This patchset includes the hw driver upgrades and additional
nic feature implementations.

patches 1..8 - upgrades the qbman hw driver
patches 9..10 - adds the support for LX2160 platform
patches 11..27 - adds various features and cleanups in
                NXP DPAA2 pmd mainly - links status, RSS update,
                extra stats etc.

This patch depends on following [1], [2].

1. NXP DPAA2: Refactor bus scan/probe code

2.NXP DPAA2 bus driver fw upgrade

1. removed the MC fw upgrade patch to be separate patch
2. remove dpaa code, which was added mistakenly
3. fix the comments and compilation issue with debug on for patch #6,7,8
4. added patch to add the devices in natural sorted order
5. fix coverity issue in patch #13, #17, #18, #22

1. improve the checksum offload suport as per fuser config
2. remvoe checksum errors.
3. some cleanups on log messages.

Ashish Jain (2):
  config/dpaa2: change max lores to 16
  bus/fslmc: add support for LX2160 platform

Haiying Wang (4):
  bus/fslmc: qbman replace word copy with memcpy
  bus/fslmc: add qbman API to do enqueue with multiple frames
  bus/fslmc: support up to 32 frames in one volatile dequeue
  bus/fslmc: enhance the QBMAN CENA mode

Hemant Agrawal (20):
  bus/fslmc: remove the export for qbman version function
  bus/fslmc: qbman remove unused funcs and align names
  bus/fslmc: cleanup compat file
  bus/fslmc: clean the qbman support code
  net/dpaa2: add support for congestion overhead
  bus/fslmc: add support to check dpbp presence
  bus/fslmc: cleanup the dpaa2 interrupt support
  net/dpaa2: add support for link status event
  bus/fslmc: enable link status interrupt
  net/dpaa2: check physical link state on up cmd
  net/dpaa2: improve error and logs for flow distribution
  net/dpaa2: increase the dist param to 64 bit
  net/dpaa2: remove RSS restriction with num of queues
  net/dpaa2: add support for RSS hash update and get
  net/dpaa2: add support for extra stats
  net/dpaa2: fix the Tx handling of non HW pool bufs
  net/dpaa2: log that VLAN extend offload not supported
  net/dpaa2: checksum support as per user config
  net/dpaa2: improve debug messaging
  bus/dpaa2: improve debug log messages

Shreyansh Jain (1):
  bus/fslmc: add devices in sorted order

 config/defconfig_arm64-dpaa2-linuxapp-gcc          |   2 +-
 doc/guides/nics/features/dpaa2.ini                 |   2 +
 drivers/bus/fslmc/Makefile                         |   1 +
 drivers/bus/fslmc/fslmc_bus.c                      |  45 +-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/fslmc_vfio.c                     | 112 ++-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/fslmc_vfio.h                     |   8 +-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/portal/dpaa2_hw_dpbp.c           |   9 +-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/portal/dpaa2_hw_dpci.c           |   2 +-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/portal/dpaa2_hw_dpio.c           |  46 +-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/portal/dpaa2_hw_pvt.h            |   2 +
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/include/compat.h           | 322 +------
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/include/fsl_qbman_base.h   |   4 -
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/include/fsl_qbman_portal.h | 183 ++--
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/qbman_portal.c             | 973 +++++++++------------
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/qbman_portal.h             | 140 +--
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/qbman_private.h            | 174 ----
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/qbman_sys.h                | 151 ++--
 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/qbman_sys_decl.h           |  25 +-
 drivers/bus/fslmc/        |   9 +-
 drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c        |   6 +-
 drivers/event/dpaa2/dpaa2_eventdev.c               |   2 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa2/base/dpaa2_hw_dpni.c             |  45 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa2/dpaa2_ethdev.c                   | 459 ++++++++--
 drivers/net/dpaa2/dpaa2_ethdev.h                   |   3 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa2/dpaa2_rxtx.c                     |  53 +-
 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/dpni.c                        | 233 +++++
 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni.h                    |  49 ++
 drivers/net/dpaa2/mc/fsl_dpni_cmd.h                |  50 ++
 28 files changed, 1619 insertions(+), 1491 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/bus/fslmc/qbman/qbman_private.h


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