HI,  Ferruh

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yigit, Ferruh
> Sent: Friday, September 1, 2017 12:18 AM
> To: Zhao1, Wei <wei.zh...@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH 1/2] net/i40e: queue region set and flush
> On 8/24/2017 4:26 AM, Wei Zhao wrote:
> > This feature enable queue regions configuration for RSS in PF/VF, so
> > that different traffic classes or different packet classification
> > types can be separated to different queues in different queue
> > regions.This patch can set queue region range, it include queue number
> > in a region and the index of first queue.
> > This patch enable mapping between different priorities (UP) and
> > different traffic classes.It also enable mapping between a region
> > index and a sepcific flowtype(PCTYPE).It also provide the solution of
> > flush all configuration about queue region the above described.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Wei Zhao <wei.zh...@intel.com>
> Hi Wei,
> I wonder if this can be implemented using rte_flow, instead of PMD specific
> API?
> And if not, what is missing in rte_flow for this?

Yes, at first I have plan to use rte_flow to implement this feature.
But there are many opposition for this, for example, this  feature is only 
support by i40e but not igb/ixgbe
From hardware capacity, not all NIC. So, private API is selected.

> Thanks,
> ferruh

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