Hi, On 25.04.2017 10:48, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
Do you think it is really a good idea to keep and maintain this script in DPDK? It was intentionnally not exported in "make install". I think it is a bit out of scope, and I wonder which alternatives do we have? I know hwloc/lstopo, but there are probably others.
hwloc does not work on my target, but you are right, there are a variety of tools for that. For example, I prefer numactl (option -H) because it also allows to do many useful things, like bind CPUs to one node and memory allocations to another.
At the moment the script is just like the lscpu, which is preinstalled on Ubuntu and mentioned in the documentation alongside with the cpu_layout.
We could try to make the script more useful, for example, show which NIC is on which NUMA node. Still, it will be just a subset of functionality of tools like hwloc...
Regards, Andriy