Instead of printing the test results in the destructor
function, print them just after each run.
This will be useful for after the commit that allows
a range of buffer and burst sizes.

Signed-off-by: Pablo de Lara <>
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c    | 150 ++++++++++-----------------
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c | 132 ++++++++++-------------
 app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c     | 102 ++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 233 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c 
index 657d077..20d7069 100644
--- a/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c
+++ b/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_latency.c
@@ -39,26 +39,6 @@
 #include "cperf_ops.h"
-struct cperf_latency_results {
-       uint64_t ops_failed;
-       uint64_t enqd_tot;
-       uint64_t enqd_max;
-       uint64_t enqd_min;
-       uint64_t deqd_tot;
-       uint64_t deqd_max;
-       uint64_t deqd_min;
-       uint64_t cycles_tot;
-       uint64_t cycles_max;
-       uint64_t cycles_min;
-       uint64_t burst_num;
-       uint64_t num;
 struct cperf_op_result {
        uint64_t tsc_start;
        uint64_t tsc_end;
@@ -84,7 +64,6 @@ struct cperf_latency_ctx {
        const struct cperf_options *options;
        const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector;
        struct cperf_op_result *res;
-       struct cperf_latency_results results;
 #define max(a, b) (a > b ? (uint64_t)a : (uint64_t)b)
@@ -248,9 +227,6 @@ cperf_latency_test_constructor(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t 
                goto err;
        /* Generate mbufs_in with plaintext populated for test */
-       if (ctx->options->pool_sz % ctx->options->burst_sz)
-               goto err;
        ctx->mbufs_in = rte_malloc(NULL,
                        (sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *) *
                        ctx->options->pool_sz), 0);
@@ -325,18 +301,14 @@ cperf_latency_test_runner(void *arg)
        struct cperf_latency_ctx *ctx = arg;
        struct cperf_op_result *pres;
+       static int only_once;
        if (ctx == NULL)
                return 0;
        struct rte_crypto_op *ops[ctx->options->burst_sz];
        struct rte_crypto_op *ops_processed[ctx->options->burst_sz];
-       uint64_t ops_enqd = 0, ops_deqd = 0;
-       uint64_t m_idx = 0, b_idx = 0, i;
-       uint64_t tsc_val, tsc_end, tsc_start;
-       uint64_t tsc_max = 0, tsc_min = ~0UL, tsc_tot = 0, tsc_idx = 0;
-       uint64_t enqd_max = 0, enqd_min = ~0UL, enqd_tot = 0;
-       uint64_t deqd_max = 0, deqd_min = ~0UL, deqd_tot = 0;
+       uint64_t i;
        uint32_t lcore = rte_lcore_id();
@@ -359,8 +331,15 @@ cperf_latency_test_runner(void *arg)
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->options->total_ops; i++)
                rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst(ctx->dev_id, ctx->qp_id, NULL, 0);
-       while (enqd_tot < ctx->options->total_ops) {
+       uint64_t ops_enqd = 0, ops_deqd = 0;
+       uint64_t m_idx = 0, b_idx = 0;
+       uint64_t tsc_val, tsc_end, tsc_start;
+       uint64_t tsc_max = 0, tsc_min = ~0UL, tsc_tot = 0, tsc_idx = 0;
+       uint64_t enqd_max = 0, enqd_min = ~0UL, enqd_tot = 0;
+       uint64_t deqd_max = 0, deqd_min = ~0UL, deqd_tot = 0;
+       while (enqd_tot < ctx->options->total_ops) {
                uint16_t burst_size = ((enqd_tot + ctx->options->burst_sz)
                                <= ctx->options->total_ops) ?
