Just a gentle reminder to all that deadline for completing the survey is this Sunday midnight GMT ( October 8th, 2017).
Please feel free to forward the link to all your colleagues who can provide feedback on dpdk. Thanks, Deepak From: Jain, Deepak K Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 2:18 PM To: annou...@dpdk.org<mailto:annou...@dpdk.org> Subject: DPDK Community Survey 2017 Hi All, As part of our ongoing efforts to improve DPDK, we'd like to hear your feedback! We have created a number of DPDK-related questions here. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DPDK_Community_Survey_2017 and want to hear your views!! The survey will close at midnight GMT on Sunday October 8th, 2017. Thanks in advance for your feedback - the more responses we get the more data we have to drive further features, improvements, etc. So please respond!!! Regards Deepak