Removed legacy writes to ORT/PIT registers from
i40e_GLQF_reg_init(struct i40e_hw *hw) function.
Latest NVM versions contain all relevant values
and these values should not be overwritten by SW to
maintain driver/firmware compatibility and to avoid
conflicts with dynamic device personalization profiles.

Signed-off-by: Andrey Chilikin <>
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c | 23 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
index e2af51c89..d770fc343 100644
--- a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
@@ -704,23 +704,22 @@ RTE_PMD_REGISTER_KMOD_DEP(net_i40e, "* igb_uio | 
uio_pci_generic | vfio-pci");
 static inline void i40e_GLQF_reg_init(struct i40e_hw *hw)
-        * Initialize registers for flexible payload, which should be set by 
-        * This should be removed from code once it is fixed in NVM.
+        * Force global configuration for flexible payload
+        * to the first 16 bytes of the corresponding L2/L3/L4 paylod.
+        * This should be removed from code once proper
+        * configuration API is added to avoid configuration conflicts
+        * between ports of the same device.
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(18), 0x00000030);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(19), 0x00000030);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(26), 0x0000002B);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(30), 0x0000002B);
        I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(33), 0x000000E0);
        I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(34), 0x000000E3);
        I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(35), 0x000000E6);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(20), 0x00000031);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(23), 0x00000031);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(63), 0x0000002D);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_PIT(16), 0x00007480);
-       I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_PIT(17), 0x00007440);
-       /* Initialize registers for parsing packet type of QinQ */
+       /*
+        * Initialize registers for parsing packet type of QinQ
+        * This should be removed from code once proper
+        * configuration API is added to avoid configuration conflicts
+        * between ports of the same device.
+        */
        I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_ORT(40), 0x00000029);
        I40E_WRITE_REG(hw, I40E_GLQF_PIT(9), 0x00009420);

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