                                                ctx->options->burst_sz :
@@ -478,69 +457,30 @@ cperf_latency_test_runner(void *arg)
                tsc_tot += tsc_val;
-       ctx->results.enqd_tot = enqd_tot;
-       ctx->results.enqd_max = enqd_max;
-       ctx->results.enqd_min = enqd_min;
-       ctx->results.deqd_tot = deqd_tot;
-       ctx->results.deqd_max = deqd_max;
-       ctx->results.deqd_min = deqd_min;
-       ctx->results.cycles_tot = tsc_tot;
-       ctx->results.cycles_max = tsc_max;
-       ctx->results.cycles_min = tsc_min;
-       ctx->results.burst_num = b_idx;
-       ctx->results.num = tsc_idx;
-       return 0;
-cperf_latency_test_destructor(void *arg)
-       struct cperf_latency_ctx *ctx = arg;
-       uint64_t i;
-       if (ctx == NULL)
-               return;
-       static int only_once;
-       uint64_t etot, eavg, emax, emin;
-       uint64_t dtot, davg, dmax, dmin;
-       uint64_t ctot, cavg, cmax, cmin;
-       double ttot, tavg, tmax, tmin;
+       double time_tot, time_avg, time_max, time_min;
        const uint64_t tunit = 1000000; /* us */
        const uint64_t tsc_hz = rte_get_tsc_hz();
-       etot = ctx->results.enqd_tot;
-       eavg = ctx->results.enqd_tot / ctx->results.burst_num;
-       emax = ctx->results.enqd_max;
-       emin = ctx->results.enqd_min;
-       dtot = ctx->results.deqd_tot;
-       davg = ctx->results.deqd_tot / ctx->results.burst_num;
-       dmax = ctx->results.deqd_max;
-       dmin = ctx->results.deqd_min;
+       uint64_t enqd_avg = enqd_tot / b_idx;
+       uint64_t deqd_avg = deqd_tot / b_idx;
+       uint64_t tsc_avg = tsc_tot / tsc_idx;
-       ctot = ctx->results.cycles_tot;
-       cavg = ctx->results.cycles_tot / ctx->results.num;
-       cmax = ctx->results.cycles_max;
-       cmin = ctx->results.cycles_min;
-       ttot = tunit*(double)(ctot) / tsc_hz;
-       tavg = tunit*(double)(cavg) / tsc_hz;
-       tmax = tunit*(double)(cmax) / tsc_hz;
-       tmin = tunit*(double)(cmin) / tsc_hz;
+       time_tot = tunit*(double)(tsc_tot) / tsc_hz;
+       time_avg = tunit*(double)(tsc_avg) / tsc_hz;
+       time_max = tunit*(double)(tsc_max) / tsc_hz;
+       time_min = tunit*(double)(tsc_min) / tsc_hz;
        if (ctx->options->csv) {
                if (!only_once)
-                       printf("\n# lcore, Pakt Seq #, Packet Size, cycles,"
-                                       " time (us)");
+                       printf("\n# lcore, Buffer Size, Burst Size, Pakt Seq #, 
+                                       "Packet Size, cycles, time (us)");
                for (i = 0; i < ctx->options->total_ops; i++) {
-                       printf("\n%u;%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%.3f",
-                               ctx->lcore_id, i + 1,
+                       printf("\n%u;%u;%u;%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%.3f",
+                               ctx->lcore_id, ctx->options->buffer_sz,
+                               ctx->options->burst_sz, i + 1,
                                ctx->res[i].tsc_end - ctx->res[i].tsc_start,
                                tunit * (double) (ctx->res[i].tsc_end
                                                - ctx->res[i].tsc_start)
@@ -552,22 +492,40 @@ cperf_latency_test_destructor(void *arg)
                printf("\n# Device %d on lcore %u\n", ctx->dev_id,
                printf("\n# total operations: %u", ctx->options->total_ops);
-               printf("\n#     burst number: %"PRIu64,
-                               ctx->results.burst_num);
+               printf("\n# Buffer size: %u", ctx->options->buffer_sz);
+               printf("\n# Burst size: %u", ctx->options->burst_sz);
+               printf("\n#     Number of bursts: %"PRIu64,
+                               b_idx);
-               printf("\n#          \t       Total\t   Average\t   Maximum\t "
-                               "  Minimum");
-               printf("\n#  enqueued\t%12"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
-                               "%10"PRIu64, etot, eavg, emax, emin);
-               printf("\n#  dequeued\t%12"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
-                               "%10"PRIu64, dtot, davg, dmax, dmin);
-               printf("\n#    cycles\t%12"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
-                               "%10"PRIu64, ctot, cavg, cmax, cmin);
