
On 10/13/2017 3:33 PM, Jianbo Liu Wrote:
The 10/13/2017 07:19, Jerin Jacob wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 09:16:31 +0800
From: Jia He <hejia...@gmail.com>
To: Jerin Jacob <jerin.ja...@caviumnetworks.com>, "Ananyev, Konstantin"
Cc: Olivier MATZ <olivier.m...@6wind.com>, "dev@dpdk.org" <dev@dpdk.org>,
  "jia...@hxt-semitech.com" <jia...@hxt-semitech.com>,
  "jie2....@hxt-semitech.com" <jie2....@hxt-semitech.com>,
  "bing.z...@hxt-semitech.com" <bing.z...@hxt-semitech.com>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] ring: guarantee ordering of cons/prod loading when
  doing enqueue/dequeue
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101


On 10/13/2017 9:02 AM, Jia He Wrote:
Hi Jerin

On 10/13/2017 1:23 AM, Jerin Jacob Wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 17:05:50 +0000

On the same lines,

Jia He, jie2.liu, bing.zhao,

Is this patch based on code review or do you saw this issue on any
of the
arm/ppc target? arm64 will have performance impact with this change.
sorry, miss one important information
Our platform is an aarch64 server with 46 cpus.
Is this an OOO(Out of order execution) aarch64 CPU implementation?

If we reduced the involved cpu numbers, the bug occurred less frequently.

Yes, mb barrier impact the performance, but correctness is more important,
isn't it ;-)

Maybe we can  find any other lightweight barrier here?
Yes, Regarding the lightweight barrier, arm64 has native support for acquire 
and release
semantics, which is exposed through gcc as architecture agnostic

Good to know,
1) How much overhead this patch in your platform? Just relative
numbers are enough
2) As a prototype, Is Changing to acquire and release schematics
reduces the overhead in your platform?

+1, can you try what ODP does in the link mentioned below?
Sure, pls see the result:
root@server:~/odp/test/linux-generic/ring# ./ring_main
HW time counter freq: 20000000 hz

_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
_ishm.c:880:_odp_ishm_reserve():No huge pages, fall back to normal pages. check: /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages.
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
 PKTIO: initialized loop interface.
 PKTIO: initialized ipc interface.
 PKTIO: initialized socket mmap, use export ODP_PKTIO_DISABLE_SOCKET_MMAP=1 to disable.  PKTIO: initialized socket mmsg,use export ODP_PKTIO_DISABLE_SOCKET_MMSG=1 to disable.
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
        ODP API version: 1.15.0
        ODP implementation name:    "odp-linux"
        ODP implementation version: "odp-linux" 1.15.0-0 (v1.15.0)

     CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3

Suite: ring basic
  Test: ring_test_basic_create ...pktio/ring.c:177:_ring_create():Requested size is invalid, must be power of 2,and do not exceed the size limit 268435455
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory
  Test: ring_test_basic_burst ...passed
  Test: ring_test_basic_bulk ...passed
  Test: ring_test_basic_watermark ...passed_ishmphy.c:152:_odp_ishmphy_map():mmap failed:Cannot allocate memory

Suite: ring stress
  Test: ring_test_stress_1_1_producer_consumer ...passed
  Test: ring_test_stress_1_N_producer_consumer ...passed
  Test: ring_test_stress_N_1_producer_consumer ...passed
  Test: ring_test_stress_N_M_producer_consumer ...

<the test case has hung here for half an hour>


Reference FreeBSD ring/DPDK style ring implementation through acquire
and release schematics

I will also spend on cycles on this.

Based on mbuf_autotest, the rte_panic will be invoked in seconds.

PANIC in test_refcnt_iter():
(lcore=0, iter=0): after 10s only 61 of 64 mbufs left free
1: [./test(rte_dump_stack+0x38) [0x58d868]]
Aborted (core dumped)


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