On Fri, 2 Jun 2017 18:37:40 +0000
"Dumitrescu, Cristian" <cristian.dumitre...@intel.com> wrote:

> > Why? Do you need to host a repo on dpdk.org to try a new idea?
> >   
> Prototyping new DPDK-related ideas and sharing them with DPDK community, with 
> some of them likely to eventually make their way into DPDK once accepted and 
> mature enough.
> > I am against adding some user repos in this list:
> >     http://dpdk.org/browse/
> > I think the list of official repos must be kept light for good visibility.  
> We could have a single project called sandbox mentioned in this list; whoever 
> interested, needs to drill down into this one?
> > 
> > But we can imagine a forge for users at a different location like
> >     http://dpdk.org/users/
> > However why not using another public forge for this need?  
> Easier to share DPDK related ideas on dpdk.org rather than other places.

Let's not distract Thomas and others with lots of effort to run servers.
Having dpdk.org be the server for development and stable should be more than 

Running a secure server for user repositories is hard. If you want an example,
look follow some of the two factor auth stuff being done at kernel.org.

Another option would be to have an official clone of dpdk.org on github
and let users do what they need to there. This keeps project out of the forge

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