-               printf("\n# time [us]\t%12.0f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f", ttot,
-                       tavg, tmax, tmin);
+               printf("\n#          \t       Total\t   Average\t   "
+                               "Maximum\t   Minimum");
+               printf("\n#  enqueued\t%12"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
+                               "%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64, enqd_tot,
+                               enqd_avg, enqd_max, enqd_min);
+               printf("\n#  dequeued\t%12"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
+                               "%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64, deqd_tot,
+                               deqd_avg, deqd_max, deqd_min);
+               printf("\n#    cycles\t%12"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
+                               "%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64, tsc_tot,
+                               tsc_avg, tsc_max, tsc_min);
+               printf("\n# time [us]\t%12.0f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f\t%10.3f",
+                               time_tot, time_avg, time_max, time_min);
+       return 0;
+cperf_latency_test_destructor(void *arg)
+       struct cperf_latency_ctx *ctx = arg;
+       if (ctx == NULL)
+               return;
        cperf_latency_test_free(ctx, ctx->options->pool_sz);
diff --git a/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c 
index 7108075..32c5bad 100644
--- a/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c
+++ b/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_throughput.c
@@ -38,18 +38,6 @@
 #include "cperf_test_throughput.h"
 #include "cperf_ops.h"
-struct cperf_throughput_results {
-       uint64_t ops_enqueued;
-       uint64_t ops_dequeued;
-       uint64_t ops_enqueued_failed;
-       uint64_t ops_dequeued_failed;
-       double ops_per_second;
-       double throughput_gbps;
-       double cycles_per_byte;
 struct cperf_throughput_ctx {
        uint8_t dev_id;
        uint16_t qp_id;
@@ -68,8 +56,6 @@ struct cperf_throughput_ctx {
        const struct cperf_options *options;
        const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector;
-       struct cperf_throughput_results results;
 static void
@@ -229,9 +215,6 @@ cperf_throughput_test_constructor(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t 
                goto err;
        /* Generate mbufs_in with plaintext populated for test */
-       if (ctx->options->pool_sz % ctx->options->burst_sz)
-               goto err;
        ctx->mbufs_in = rte_malloc(NULL,
                        (sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *) * ctx->options->pool_sz), 0);
@@ -297,15 +280,11 @@ cperf_throughput_test_runner(void *test_ctx)
        struct cperf_throughput_ctx *ctx = test_ctx;
-       uint64_t ops_enqd = 0, ops_enqd_total = 0, ops_enqd_failed = 0;
-       uint64_t ops_deqd = 0, ops_deqd_total = 0, ops_deqd_failed = 0;
-       uint64_t i, m_idx = 0, tsc_start, tsc_end, tsc_duration;
-       uint16_t ops_unused = 0;
+       static int only_once;
        struct rte_crypto_op *ops[ctx->options->burst_sz];
        struct rte_crypto_op *ops_processed[ctx->options->burst_sz];
+       uint64_t i;
        uint32_t lcore = rte_lcore_id();
@@ -324,18 +303,19 @@ cperf_throughput_test_runner(void *test_ctx)
        ctx->lcore_id = lcore;
-       if (!ctx->options->csv)
-               printf("\n# Running throughput test on device: %u, lcore: %u\n",
-                       ctx->dev_id, lcore);
        /* Warm up the host CPU before starting the test */
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->options->total_ops; i++)
                rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst(ctx->dev_id, ctx->qp_id, NULL, 0);
-       tsc_start = rte_rdtsc_precise();
+       uint64_t ops_enqd = 0, ops_enqd_total = 0, ops_enqd_failed = 0;
+       uint64_t ops_deqd = 0, ops_deqd_total = 0, ops_deqd_failed = 0;
+       uint64_t m_idx = 0, tsc_start, tsc_end, tsc_duration;
+       tsc_start = rte_rdtsc_precise();
        while (ops_enqd_total < ctx->options->total_ops) {
+               uint16_t ops_unused = 0;
                uint16_t burst_size = ((ops_enqd_total + ctx->options->burst_sz)
                                <= ctx->options->total_ops) ?
