The initial version of the script had some limitations:
- cannot work on a non-clean workspace
- environment variables are not documented
- no compilation log in case of failure
- return success even it abi is incompatible

This patch addresses these issues and rework the code.

Signed-off-by: Olivier Matz <>
Acked-by: Neil Horman <>

- Add a log when shared lib has no public ABI

- clarify logs on incompatible abi
- log when an error returned an error
- [really] fix the report path
- log the output of make config in the proper file

- fix when not launched from dpdk root dir
- use "-Og -Wno-error" instead of "-O0"
- fix typo in commit log

- use /usr/bin/env to find bash (which is required)
- fix displayed path to html reports
- reword help for -f option

 devtools/ | 397 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 205 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devtools/ b/devtools/
index 0accc99b1..8caf43e83 100755
--- a/devtools/
+++ b/devtools/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
 #   Copyright(c) 2015 Neil Horman. All rights reserved.
+#   Copyright(c) 2017 6WIND S.A.
 #   All rights reserved.
 #   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -27,236 +28,248 @@
-ABI_DIR=`mktemp -d -p /tmp ABI.XXXXXX`
+set -e
-usage() {
-       echo "$0 <REV1> <REV2> <TARGET>"
-log() {
-       local level=$1
-       shift
-       echo "$*"
+# trap on error
+err_report() {
+    echo "$0: error at line $1"
+trap 'err_report $LINENO' ERR
-validate_tags() {
+print_usage () {
+       cat <<- END_OF_HELP
+       $(basename $0) [options] <rev1> <rev2>
-       if [ -z "$HASH1" ]
-       then
-               echo "invalid revision: $TAG1"
-               return
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$HASH2" ]
-       then
-               echo "invalid revision: $TAG2"
-               return
-       fi
+       This script compares the ABI of 2 git revisions of the current
+       workspace. The output is a html report and a compilation log.
+       The objective is to make sure that applications built against
+       DSOs from the first revision can still run when executed using
+       the DSOs built from the second revision.
+       <rev1> and <rev2> are git commit id or tags.
+       Options:
+         -h            show this help
+         -j <num>      enable parallel compilation with <num> threads
+         -v            show compilation logs on the console
+         -d <dir>      change working directory (default is ${default_dst})
+         -t <target>   the dpdk target to use (default is ${default_target})
+         -f            overwrite existing files in destination directory
+       The script returns 0 on success, or the value of last failing
+       call of ${abicheck} (incompatible abi or the tool has run with errors).
+       The errors returned by ${abidump} are ignored.
+       END_OF_HELP
-validate_args() {
-       if [ -z "$TAG1" ]
-       then
-               echo "Must Specify REV1"
-               return
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$TAG2" ]
-       then
-               echo "Must Specify REV2"
-               return
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$TARGET" ]
-       then
-               echo "Must Specify a build target"
+# log in the file, and on stdout if verbose
+# $1: level string
+# $2: string to be logged
+log() {
+       echo "$1: $2"
+       if [ "${verbose}" != "true" ]; then
+               echo "$1: $2" >&3
+# launch a command and log it, taking care of surrounding spaces with quotes
+cmd() {
+       local i s whitespace ret
+       s=""
+       whitespace="[[:space:]]"
+       for i in "$@"; do
+               if [[ $i =~ $whitespace ]]; then
+                       i=\"$i\"
+               fi
+               if [ -z "$s" ]; then
+                       s="$i"
+               else
+                       s="$s $i"
+               fi
+       done
+       ret=0
+       log "CMD" "$s"
+       "$@" || ret=$?
+       if [ "$ret" != "0" ]; then
+               log "CMD" "previous command returned $ret"
+       fi
+       return $ret
-cleanup_and_exit() {
-       rm -rf $ABI_DIR
-       git checkout $CURRENT_BRANCH
-       exit $1
+# redirect or copy stderr/stdout to a file
+# the syntax is unfamiliar, but it makes the rest of the
+# code easier to read, avoiding the use of pipes
+set_log_file() {
+       # save original stdout and stderr in fd 3 and 4
+       exec 3>&1
+       exec 4>&2
