Hi Jerin,

On 9/18/2017 4:43 PM, Jerin Jacob wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 13:56:42 +0530
From: Akhil Goyal <akhil.go...@nxp.com>
To: dev@dpdk.org
CC: declan.dohe...@intel.com, pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com,
  hemant.agra...@nxp.com, radu.nico...@intel.com, bor...@mellanox.com,
  avia...@mellanox.com, tho...@monjalon.net, sandeep.ma...@nxp.com,
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] doc: add details of rte security
X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.9.3
+Security Library
+The security library provides a framework for management and provisioning
+of security protocol operations offloaded to hardware based devices. The
+library defines generic APIs to create and free security sessions which can
+support complete protocol offload as well as inline crypto operation with
+NIC or crypto devices. The framework currently only supports IPSEC protocol
+and it's operations, other protocols will be added in future.
+Design Principles
+The security library provides an additional offload capability to existing
+crypto device and/or ethernet device.
+.. code-block:: console
+               +---------------+
+               | rte_security  |
+               +---------------+
+                 \            /
+        +-----------+    +--------------+
+        |  NIC PMD  |    |  CRYPTO PMD  |
+        +-----------+    +--------------+
+Following offload types can be supported:
+Inline Crypto
+The crypto processing for security protocol (e.g. IPSEC) is processed
+inline during receive and transmission on NIC port. The flow based
+security action should be configured on the port.
+Ingress Data path - The packet is decrypted in RX path and relevant
+crypto status is set in rx descriptors. After the successful inline
+crypto processing the packet is presented to host as a regular rx packet
+but all security protocol related headers are still attached to the
+packet. e.g. In case of IPSEC, the IPSEC tunnel headers (if any),
+ESP/AH headers will remain in the packet but the received packet
+contains the decrypted data where the encrypted data was when the packet
+arrived. The driver rx path check the descriptos and and based on the


+crypto status sets additional flags in the rte_mbuf.ol_flags field.
+.. note::
+    The underlying device may not support crypto processing all ingress packet
+    matching to a particular flow (e.g. fragmented packets), such packets will
+    be passed as encrypted packets. It is the responsibility of driver to
Do you mean application here instead of driver?

+    process such encrypted packets using other crypto driver instance.
+Egress Data path - The software prepares the egress packet by adding
+relevant security protocol headers in the packets. Only the data will not be
+encryptoed by the software. The driver will accordingly configure the


+tx descriptors. The HW device will encrypt the data before sending the
+the packet out.
+.. note::
+    The underlying device may support post encryption TSO.
+.. code-block:: console
+          Egress Data Path
+                  |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |  egress IPsec   |
+        |        |        |
+        | +------V------+ |
+        | | SABD lookup | |
+        | +------|------+ |


+        | +------V------+ |
+        | |   Tunnel    | |   <------ Add tunnel header to packet
+        | +------|------+ |
+        | +------V------+ |
+        | |     ESP     | |   <------ Add ESP header without trailer to packet
+        | |             | |   <------ Mark packet to be offloaded, add trailer
+        | +------|------+ |            meta-data to mbuf
+        +--------V--------+
+                 |
+        +--------V--------+
+        |    L2 Stack     |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 |
+        +--------V--------+
+        |                 |
+        |     NIC PMD     |   <------ Set hw context for inline crypto offload
+        |                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |  HW ACCELERATED |   <------ Packet Encryption/Decryption and

Only packet Encryption here. Right?

+        |        NIC      |           Authentication happens inline
+        |                 |
+        +--------|--------+
I guess the "|" can be removed.

+Inline protocol offload
+The crypto and protocol processing for security protocol (e.g. IPSEC)
+is processed inline during receive and transmission.  The flow based
+security action should be configured on the port.
+Ingress Data path - The packet is decrypted in RX path and relevant
+crypto status is set in rx descriptors. After the successful inline
+crypto processing the packet is presented to host as a regular rx packet
+but all security protocol related headers optionally removed from the
+packet. e.g. In case of IPSEC, the IPSEC tunnel headers (if any),
+ESP/AH headers will be removed from the packet and the received packet
+will contains the decrypted packet only. The driver rx path check the
+descriptos and and based on the crypto status sets additional flags in


+the rte_mbuf.ol_flags field.
+.. note::
+    The underlying device in this case is stateful.It is expected that
+    the device shall support crypto processing for all kind of packets matching
+    to a given flow, this includes fragemented packets (post reassembly).