                                                ctx->options->burst_sz :
@@ -433,22 +413,59 @@ cperf_throughput_test_runner(void *test_ctx)
        tsc_duration = (tsc_end - tsc_start);
        /* Calculate average operations processed per second */
-       ctx->results.ops_per_second = ((double)ctx->options->total_ops /
+       double ops_per_second = ((double)ctx->options->total_ops /
                        tsc_duration) * rte_get_tsc_hz();
        /* Calculate average throughput (Gbps) in bits per second */
-       ctx->results.throughput_gbps = ((ctx->results.ops_per_second *
+       double throughput_gbps = ((ops_per_second *
                        ctx->options->buffer_sz * 8) / 1000000000);
-       /* Calculate average cycles per byte */
-       ctx->results.cycles_per_byte =  ((double)tsc_duration /
-                       ctx->options->total_ops) / ctx->options->buffer_sz;
+       /* Calculate average cycles per packet */
+       double cycles_per_packet = ((double)tsc_duration /
+                       ctx->options->total_ops);
-       ctx->results.ops_enqueued = ops_enqd_total;
-       ctx->results.ops_dequeued = ops_deqd_total;
+       if (!ctx->options->csv) {
+               if (!only_once)
+                       printf("%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n\n",
+                               "lcore id", "Buf Size", "Burst Size",
+                               "Enqueued", "Dequeued", "Failed Enq",
+                               "Failed Deq", "MOps", "Gbps",
+                               "Cycles/Buf");
+               only_once = 1;
+               printf("%12u%12u%12u%12"PRIu64"%12"PRIu64"%12"PRIu64
+                               "%12"PRIu64"%12.4f%12.4f%12.2f\n",
+                               ctx->lcore_id,
+                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
+                               ctx->options->burst_sz,
+                               ops_enqd_total,
+                               ops_deqd_total,
+                               ops_enqd_failed,
+                               ops_deqd_failed,
+                               ops_per_second/1000000,
+                               throughput_gbps,
+                               cycles_per_packet);
+       } else {
+               if (!only_once)
+                       printf("# lcore id, Buffer Size(B),"
+                               "Burst Size,Enqueued,Dequeued,Failed Enq,"
+                               "Failed Deq,Ops(Millions),Throughput(Gbps),"
+                               "Cycles/Buf\n\n");
+               only_once = 1;
-       ctx->results.ops_enqueued_failed = ops_enqd_failed;
-       ctx->results.ops_dequeued_failed = ops_deqd_failed;
+               printf("%10u;%10u;%u;%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";"
+                               "%.f3;%.f3;%.f3\n",
+                               ctx->lcore_id,
+                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
+                               ctx->options->burst_sz,
+                               ops_enqd_total,
+                               ops_deqd_total,
+                               ops_enqd_failed,
+                               ops_deqd_failed,
+                               ops_per_second/1000000,
+                               throughput_gbps,
+                               cycles_per_packet);
+       }
        return 0;
@@ -458,50 +475,9 @@ void
 cperf_throughput_test_destructor(void *arg)
        struct cperf_throughput_ctx *ctx = arg;
-       struct cperf_throughput_results *results = &ctx->results;
-       static int only_once;
        if (ctx == NULL)
-       if (!ctx->options->csv) {
-               printf("\n# Device %d on lcore %u\n",
-                               ctx->dev_id, ctx->lcore_id);
-               printf("# Buffer Size(B)\t  Enqueued\t  Dequeued\tFailed Enq"
-                               "\tFailed Deq\tOps(Millions)\tThroughput(Gbps)"
-                               "\tCycles Per Byte\n");
-               printf("\n%16u\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
-                               "%10"PRIu64"\t%16.4f\t%16.4f\t%15.2f\n",
