2017-03-15 19:03, Dumitrescu, Cristian:
> ... <snip>
> > > > > > I think it should be in librte_hash.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Please check lib/librte_hash/rte_hash_crc.h
> > > > >
> > > > > Is it good to include payload crc calculation in hash library as I 
> > > > > see all
> > hash
> > > > related functionality there?
> > > >
> > > > I think yes. Pablo?
> > >
> > > I think this doesn't belong in the hash library. These new functions 
> > > calculate
> > CRC, but not as a hash function.
> > 
> > Can't we say that a CRC is a hash? What is a hash?
> > A function generating the same output bytes from given input bytes.
> > 
> > I think you must separate hash functions and hash table management.
> > 
> The fact that CRC32 instruction is opportunistically used to compute a hash 
> digest/signature for load balancing (affinity-based) or hash tables (flow 
> tables, ARP cache, etc) does not mean that all the code that uses CRC32 
> instruction should be placed in librte_hash.
> The purpose of the hash functions in librte_hash is to compute a 
> digest/signature for a given array of bytes (the key) as fast as possible. 
> Any hash function that produces a hash signature with good uniform 
> distribution in a small amount of cycles belongs here, including those 
> opportunistically using specialized CPU instructions such as CRC32 (or XOR, 
> AESNI, etc).
> The code proposed in this patch is used to compute packet fields for various 
> protocols that have a CRC field, such as FCS of Ethernet frames, etc. 
> according to the relevant standard (IEEE 802, others). It is an utility to be 
> used for implementing protocol-level functionality for various protocols from 
> the network stack, similar to e.g. IP or UDP checksum. If we were to add an 
> IP or UDCP checksum calculator, would you put it in librte_hash?
> The code from this patch is never going to be used to compute a fast 
> signature/digest. Typically this CRC is computed over the entire frame/packet 
> rather than just selected fields from the packet representing the 
> application-specific flow key. Also note that the signature produced by CRC32 
> hash function from librte_hash is actually not the correct Cyclic Redundancy 
> Check of that array of bytes (or, for math guys, of the associated 
> polynomial), it is just a partial/intermediate value.
> Therefore, I suggest placing this code into: librte_ether (given that it can 
> be used to compute Ethernet FCS), or librte_net, or librte_crc. Definitely 
> not in librte_hash.

I agree with you Cristian that the protocol layer must be in librte_net.
But I think most of this patch is not protocol level.
I think you agree with me that the code computing a
"digest/signature for a given array of bytes" must go to librte_hash?

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