> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-boun...@dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Yipeng Wang
> Sent: Saturday, September 2, 2017 2:25 AM
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: step...@networkplumber.org; luca.bocca...@gmail.com; Tai, Charlie
> <charlie....@intel.com>; Gobriel, Sameh <sameh.gobr...@intel.com>; Wang,
> Ren <ren.w...@intel.com>; De Lara Guarch, Pablo
> <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>; Wang, Yipeng1 <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 7/7] doc: add membership documentation
> This patch adds the documentation for membership library.
> Signed-off-by: Yipeng Wang <yipeng1.w...@intel.com>
> ---

Thanks for the detailed docs and the nice images. Some comments below.

> +
> +.. _Member_Library:
> +
> +Membership Library
> +=======================

The underline should match the length of the title and should be followed by
a blank line. Make this change throughout the doc.

> +
> +Introduction
> +------------
> +The DPDK Membership Library provides an API for DPDK applications to
> insert a
> +new member, delete an existing member, or query the existence of a member
> in a
> +given set, or a group of sets. For the case of a group of sets the
> library
> +will return not only whether the element has been inserted before in one
> of
> +the sets but also which set it belongs to.  The Membership Library is an
> +extension and generalization of a traditional filter structure (for
> example
> +Bloom Filter [Member-bloom]) that has multiple usages in a wide variety
> of
> +workloads and applications. In general, the Membership Library is a data
> +structure that provides a “set-summary” on whether a member belongs to a
> set,

Use standard quotes instead of smart quotes. The doc renderers will convert
them to smart quotes.

> +probability.
> +
> +.. _figure_membership1:
> +.. figure:: img/member_i1.*
> +
> +  Example Usages of Membership Library
> +
> +We believe that there are various usages for a Membership Library in a
> very
> +large set of applications and workloads. Interested readers can refer to
> +[Member-survey] for a survey of possible networking usages. The following
> figure
> +provide a small set of examples of using the Membership Library. Sub-
> figure(a)

These sub-figures would be better as separate bullet sections.

There are a lot of other small fixes that I will send on to you off-line.

Reviewed-by: John McNamara <john.mcnam...@intel.com>

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