add initialize_tcp_header function
add initialize_stcp_header function
add initialize_ipv4_header_proto function
add generate_packet_burst_proto function

Signed-off-by: Bernard Iremonger <>
Acked-by: Jasvinder Singh <>
 test/test/packet_burst_generator.c | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/test/packet_burst_generator.h |  22 ++++-
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/test/packet_burst_generator.c 
index a93c3b5..8f4ddcc 100644
--- a/test/test/packet_burst_generator.c
+++ b/test/test/packet_burst_generator.c
@@ -134,6 +134,36 @@
        return pkt_len;
+initialize_tcp_header(struct tcp_hdr *tcp_hdr, uint16_t src_port,
+               uint16_t dst_port, uint16_t pkt_data_len)
+       uint16_t pkt_len;
+       pkt_len = (uint16_t) (pkt_data_len + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr));
+       memset(tcp_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_hdr));
+       tcp_hdr->src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(src_port);
+       tcp_hdr->dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(dst_port);
+       return pkt_len;
+initialize_sctp_header(struct sctp_hdr *sctp_hdr, uint16_t src_port,
+               uint16_t dst_port, uint16_t pkt_data_len)
+       uint16_t pkt_len;
+       pkt_len = (uint16_t) (pkt_data_len + sizeof(struct udp_hdr));
+       sctp_hdr->src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(src_port);
+       sctp_hdr->dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(dst_port);
+       sctp_hdr->tag = 0;
+       sctp_hdr->cksum = 0; /* No SCTP checksum. */
+       return pkt_len;
 initialize_ipv6_header(struct ipv6_hdr *ip_hdr, uint8_t *src_addr,
@@ -198,7 +228,53 @@
        return pkt_len;
+initialize_ipv4_header_proto(struct ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr, uint32_t src_addr,
+               uint32_t dst_addr, uint16_t pkt_data_len, uint8_t proto)
+       uint16_t pkt_len;
+       unaligned_uint16_t *ptr16;
+       uint32_t ip_cksum;
+       /*
+        * Initialize IP header.
+        */
+       pkt_len = (uint16_t) (pkt_data_len + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr));
+       ip_hdr->version_ihl   = IP_VHL_DEF;
+       ip_hdr->type_of_service   = 0;
+       ip_hdr->fragment_offset = 0;
+       ip_hdr->time_to_live   = IP_DEFTTL;
+       ip_hdr->next_proto_id = proto;
+       ip_hdr->packet_id = 0;
+       ip_hdr->total_length   = rte_cpu_to_be_16(pkt_len);
+       ip_hdr->src_addr = rte_cpu_to_be_32(src_addr);
+       ip_hdr->dst_addr = rte_cpu_to_be_32(dst_addr);
+       /*
+        * Compute IP header checksum.
+        */
+       ptr16 = (unaligned_uint16_t *)ip_hdr;
+       ip_cksum = 0;
+       ip_cksum += ptr16[0]; ip_cksum += ptr16[1];
+       ip_cksum += ptr16[2]; ip_cksum += ptr16[3];
+       ip_cksum += ptr16[4];
+       ip_cksum += ptr16[6]; ip_cksum += ptr16[7];
+       ip_cksum += ptr16[8]; ip_cksum += ptr16[9];
+       /*
+        * Reduce 32 bit checksum to 16 bits and complement it.
+        */
+       ip_cksum = ((ip_cksum & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) +
+               (ip_cksum & 0x0000FFFF);
+       ip_cksum %= 65536;
+       ip_cksum = (~ip_cksum) & 0x0000FFFF;
+       if (ip_cksum == 0)
+               ip_cksum = 0xFFFF;
+       ip_hdr->hdr_checksum = (uint16_t) ip_cksum;
+       return pkt_len;
  * The maximum number of segments per packet is used when creating
@@ -283,3 +359,118 @@
        return nb_pkt;
+generate_packet_burst_proto(struct rte_mempool *mp,
+               struct rte_mbuf **pkts_burst,
+               struct ether_hdr *eth_hdr, uint8_t vlan_enabled, void *ip_hdr,
+               uint8_t ipv4, uint8_t proto, void *proto_hdr,
+               int nb_pkt_per_burst, uint8_t pkt_len, uint8_t nb_pkt_segs)
+       int i, nb_pkt = 0;
+       size_t eth_hdr_size;
+       struct rte_mbuf *pkt_seg;
+       struct rte_mbuf *pkt;
+       for (nb_pkt = 0; nb_pkt < nb_pkt_per_burst; nb_pkt++) {
+               pkt = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(mp);
+               if (pkt == NULL) {
+                       if (nb_pkt == 0)
+                               return -1;
+                       break;
+               }
+               pkt->data_len = pkt_len;
+               pkt_seg = pkt;
+               for (i = 1; i < nb_pkt_segs; i++) {
+                       pkt_seg->next = rte_pktmbuf_alloc(mp);
+                       if (pkt_seg->next == NULL) {
+                               pkt->nb_segs = i;
+                               rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt);
+                               goto nomore_mbuf;
+                       }
+                       pkt_seg = pkt_seg->next;
+                       pkt_seg->data_len = pkt_len;
+               }
+               pkt_seg->next = NULL; /* Last segment of packet. */
+               /*
+                * Copy headers in first packet segment(s).
