On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 09:33:32PM +0000, Mastorakis, Spyridon wrote:
> Hi guys,
> When I compile the DPDK libraries as shared (by modifying the base_config 
> file) and try to run an application (e.g., l3fwd), I get an error that port 0 
> is not present on board.
> I have cleaned the system several times (unbinded NICs, removed igb_uio and 
> uio modules and hugepage mappings) and have configured everything again, but 
> this does not resolve the issue. I am also not able to add a virtual device 
> (specifically a virtual ring) when I compile as a shared library (no PMD 
> drivers found).
> When I compile the DPDK libraries as static though, everything works 
> perfectly fine and I can run the DPDK applications and add virtual rings.
> I have tried dpdk-17.02 and the latest stable dpdk version (16.11.1), but 
> none of them seems to work.
> Do you have any clue why this is happening?
> Thank you in advance,
> Spyros

When compiled as a shared lib, are you passing in the "-d" parameters to
make sure that the PMDs are actually loaded by the app. Unlike the
static version, they are not automatically linked in the shared lib


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