Dear All,

Hope github is best place as many people do.
On Fri, 6/2/17, Dumitrescu, Cristian <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [RFC] proposal of allowing personal/project repos      
 To: "Thomas Monjalon" <>, "Bie, Tiwei" <>
 Cc: "" <>, "Richardson, Bruce" 
<>, "" 
<>, "Ananyev, Konstantin" 
 Date: Friday, June 2, 2017, 10:37 PM
 > Why? Do you need to host a
 repo on to try a new idea?
 Prototyping new DPDK-related
 ideas and sharing them with DPDK community, with some of
 them likely to eventually make their way into DPDK once
 accepted and mature enough.
 > I am against adding some
 user repos in this list:
 > I think the list of official repos must be
 kept light for good visibility.
 We could have a single project called sandbox
 mentioned in this list; whoever interested, needs to drill
 down into this one?
 > But we can imagine a forge for users at a
 different location like
 > However why not using another public forge
 for this need?
 to share DPDK related ideas on rather than other

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