
"Existing thread subject: DPDK 17.02 RC-3 performance degradation of ~10%"

We are in the process of upgrading from dpdk 16.11 to 17.02. We are also seeing 
performance degradation in our packet processing application for about ~3% with 
When we browsed through mailing lists, we found a similar thread as mentioned 
in this email subject from Cisco T-Rex. But the thread did not point to any 
resolution instead they could fix it in their software.
Before starting to figure out which commit of dpdk (git bisect) is causing our 
application to degrade (which is tedious and slow), we are wondering that if 
the resolution for the T-Rex is shared in broad sense like which dpdk api etc.
That would really help.

Thanks & Regards,
Leela sankar Gudimetla

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