+       # create a new fd 5 that send to a file
+       exec 5> >(cat > $1)
+       # send stdout and stderr to fd 5
+       if [ "${verbose}" = "true" ]; then
+               exec 1> >(tee /dev/fd/5 >&3)
+               exec 2> >(tee /dev/fd/5 >&4)
+       else
+               exec 1>&5
+               exec 2>&5
+       fi
 # Make sure we configure SHARED libraries
 # Also turn off IGB and KNI as those require kernel headers to build
 fixup_config() {
-       sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=y" config/defconfig_$TARGET
-       sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_NEXT_ABI=n" config/defconfig_$TARGET
-       sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_EAL_IGB_UIO=n" config/defconfig_$TARGET
-       sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KNI=n" config/defconfig_$TARGET
-       sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_KNI_KMOD=n" config/defconfig_$TARGET
+       local conf=config/defconfig_$target
+       cmd sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=y" $conf
+       cmd sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_NEXT_ABI=n" $conf
+       cmd sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_EAL_IGB_UIO=n" $conf
+       cmd sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KNI=n" $conf
+       cmd sed -i -e"$ a\CONFIG_RTE_KNI_KMOD=n" $conf
+# build dpdk for the given tag and dump abi
+# $1: hash of the revision
+gen_abi() {
+       local i
+       cmd git clone ${dpdkroot} ${dst}/${1}
+       cmd cd ${dst}/${1}
+       log "INFO" "Checking out version ${1} of the dpdk"
+       # Move to the old version of the tree
+       cmd git checkout ${1}
+       fixup_config
+       # Now configure the build
+       log "INFO" "Configuring DPDK ${1}"
+       cmd make config T=$target O=$target
+       # Checking abi compliance relies on using the dwarf information in
+       # the shared objects. Build with -g to include them.
+       log "INFO" "Building DPDK ${1}. This might take a moment"
+       cmd make -j$parallel O=$target V=1 EXTRA_CFLAGS="-g -Og -Wno-error" \
+           EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-g" || log "INFO" "The build failed"
+       # Move to the lib directory
+       cmd cd ${PWD}/$target/lib
+       log "INFO" "Collecting ABI information for ${1}"
+       for i in *.so; do
+               [ -e "$i" ] || break
+               cmd $abidump ${i} -o $dst/${1}/${i}.dump -lver ${1} || true
+               # hack to ignore empty SymbolsInfo section (no public ABI)
+               if grep -q "'SymbolInfo' => {}," $dst/${1}/${i}.dump \
+                               2> /dev/null; then
+                       log "INFO" "${i} has no public ABI, remove dump file"
+                       cmd rm -f $dst/${1}/${i}.dump
+               fi
+       done
-#trap on ctrl-c to clean up
-trap cleanup_and_exit SIGINT
+while getopts j:vd:t:fh ARG ; do
+       case $ARG in
+               j ) parallel=$OPTARG ;;
+               v ) verbose=true ;;
+               d ) dst=$OPTARG ;;
+               t ) target=$OPTARG ;;
+               f ) force=1 ;;
+               h ) print_usage ; exit 0 ;;
+               ? ) print_usage ; exit 1 ;;
+       esac
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-if [ -z "$DPDK_MAKE_JOBS" ]
-       # This counts the number of cpus on the system
-       if [ -e /usr/bin/lscpu ]
-       then
-               DPDK_MAKE_JOBS=`lscpu -p=cpu | grep -v "#" | wc -l`
-       else
-               DPDK_MAKE_JOBS=1
-       fi
+if [ $# != 2 ]; then
+       print_usage
+       exit 1
-#Save the current branch
-CURRENT_BRANCH=`git branch | grep \* | cut -d' ' -f2`
-if [ -z "$CURRENT_BRANCH" ]
-       CURRENT_BRANCH=`git log --pretty=format:%H HEAD~1..HEAD`
+# convert path to absolute
+case "${dst}" in
+       /*) ;;
+       *) dst=${PWD}/${dst} ;;
+dpdkroot=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0)/..)
-if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]
-       export VERBOSE=/dev/stdout
-       export VERBOSE=/dev/null
+if [ -e "${dst}" -a "$force" = 0 ]; then
+       echo "The ${dst} directory is not empty. Remove it, use another"
+       echo "one (-d <dir>), or force overriding (-f)"
+       exit 1
-# Validate that we have all the arguments we need
-if [ -n "$res" ]
-       echo $res
-       usage
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
+rm -rf ${dst}
+mkdir -p ${dst}
+set_log_file ${dst}/abi-check.log
+log "INFO" "Logs available in ${dst}/abi-check.log"