+                */
+               if (vlan_enabled)
+                       eth_hdr_size = sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                               sizeof(struct vlan_hdr);
+               else
+                       eth_hdr_size = sizeof(struct ether_hdr);
+               copy_buf_to_pkt(eth_hdr, eth_hdr_size, pkt, 0);
+               if (ipv4) {
+                       copy_buf_to_pkt(ip_hdr, sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr), pkt,
+                               eth_hdr_size);
+                       switch (proto) {
+                       case IPPROTO_UDP:
+                               copy_buf_to_pkt(proto_hdr,
+                                       sizeof(struct udp_hdr), pkt,
+                                       eth_hdr_size + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr));
+                               break;
+                       case IPPROTO_TCP:
+                               copy_buf_to_pkt(proto_hdr,
+                                       sizeof(struct tcp_hdr), pkt,
+                                       eth_hdr_size + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr));
+                               break;
+                       case IPPROTO_SCTP:
+                               copy_buf_to_pkt(proto_hdr,
+                                       sizeof(struct sctp_hdr), pkt,
+                                       eth_hdr_size + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr));
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               break;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       copy_buf_to_pkt(ip_hdr, sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr), pkt,
+                               eth_hdr_size);
+                       switch (proto) {
+                       case IPPROTO_UDP:
+                               copy_buf_to_pkt(proto_hdr,
+                                       sizeof(struct udp_hdr), pkt,
+                                       eth_hdr_size + sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr));
+                               break;
+                       case IPPROTO_TCP:
+                               copy_buf_to_pkt(proto_hdr,
+                                       sizeof(struct tcp_hdr), pkt,
+                                       eth_hdr_size + sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr));
+                               break;
+                       case IPPROTO_SCTP:
+                               copy_buf_to_pkt(proto_hdr,
+                                       sizeof(struct sctp_hdr), pkt,
+                                       eth_hdr_size + sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr));
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               /*
+                * Complete first mbuf of packet and append it to the
+                * burst of packets to be transmitted.
+                */
+               pkt->nb_segs = nb_pkt_segs;
+               pkt->pkt_len = pkt_len;
+               pkt->l2_len = eth_hdr_size;
+               if (ipv4) {
+                       pkt->vlan_tci  = ETHER_TYPE_IPv4;
+                       pkt->l3_len = sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr);
+               } else {
+                       pkt->vlan_tci  = ETHER_TYPE_IPv6;
+                       pkt->l3_len = sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr);
+               }
+               pkts_burst[nb_pkt] = pkt;
+       }
+       return nb_pkt;
diff --git a/test/test/packet_burst_generator.h 
index edc1044..3315bfa 100644
--- a/test/test/packet_burst_generator.h
+++ b/test/test/packet_burst_generator.h
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 #include <rte_arp.h>
 #include <rte_ip.h>
 #include <rte_udp.h>
+#include <rte_tcp.h>
+#include <rte_sctp.h>
 #define IPV4_ADDR(a, b, c, d)(((a & 0xff) << 24) | ((b & 0xff) << 16) | \
                ((c & 0xff) << 8) | (d & 0xff))
@@ -65,6 +66,13 @@
 initialize_udp_header(struct udp_hdr *udp_hdr, uint16_t src_port,
                uint16_t dst_port, uint16_t pkt_data_len);
+initialize_tcp_header(struct tcp_hdr *tcp_hdr, uint16_t src_port,
+               uint16_t dst_port, uint16_t pkt_data_len);
+initialize_sctp_header(struct sctp_hdr *sctp_hdr, uint16_t src_port,
+               uint16_t dst_port, uint16_t pkt_data_len);
 initialize_ipv6_header(struct ipv6_hdr *ip_hdr, uint8_t *src_addr,
@@ -74,15 +82,25 @@
 initialize_ipv4_header(struct ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr, uint32_t src_addr,
                uint32_t dst_addr, uint16_t pkt_data_len);
+initialize_ipv4_header_proto(struct ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr, uint32_t src_addr,
+               uint32_t dst_addr, uint16_t pkt_data_len, uint8_t proto);
 generate_packet_burst(struct rte_mempool *mp, struct rte_mbuf **pkts_burst,
                struct ether_hdr *eth_hdr, uint8_t vlan_enabled, void *ip_hdr,
                uint8_t ipv4, struct udp_hdr *udp_hdr, int nb_pkt_per_burst,
                uint8_t pkt_len, uint8_t nb_pkt_segs);
+generate_packet_burst_proto(struct rte_mempool *mp,
+               struct rte_mbuf **pkts_burst,
+               struct ether_hdr *eth_hdr, uint8_t vlan_enabled, void *ip_hdr,
+               uint8_t ipv4, uint8_t proto, void *proto_hdr,
+               int nb_pkt_per_burst, uint8_t pkt_len, uint8_t nb_pkt_segs);
 #ifdef __cplusplus

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