> On May 17, 2017, at 4:28 AM, Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net> wrote:
> OK to register CPU needs for services (including interrupts processing).
> Then we could take this opportunity to review how threads are managed.
> We will have three types of cores:
> - not used
> - reserved for services
> - used for polling / application processing
> It is fine to reserve/define CPU from DPDK point of view.
> Then DPDK launch threads on cores. Maybe we should allow the application
> to choose how threads are launched and managed.
> Keith was talking about a plugin approach for thread management I think.
So, not to hijack this thread or maybe I misunderstood your comment I changed 
the subject.

Maybe we can look at the plugin model for a DPDK threading model to allow 
someone to use their own threading solution.

Is this required or just another enhancement?


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