On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 10:19:39AM +0800, Tiwei Bie wrote:
> This patch adaptively batches the small guest memory copies.
> By batching the small copies, the efficiency of executing the
> memory LOAD instructions can be improved greatly, because the
> memory LOAD latency can be effectively hidden by the pipeline.
> We saw great performance boosts for small packets PVP test.
> This patch improves the performance for small packets, and has
> distinguished the packets by size. So although the performance
> for big packets doesn't change, it makes it relatively easy to
> do some special optimizations for the big packets too.

The number showed in other replies looks really impressive. Great work!
This patch also looks good to me. I have one minor comment though.

> +/*
> + * Structure contains the info for each batched memory copy.
> + */
> +struct burst_copy_elem {
> +     void *dst;
> +     void *src;
> +     uint32_t len;
> +     uint64_t log_addr;
> +};

Like the title says, it's more about batch (but not burst). Also, it's
not a good idea to mix burst and batch. I'd suggest you to use the term
"batch" consistently.


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