On 8/25/2017 2:26 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 24/08/2017 09:12, Shahaf Shuler:
>> Thursday, August 24, 2017 1:06 AM, Thomas Monjalon:
>>> 23/08/2017 15:13, Shahaf Shuler:
>>>> Wednesday, August 23, 2017 3:29 PM, Ananyev, Konstantin:
>>>>> From: Shahaf Shuler
>>>>>> In order to enable PMDs to support only one of the APIs, and
>>>>>> applications to avoid branching according to the underlying device
>>>>>> a copy functions to/from the old/new APIs were added.
>>> Looks a good intent.
>>> I would prefer the word "convert" instead of "copy".
>>>>>>  int
>>>>>>  rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t rx_queue_id,
>>> [...]
>>>>>> +        } else if ((!(dev->data->dev_flags & RTE_ETH_DEV_RXQ_OFFLOAD)) 
>>>>>> &&
>>>>>> +                   (dev->data->dev_conf.rxmode.ignore == 1)) {
>>>>>> +                int ret;
>>>>>> +                struct rte_eth_rxmode rxmode;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +                rte_eth_copy_rxq_offloads(&rxmode, rx_conf);
>>>>>> +                if (memcmp(&rxmode, &dev->data->dev_conf.rxmode,
>>>>>> +                           sizeof(rxmode))) {
>>>>>> +                        /*
>>>>>> +                         * device which work with rxmode offloads API 
>>>>>> requires
>>>>>> +                         * a re-configuration in order to apply the new 
>>>>>> offloads
>>>>>> +                         * configuration.
>>>>>> +                         */
>>>>>> +                        dev->data->dev_conf.rxmode = rxmode;
>>>>>> +                        ret = rte_eth_dev_configure(port_id,
>>>>>> +                                        dev->data->nb_rx_queues,
>>>>>> +                                        dev->data->nb_tx_queues,
>>>>>> +                                        &dev->data->dev_conf);
>>>>> Hmm, and why we would need to reconfigure our device in the middle
>>>>> of rx queue setup?
>>>> The reason is the old Rx offloads API is configured on device configure.
>>>> This if section is for applications which already moved to the new
>>>> offload API however the underlying PMD still uses the old one.
>>> Isn't it risky to re-run configure here?
>>> We could also declare this case as an error.
>>> I think applications which have migrated to the new API, could use the
>>> convert functions themselves before calling configure to support not
>>> migrated PMDs.
>>> The cons of my solution are:
>>> - discourage apps to migrate before all PMDs have migrated
>>> - expose a temporary function to convert API I propose it anyway because
>>> there is always someone to like bad ideas ;)
>> Yes. I tried to make it as simple as possible for application to move to the 
>> new API.
>> Defining it as error flow, will enforce the application to check the PMD 
>> offload mode and branch accordingly. The conversion functions are a good 
>> helpers, yet the code remains complex due to the different cases with the 
>> different PMDs.
>> Considering the re-configuration is risky, and without other ideas I will 
>> need to fall back to the error flow case.
>> Are we OK with that?
> I think we can take the risk of keeping this call to
> rte_eth_dev_configure() in the middle of rte_eth_rx_queue_setup().
> In theory it should be acceptable.
> If we merge it soon, it can be better tested with every drivers.

I doubt about taking that risk. Some driver does HW configuration via
configure() and combination of start/stop, setup_queue and configure can
be complex.

I am for generating error for this case.

Generating error also can be good motivation for PMDs to adapt new method.

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