+    e.g. In case of IPSEC the device may internally manage anti-replay etc.
+    It will provide configuration option for anti-replay behavior i.e. to drop
+    the packets or pass them to driver with err flags set in descriptor.
+Egress Data path - The software will send the unencryptoed packet


+without any security protocol headers added to the packet.The driver
+will configure the security index and requirement in the tx descriptors.
+The HW device will do security processing on the packet that includes
+adding the relevant protocol headers and encrypt the data before sending
+the the packet out.The software should make sure that the buffer
+has required header and tailer space for any protocol header addition. The
+software may also do early fragmentation if the resulatant packet is expected
+to cross MTU.
+.. note::
+    The underlying device will manage state information required for egress
+    processing. e.g. In case of IPSEC, the seq number will be added to be the
+    packet, It shall provide indication when sequence number is about to
+    overflow. The underlying device may support post encryption TSO.
+.. code-block:: console
+         Egress Data Path
+                  |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |  egress IPsec   |
+        |        |        |
+        | +------V------+ |
+        | | SABD lookup | |
+        | +------|------+ |


+        | +------V------+ |
+        | |   Desc      | |   <------ Mark packet to be offloaded
+        | +------|------+ |
+        +--------V--------+
+                 |
+        +--------V--------+
+        |    L2 Stack     |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 |
+        +--------V--------+
+        |                 |
+        |     NIC PMD     |   <------ Set hw context for inline crypto offload
+        |                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |  HW ACCELERATED |   <------ Add tunnel, ESP header etc header to
+        |        NIC      |           packet.Packet Encryption/Decryption and

Only packet Encryption here. Right?

+        |                 |            Authentication happens inline.
+        +--------|--------+

I guess the "|" can be removed.

+Lookaside protocol offload
+This extend the librte_cryptodev to support the programming of IPsec
+Security Association (SA) as part of crypto session creation including
+the definition. In addition to standard crypto processing, as defined by
+the cryptodev, the security protocol processing is also offloaded to the
+crypto device.
+Decryption: The packet is sent to the crypto device for security
+protocol processing. The device will decrypt the packet and it will also
+optionally remove the additional security headers from the packet.
+e.g. In case of IPSEC, the IPSEC tunnel headers (if any), ESP/AH headers
+will be removed from the packet and the decrypted packet may contains
+the decrypted packet only.
+.. note::
+    In case of IPSEC the device may internally manage anti-replay etc.
+    It will provide configuration option for anti-replay behavior i.e. to drop
+    the packets or pass them to driver with err flags set in descriptor.
+Encryption: The software will submit the packet to cryptodev as usual
+to encryption, the HW device in this case will also add relevant
+security protocol header along with encrypting the packet. The software
+should make sure that the buffer has required header and tailer space

head room and tail room

+for any protocol header addition.
+.. note::
+    In case of IPSEC, the seq number will be added to be the packet,
+    It shall provide indication when sequence number is about to
+    overflow.
+.. code-block:: console
+          Egress Data Path
+                  |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |  egress IPsec   |
+        |        |        |
+        | +------V------+ |
+        | | SABD lookup | |   <------ SA maps to cryptodev session
+        | +------|------+ |


