The original CFP deadline for our DPDK Summit North America expired yesterday. 
This has now been extended to Friday October 13th (note that the website 
currently says Wednesday 13th but that's just a typo and will be corrected). 
So, if you were planning to submit a proposal but didn't make the deadline 
yesterday, there's still time to do this.

Details of the event, including registration and CFP info, are available at:

This year, the annual OVS event is on the following two days (November 16th & 
17th), in the same venue. Details of the OVS event are available at:

We've been talking to the LF and to the OVS team about taking advantage of this 
by having some joint sessions on OVS-DPDK, and on DPDK-accelerated vswitches in 
general, on the afternoon of Wednesday 15th. It would be good to get some 
proposals on this before the new CFP deadline at the end of next week.

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