-                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
-                               results->ops_enqueued,
-                               results->ops_dequeued,
-                               results->ops_enqueued_failed,
-                               results->ops_dequeued_failed,
-                               results->ops_per_second/1000000,
-                               results->throughput_gbps,
-                               results->cycles_per_byte);
-       } else {
-               if (!only_once)
-                       printf("\n# CPU lcore id, Burst Size(B), "
-                               "Buffer Size(B),Enqueued,Dequeued,Failed Enq,"
-                               "Failed Deq,Ops(Millions),Throughput(Gbps),"
-                               "Cycles Per Byte\n");
-               only_once = 1;
-               printf("%u;%u;%u;%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";"
-                               "%.f3;%.f3;%.f3\n",
-                               ctx->lcore_id,
-                               ctx->options->burst_sz,
-                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
-                               results->ops_enqueued,
-                               results->ops_dequeued,
-                               results->ops_enqueued_failed,
-                               results->ops_dequeued_failed,
-                               results->ops_per_second/1000000,
-                               results->throughput_gbps,
-                               results->cycles_per_byte);
-       }
        cperf_throughput_test_free(ctx, ctx->options->pool_sz);
diff --git a/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c 
index be157e6..b58b86c 100644
--- a/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c
+++ b/app/test-crypto-perf/cperf_test_verify.c
@@ -38,16 +38,6 @@
 #include "cperf_test_verify.h"
 #include "cperf_ops.h"
-struct cperf_verify_results {
-       uint64_t ops_enqueued;
-       uint64_t ops_dequeued;
-       uint64_t ops_enqueued_failed;
-       uint64_t ops_dequeued_failed;
-       uint64_t ops_failed;
 struct cperf_verify_ctx {
        uint8_t dev_id;
        uint16_t qp_id;
@@ -66,8 +56,6 @@ struct cperf_verify_ctx {
        const struct cperf_options *options;
        const struct cperf_test_vector *test_vector;
-       struct cperf_verify_results results;
 struct cperf_op_result {
@@ -231,9 +219,6 @@ cperf_verify_test_constructor(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t 
                goto err;
        /* Generate mbufs_in with plaintext populated for test */
-       if (ctx->options->pool_sz % ctx->options->burst_sz)
-               goto err;
        ctx->mbufs_in = rte_malloc(NULL,
                        (sizeof(struct rte_mbuf *) * ctx->options->pool_sz), 0);
@@ -388,7 +373,7 @@ cperf_verify_op(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
                if (options->auth_op == RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_OP_GENERATE)
                        res += memcmp(data + auth_offset,
-                                       vector->digest.length);
+                                       options->auth_digest_sz);
        return !!res;
@@ -401,6 +386,9 @@ cperf_verify_test_runner(void *test_ctx)
        uint64_t ops_enqd = 0, ops_enqd_total = 0, ops_enqd_failed = 0;
        uint64_t ops_deqd = 0, ops_deqd_total = 0, ops_deqd_failed = 0;
+       uint64_t ops_failed = 0;
+       static int only_once;
        uint64_t i, m_idx = 0;
        uint16_t ops_unused = 0;
@@ -498,15 +486,15 @@ cperf_verify_test_runner(void *test_ctx)
                for (i = 0; i < ops_deqd; i++) {
                        if (cperf_verify_op(ops_processed[i], ctx->options,
-                               ctx->results.ops_failed++;
+                               ops_failed++;
                        /* free crypto ops so they can be reused. We don't free
                         * the mbufs here as we don't want to reuse them as
                         * the crypto operation will change the data and cause
                         * failures.
