2017-03-28 13:19, Wiles, Keith:
> > On Mar 28, 2017, at 5:06 AM, Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monja...@6wind.com> 
> > wrote:
> > 2017-03-24 14:48, Wiles, Keith:
> >> True CLI is not the heart of DPDK, but adding a better supported CLI could 
> >> be a reasonable addition to DPDK for developers to create a real produce 
> >> instead of cmdline, which is stated was not a CLI for a real product.
> > 
> > We can ask to the techboard whether CLI is in DPDK scope.
> > My position: it is neither in the scope of the repo nor in the scope of 
> > dpdk.org.
> The goal is to replace the cmdline with CLI or at least provide a much better 
> supported and easier solution for DPDK developers.
> The CLI was written just for DPDK and uses DPDK APIs only, so to me it is 
> related to DPDK like any other tool or library we have in DPDK that is not 
> really providing packet transport. We have a number of these in DPDK today 
> and having a library repo on DPDK.org is the very reasonable.
> Also I thought we decided to add the repo to DPDK.org and the only reason we 
> are revisiting if CLI should be on DPDK.org is how we support external libs 
> of this type.
> Thomas started out not liking the name of librte_cli and wanted some other 
> name. I suggested ‘cli’, but I wanted to keep the librte_cli name as I wanted 
> to be able to pull the librte_cli into the DPDK/lib directory to make it 
> simpler to integrate into DPDK for the developer. Building library or 
> applications external to DPDK has a few issues and not completely supported 
> well in DPDK.
> I would like to clone DPDK then clone librte_cli into the DPDK/lib directory 
> allowing librte_cli to be built as a internal library. Then add the config 
> option to the common_base and DPDK/lib/Makefile to allow the library to be 
> built. This allow the developer to find the include and library easily, which 
> then allows us to start looking at updating the current apps to use CLI.
> I could provide a patch to DPDK to help integrate CLI into DPDK without 
> modifying DPDK today for the developer to be able to use CLI as a standard 
> internal library. My goal is to provide a cleaner solution for DPDK 
> developers and a DPDK support CLI.
> I am now a bit confused as to why Thomas has objected here and requested to 
> be push to the TechBoard.

I am sorry, I have realized in the discussion that it is not my call anymore
to decide which repo can be added on dpdk.org.
I have to apply a Technical Board decision which must comply with the (upcoming)
Governing Board directives.

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