> On Mar 24, 2017, at 9:59 AM, Olivier Matz <olivier.m...@6wind.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Mar 2017 14:37:04 +0000, "Wiles, Keith" <keith.wi...@intel.com> 
> wrote:
>>> On Mar 24, 2017, at 6:43 AM, Ananyev, Konstantin 
>>> <konstantin.anan...@intel.com> wrote:
> [...]
>>> Yep, that's what my take from the beginning:
>>> Let's develop a librte_gro first and make it successful, then we can think 
>>> should
>>> we (and how) put into ethdev layer.  
>> Let not create a gro library and put the code into librte_net as size is not 
>> a concern yet and it is the best place to put the code. As for ip_frag 
>> someone can move it into librte_net if someone writes the patch.
> The size of a library _is_ an argument. Not the binary size in bytes, but
> its API, because that's what the developper sees. Today, librte_net contains
> protocol headers definitions and some network helpers, and the API surface
> is already quite big (look at the number of lines of .h files).
> I really like having a library name which matches its content.
> The anwser to "what can I find in librte_gro?" is quite obvious.

If we are going to talk about API surface area lets talk about ethdev then :-)

Ok, lets create a new librte_gro, but I am not convinced it is reasonable. 
Maybe a better generic name is needed if we are going to add GSO to the library 
too. So a new name for the lib is better then librte_gro, unless you are going 
to create another library for GSO.

I still think the design needs to be integrated in as a real offload as I 
stated before and that is not something I am willing let drop.

> Regards
> Olivier


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