-HASH1=$(git show -s --format=%H "$TAG1" -- 2> /dev/null | tail -1)
-HASH2=$(git show -s --format=%H "$TAG2" -- 2> /dev/null | tail -1)
+command -v ${abicheck} || log "INFO" "Can't find ${abicheck} utility"
+command -v ${abidump} || log "INFO" "Can't find ${abidump} utility"
-# Make sure our tags exist
-if [ -n "$res" ]
-       echo $res
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
+hash1=$(git show -s --format=%h "$tag1" -- 2> /dev/null | tail -1)
+hash2=$(git show -s --format=%h "$tag2" -- 2> /dev/null | tail -1)
 # Make hashes available in output for non-local reference
-TAG1="$TAG1 ($HASH1)"
-TAG2="$TAG2 ($HASH2)"
-ABICHECK=`which abi-compliance-checker 2>/dev/null`
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-       log "INFO" "Can't find abi-compliance-checker utility"
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
-ABIDUMP=`which abi-dumper 2>/dev/null`
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-       log "INFO" "Can't find abi-dumper utility"
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
+tag1="$tag1 ($hash1)"
+tag2="$tag2 ($hash2)"
-log "INFO" "We're going to check and make sure that applications built"
-log "INFO" "against DPDK DSOs from version $TAG1 will still run when executed"
-log "INFO" "against DPDK DSOs built from version $TAG2."
-log "INFO" ""
-# Check to make sure we have a clean tree
-git status | grep -q clean
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-       log "WARN" "Working directory not clean, aborting"
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
+if [ "$hash1" = "$hash2" ]; then
+       log "ERROR" "$tag1 and $tag2 are the same revisions"
+       exit 1
-# Move to the root of the git tree
-cd $(dirname $0)/..
+cmd mkdir -p ${dst}
-log "INFO" "Checking out version $TAG1 of the dpdk"
-# Move to the old version of the tree
-git checkout $HASH1
+# dump abi for each revision
+gen_abi ${hash1}
+gen_abi ${hash2}
+# compare the abi dumps
+cmd cd ${dst}
+for i in ${hash2}/*.dump; do
+       name=`basename $i`
+       libname=${name%.dump}
-# Checking abi compliance relies on using the dwarf information in
-# The shared objects.  Thats only included in the DSO's if we build
-# with -g
-# Now configure the build
-log "INFO" "Configuring DPDK $TAG1"
-make config T=$TARGET O=$TARGET > $VERBOSE 2>&1
-log "INFO" "Building DPDK $TAG1. This might take a moment"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
+       if [ ! -f ${hash1}/$name ]; then
+               log "INFO" "$NAME does not exist in $tag1. skipping..."
+               continue
+       fi
-# Move to the lib directory
-cd $TARGET/lib
-for i in `ls *.so`
-       $ABIDUMP $i -o $ABI_DIR/$i-ABI-0.dump -lver $HASH1
+       local_ret=0
+       cmd $abicheck -l $libname \
+           -old ${hash1}/$name -new ${hash2}/$name || local_ret=$?
+       if [ $local_ret != 0 ]; then
+               log "NOTICE" "$abicheck returned $local_ret"
+               ret=$local_ret
+               list="$list $libname"
+       fi
-cd ../..
-# Now clean the tree, checkout the second tag, and rebuild
-git clean -f -d
-git reset --hard
-# Move to the new version of the tree
-log "INFO" "Checking out version $TAG2 of the dpdk"
-git checkout $HASH2
-# Now configure the build
-log "INFO" "Configuring DPDK $TAG2"
-make config T=$TARGET O=$TARGET > $VERBOSE 2>&1
-log "INFO" "Building DPDK $TAG2. This might take a moment"
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-       cleanup_and_exit 1
+if [ $ret != 0 ]; then
+       log "NOTICE" "ABI may be incompatible, check reports/logs for details."
+       log "NOTICE" "Incompatible list: $list"
+       log "NOTICE" "No error detected, ABI is compatible."
-cd $TARGET/lib
-for i in `ls *.so`
-       $ABIDUMP $i -o $ABI_DIR/$i-ABI-1.dump -lver $HASH2
-cd ../..
-# Start comparison of ABI dumps
-for i in `ls $ABI_DIR/*-1.dump`
-       NEWNAME=`basename $i`
-       OLDNAME=`basename $i | sed -e"s/1.dump/0.dump/"`
-       LIBNAME=`basename $i | sed -e"s/-ABI-1.dump//"`
-       if [ ! -f $ABI_DIR/$OLDNAME ]
-       then
-               log "INFO" "$OLDNAME DOES NOT EXIST IN $TAG1. SKIPPING..."
-       fi
-       #compare the abi dumps
+log "INFO" "Logs are in ${dst}/abi-check.log"
+log "INFO" "HTML reports are in ${dst}/compat_reports directory"
-git reset --hard
-log "INFO" "ABI CHECK COMPLETE.  REPORTS ARE IN compat_report directory"
-cleanup_and_exit 0
+exit $ret

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