-                       ops_deqd_total += ops_deqd;
+               ops_deqd_total += ops_deqd;
        /* Dequeue any operations still in the crypto device */
@@ -526,22 +514,53 @@ cperf_verify_test_runner(void *test_ctx)
                for (i = 0; i < ops_deqd; i++) {
                        if (cperf_verify_op(ops_processed[i], ctx->options,
-                               ctx->results.ops_failed++;
+                               ops_failed++;
                        /* free crypto ops so they can be reused. We don't free
                         * the mbufs here as we don't want to reuse them as
                         * the crypto operation will change the data and cause
                         * failures.
-                       ops_deqd_total += ops_deqd;
+               ops_deqd_total += ops_deqd;
-       ctx->results.ops_enqueued = ops_enqd_total;
-       ctx->results.ops_dequeued = ops_deqd_total;
+       if (!ctx->options->csv) {
+               if (!only_once)
+                       printf("%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s\n\n",
+                               "lcore id", "Buf Size", "Burst size",
+                               "Enqueued", "Dequeued", "Failed Enq",
+                               "Failed Deq", "Failed Ops");
+               only_once = 1;
+               printf("%12u%12u%12u%12"PRIu64"%12"PRIu64"%12"PRIu64
+                               "%12"PRIu64"%12"PRIu64"\n",
+                               ctx->lcore_id,
+                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
+                               ctx->options->burst_sz,
+                               ops_enqd_total,
+                               ops_deqd_total,
+                               ops_enqd_failed,
+                               ops_deqd_failed,
+                               ops_failed);
+       } else {
+               if (!only_once)
+                       printf("\n# lcore id, Buffer Size(B), "
+                               "Burst Size,Enqueued,Dequeued,Failed Enq,"
+                               "Failed Deq,Failed Ops\n");
+               only_once = 1;
-       ctx->results.ops_enqueued_failed = ops_enqd_failed;
-       ctx->results.ops_dequeued_failed = ops_deqd_failed;
+               printf("%10u;%10u;%u;%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";"
+                               "%"PRIu64"\n",
+                               ctx->lcore_id,
+                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
+                               ctx->options->burst_sz,
+                               ops_enqd_total,
+                               ops_deqd_total,
+                               ops_enqd_failed,
+                               ops_deqd_failed,
+                               ops_failed);
+       }
        return 0;
@@ -552,44 +571,9 @@ void
 cperf_verify_test_destructor(void *arg)
        struct cperf_verify_ctx *ctx = arg;
-       struct cperf_verify_results *results = &ctx->results;
-       static int only_once;
        if (ctx == NULL)
-       if (!ctx->options->csv) {
-               printf("\n# Device %d on lcore %u\n",
-                               ctx->dev_id, ctx->lcore_id);
-               printf("# Buffer Size(B)\t  Enqueued\t  Dequeued\tFailed Enq"
-                               "\tFailed Deq\tEmpty Polls\n");
-               printf("\n%16u\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\t"
-                               "%10"PRIu64"\t%10"PRIu64"\n",
-                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
-                               results->ops_enqueued,
-                               results->ops_dequeued,
-                               results->ops_enqueued_failed,
-                               results->ops_dequeued_failed,
-                               results->ops_failed);
-       } else {
-               if (!only_once)
-                       printf("\n# CPU lcore id, Burst Size(B), "
-                               "Buffer Size(B),Enqueued,Dequeued,Failed Enq,"
-                               "Failed Deq,Empty Polls\n");
-               only_once = 1;
-               printf("%u;%u;%u;%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";%"PRIu64";"
-                               "%"PRIu64"\n",
-                               ctx->lcore_id,
-                               ctx->options->burst_sz,
-                               ctx->options->buffer_sz,
-                               results->ops_enqueued,
-                               results->ops_dequeued,
-                               results->ops_enqueued_failed,
-                               results->ops_dequeued_failed,
-                               results->ops_failed);
-       }
        cperf_verify_test_free(ctx, ctx->options->pool_sz);

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