+        | +------|------+ |
+        | |      \--------------------\
+        | |    Crypto   | |           |  <- Crypto processing through
+        | |      /----------------\   |     inline crypto PMD
+        | +------|------+ |       |   |
+        +--------V--------+       |   |
+                 |                |   |
+        +--------V--------+       |   |  create   <-- SA is added to hw
+        |    L2 Stack     |       |   |  inline       using existing create
+        +--------|--------+       |   |  session      sym session APIs
+                 |                |   |    |
+        +--------V--------+   +---|---|----V---+
+        |                 |   |   \---/    |   | <--- Add tunnel, ESP header 
+        |     NIC PMD     |   |   INLINE   |   |      header to packet.Packet
+        |                 |   | CRYPTO PMD |   |      Encryption/Decryption and
+        +--------|--------+   +----------------+      Authentication happens
+                 |                                    inline.
+        +--------|--------+
+        |       NIC       |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 V
+Device Features and Capabilities
+Device Capabilities For Security Operations
+The device(crypto or ethernet) capabilities which support security operations,
+are defined by the security action type, security protocol, protocol
+capabilities and corresponding crypto capabilities for security. For the full
+scope of the Security capability see the definition of the structure in the
+*DPDK API Reference*.
+.. code-block:: c
+   struct rte_security_capability;
+Each driver(crypto or ethernet) defines its own private array of capabilities
+for the operations it supports. Below is an example of the capabilities for a
+PMD which supports the IPSec protocol.
+.. code-block:: c
+    static const struct rte_security_capability pmd_security_capabilities[] = {
+       { /* IPsec Lookaside Protocol offload ESP Transport Egress */
+               .protocol = RTE_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_IPSEC,
+               .ipsec = {
+                       .proto = RTE_SECURITY_IPSEC_SA_PROTO_ESP,
+                       .mode = RTE_SECURITY_IPSEC_SA_MODE_TUNNEL,
+                       .direction = RTE_SECURITY_IPSEC_SA_DIR_EGRESS,
+                       .options = { 0 }
+               },
+               .crypto_capabilities = pmd_capabilities
+       },
+       { /* IPsec Lookaside Protocol offload ESP Tunnel Ingress */
+               .protocol = RTE_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_IPSEC,
+               .ipsec = {
+                       .proto = RTE_SECURITY_IPSEC_SA_PROTO_ESP,
+                       .mode = RTE_SECURITY_IPSEC_SA_MODE_TUNNEL,
+                       .direction = RTE_SECURITY_IPSEC_SA_DIR_INGRESS,
+                       .options = { 0 }
+               },
+               .crypto_capabilities = pmd_capabilities
+       },
+       {
+               .action = RTE_SECURITY_ACTION_TYPE_NONE
+       }
+    };
+    static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities pmd_capabilities[] = {
+        {    /* SHA1 HMAC */
+            .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+            .sym = {
+                .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                .auth = {
+                    .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SHA1_HMAC,
+                    .block_size = 64,
+                    .key_size = {
+                        .min = 64,
+                        .max = 64,
+                        .increment = 0
+                    },
+                    .digest_size = {
+                        .min = 12,
+                        .max = 12,
+                        .increment = 0
+                    },
+                    .aad_size = { 0 },
+                    .iv_size = { 0 }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        {    /* AES CBC */
+            .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+            .sym = {
+                .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER,
+                .cipher = {
+                    .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_AES_CBC,
+                    .block_size = 16,
+                    .key_size = {
+                        .min = 16,
+                        .max = 32,
+                        .increment = 8
+                    },
+                    .iv_size = {
+                        .min = 16,
+                        .max = 16,
+                        .increment = 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Capabilities Discovery
+Discovering the features and capabilities of a driver(crypto/ethernet)
+is achieved through the ``rte_security_capabilities_get`` function.
+.. code-block:: c
+   const struct rte_security_capability 
*rte_security_capabilities_get(uint16_t id);
+This allows the user to query a specific driver and get all the device
+security capabilities. It returns an array of ``rte_security_capability`` 
+which contains all the capabilities for the device.
+Security Session Create/Free
+Security Sessions are created to store the immutable fields of a particular 
+association for a particular protocol which is defined by a security session
+configuration structure which is used in the operation processing of a packet 
+Sessions are used to manage protocol specific information as well as crypto 
+Security sessions cache this immutable data in a optimal way for the 
underlying PMD
+and this allows further acceleration of the offload of Crypto workloads.
+The Secutiry framework provides APIs to create and free sessions for 
+devices, where sessions are mempool objects. It is the application's 
+to create and manage the session mempools. Mempool object size should be able 
+accommodate the driver's private data of the session.
+Once the session mempools have been created, ``rte_security_session_create()``
+is used to allocate and initialize a session for the required crypto/ethernet 
+Sessions already created can be updated with the 
+When a session is no longer used, user must call 
+to free driver private session data and return the memory back to the mempool.
+For look aside protocol offload to hardware crypto device, the 
+created by the application is attached to the security session by the API
+For Inline Crypto and Inline protocol offload, device specific defined 
metadata is
+updated in the mbuf using ``rte_security_set_pkt_metadata``.


