On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 07:42:39AM +0100, Wang, Zhihong wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> This patch changes the behavior and causes some existing code to
> malfunction, e.g. bond_ethdev_stop() will get stuck here:
> while (rte_ring_dequeue(port->rx_ring, &pkt) != -ENOENT)
>               rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt);
> Another example in test/test/virtual_pmd.c: virtual_ethdev_stop().
> Thanks
> Zhihong
Actually, the behaviour of dequeue function should not be changing, so
this error initially confused me. However, it looks like a typo in my
patchset, compare function API comment, vs implementation:

 * @return
 *   - 0: Success, objects dequeued.
 *   - -ENOENT: Not enough entries in the ring to dequeue, no object is
 *     dequeued.

rte_ring_dequeue_bulk(r, obj_p, 1, NULL) ? 0 : -ENOBUFS;

So it looks like I put in ENOBUFS instead of ENOENT when modifying the
line. I'll do up a patch to fix that.


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