Hi Thomas,

On 06.04.2017 22:48, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
Anyway, why not fixing it in the reverse way: returning error for
out of range of non-jumbo frames?

I guess we need to fix most of the examples then, since most of them just pass 0 for normal frames. And there is no default for jumbo frames, so an app must first get this info from the NIC...

I am not sure setting a default value in the back of the caller is really
a good behaviour.

From app perspective, any working default is better that a non-working app, which you have to fix and recompile on each PMD/platform.

What if we use 0 for a default value both for normal and jumbo frames (i.e. ETHER_MAX_LEN and dev_info.max_rx_pktlen) and an error if user passed a non-zero max_rx_pkt_len?

It will make it consistent, we will not need to fix the existing apps and we will have a default both for normal and jumbo frames. Win-win? ;)


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