+Session configuration
+Security Session configuration structure is defined as 
+.. code-block:: c
+    struct rte_security_session_conf {
+       enum rte_security_session_action_type action_type;
+       /**< Type of action to be performed on the session */
+       enum rte_security_session_protocol protocol;
+       /**< Security protocol to be configured */
+       union {
+               struct rte_security_ipsec_xform ipsec;
+               struct rte_security_macsec_xform macsec;
+       };
+       /**< Configuration parameters for security session */
+       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *crypto_xform;
+       /**< Security Session Crypto Transformations */
+    };
+The configuration structure reuses the ``rte_crypto_sym_xform`` for crypto 
+configuration. ``rte_security_session_action_type`` specify whether the 
session is
+configured for Lookaside Protocol offload or Inline Crypto or Inline Protocol
+.. code-block:: c
+    enum rte_security_session_action_type {
+       /**< No security actions */
+       /**< Crypto processing for security protocol is processed inline
+        * during transmission */
+       /**< All security protocol processing is performed inline during
+        * transmission */
+       /**< All security protocol processing including crypto is performed
+        * on a lookaside accelerator */
+    };
+The ``rte_security_session_protocol`` is defined as
+.. code-block:: c
+    enum rte_security_session_protocol {
+       /**< IPsec Protocol */
+       /**< MACSec Protocol */
+    };
+Currently the library defines configuration parameters for IPSec only. For 
+protocols like MACSec, structures and enums are defined as place holders which
+will be updated in the future.
+IPsec related configuration parameters are defined in 
+.. code-block:: c
+    struct rte_security_ipsec_xform {
+       uint32_t spi;
+       /**< SA security parameter index */
+       uint32_t salt;
+       /**< SA salt */
+       struct rte_security_ipsec_sa_options options;
+       /**< various SA options */
+       enum rte_security_ipsec_sa_direction direction;
+       /**< IPSec SA Direction - Egress/Ingress */
+       enum rte_security_ipsec_sa_protocol proto;
+       /**< IPsec SA Protocol - AH/ESP */
+       enum rte_security_ipsec_sa_mode mode;
+       /**< IPsec SA Mode - transport/tunnel */
+       struct rte_security_ipsec_tunnel_param tunnel;
+       /**< Tunnel parameters, NULL for transport mode */
+    };
+Security API
+The rte_security Library API is described in the *DPDK API Reference* document.
+Flow based Security Session
+In case of NIC based offloads, the security session specified in the
+'rte_flow_action_security' must be created on the same port as the
+flow action that is being specified.
+The ingress/egress flow attribute should match that specified in the security
+session if the security session supports the definition of the direction.
+Multiple flows can be configured to use the same security session. For
+example if the security session specifies an egress IPsec SA, then multiple
+flows can be specified to that SA. In the case of an ingress IPsec SA then
+it is only valid to have a single flow to map to that security session.
+.. code-block:: console
+         Configuration Path
+                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |    Add/Remove   |
+        |     IPsec SA    |   <------ Build security flow action of
+        |        |        |            ipsec transform
+        |--------|--------|
+                 |
+        +--------V--------+
+        |   Flow API      |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 |
+        +--------V--------+
+        |                 |
+        |     NIC PMD     |   <------ Add/Remove SA to/from hw context
+        |                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+        |  HW ACCELERATED |
+        |        NIC      |
+        |                 |
+        +--------|--------+
+o Add/Delete SA flow:
+    To add a new inline SA construct a rte_flow_item for Ethernet + IP + ESP
+    using the SA selectors and the rte_crypto_ipsec_xform as the 
+    Note that any rte_flow_items may be empty, which means it is not checked.
+.. code-block:: console
+    In its most basic form, IPsec flow specification is as follows:
+        +-------+     +----------+    +--------+    +-----+
+        |  Eth  | ->  |   IP4/6  | -> |   ESP  | -> | END |
+        +-------+     +----------+    +--------+    +-----+
+    However, the API can represent, IPsec crypto offload with any 
+        +-------+            +--------+    +-----+
+        |  Eth  | ->  ... -> |   ESP  | -> | END |
+        +-------+            +--------+    +-----+

Thanks for your comments, I would include these in my next version.


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