This operation can be used either to validate that a device
representation can be understood by a bus, as well as store the resulting
specialized device representation in any format determined by the bus.

Signed-off-by: Gaetan Rivet <>
 lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h 
index 3893ad6..00fc6d2 100644
--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h
+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h
@@ -103,6 +103,26 @@ typedef int (*rte_bus_attach_t)(struct rte_device *dev);
 typedef int (*rte_bus_detach_t)(struct rte_device *dev);
+ * Bus specific parsing function.
+ * Validates the syntax used in the textual representation of a device,
+ * If the syntax is valid and ``addr`` is not NULL, writes the bus-specific
+ * device representation to ``addr``.
+ *
+ * @param[in] name
+ *     device textual description
+ *
+ * @param[out] addr
+ *     device information location address, into which parsed info
+ *     should be written. If NULL, nothing should be written, which
+ *     is not an error.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     0 if parsing was successful.
+ *     !0 for any error.
+ */
+typedef int (*rte_bus_parse_t)(const char *name, void *addr);
  * A structure describing a generic bus.
 struct rte_bus {
@@ -113,6 +133,7 @@ struct rte_bus {
        rte_bus_find_device_t find_device; /**< Find device on bus */
        rte_bus_attach_t attach;     /**< Probe single device for drivers */
        rte_bus_detach_t detach;     /**< Remove single device from driver */
+       rte_bus_parse_t parse;       /**< Parse a device name */

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