+       /* The 0-based index of the directory entry. */
        uint8_t unused_0;
        uint8_t unused_1;
        uint32_t offset;
+       /* The NVRAM byte-offset to read from. */
        uint32_t len;
+       /* The length of the data to be read, in bytes. */
        uint32_t unused_2;
 } __attribute__((packed));
 /* Output (16 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_nvm_read_output {
        uint16_t error_code;
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in
+        * parameters, and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
        uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
        uint16_t seq_id;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
        uint16_t resp_len;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last
+        * byte of the response is a valid flag that will read as '1'
+        * when the command has been completely written to memory.
+        */
        uint32_t unused_0;
        uint8_t unused_1;
        uint8_t unused_2;
        uint8_t unused_3;
        uint8_t valid;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+        * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+        * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been completely
+        * written. When writing a command completion or response to an
+        * internal processor, the order of writes has to be such that
+        * this field is written last.
+        */
 } __attribute__((packed));
 /* Hardware Resource Manager Specification */
@@ -11513,11 +11794,28 @@ struct output {
 /* Short Command Structure (16 bytes) */
 struct hwrm_short_input {
        uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This field indicates the type of request in the request
+        * buffer. The format for the rest of the command (request) is
+        * determined by this field.
+        */
        uint16_t signature;
-       #define HWRM_SHORT_REQ_SIGNATURE_SHORT_CMD      (UINT32_C(0x4321))
+       /*
+        * This field indicates a signature that is used to identify
+        * short form of the command listed here. This field shall be
+        * set to 17185 (0x4321).
+        */
+       /* Signature indicating this is a short form of HWRM command */
        uint16_t unused_0;
+       /* Reserved for future use. */
        uint16_t size;
+       /* This value indicates the length of the request. */
        uint64_t req_addr;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the request was written. This
+        * area must be 16B aligned.
+        */
 } __attribute__((packed));
 #define HWRM_GET_HWRM_ERROR_CODE(arg) \
2.13.5 (Apple Git-94)

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