Add information on validating and creating QinQ flow rules to
the flow rules management section of the Testpmd User Guide.

Signed-off-by: Bernard Iremonger <>
 doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst 
index 497e2dd70..e9124f324 100644
--- a/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/testpmd_app_ug/testpmd_funcs.rst
@@ -2794,3 +2794,44 @@ Output can be limited to specific groups::
    5       0       1000    i-      ETH IPV6 ICMP => QUEUE
    7       63      0       i-      ETH IPV6 UDP VXLAN => MARK QUEUE
+Sample QinQ flow rules
+Validate and create a QinQ rule on port 0 to steer traffic to a VF queue in a 
+   testpmd> flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 4 
+       vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 5 / end actions vf id 1 / queue index 0 / end
+   Flow rule #0 validated
+   testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 4 /
+       vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 5 / end actions vf id 1 / queue index 0 / end
+   Flow rule #0 created
+   testpmd> flow list 0
+   ID      Group   Prio    Attr    Rule
+   0       0       0       i-      ETH VLAN VLAN=>VF QUEUE
+Validate and create a QinQ rule on port 0 to steer traffic to a queue on the 
+   testpmd> flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 6 
+        vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 7 / end actions pf / queue index 0 / end
+   Flow rule #1 validated
+   testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 6 /
+        vlan tpid is 0x8100 tci is 7 / end actions pf / queue index 1 / end
+   Flow rule #1 created
+   testpmd> flow list 0
+   ID      Group   Prio    Attr    Rule
+   0       0       0       i-      ETH VLAN VLAN=>VF QUEUE
+   1       0       0       i-      ETH VLAN VLAN=>PF QUEUE
+After creating QinQ rule(s) the following command should be issued to enable 
+   testpmd> vlan set qinq on 0

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