> The central question that I would like to tackle is this: why should
> we require from our users declaring a bonding device to have
> hot-plug support?
We'll, strictly speaking, I suppose we don't have to require it. But by that
same token, we don't need to do it in a separate PMD either, there are lots of
other options.
I think I used an ambiguous formulation here. To be sure that we
understand each other, what I want to express is that it will certainly
seem very strange for a user to declare a bond on a single device,
first, and to be expected to do so if they wanted hot-plug support on
that particular device.
The bonding here would only be used as a place-holder, which does not
really make sense from the user point of view.
I think you understood that, and what I take from your response is that
while agreeing you would like to do so differently. I just wanted to be
> I took some time to illustrate a few modes of operation:
> Fig. 1
> .-------------.
> | application |
> `------.------'
> |
> .----'-----.---------. <------ init, conf, Rx/Tx
> | | |
> | .---|--.------|--. <--- conf, link check, Rx/Tx
> | | | | | |
> v | v v v v
> .---------. | .-------. .------.
> | bonding | | | ixgbe | | mlx4 |
> `----.----' | `-------' `------'
> | |
> `------'
> Typical link fail-over.
> Fig. 2
> .-------------.
> | application |
> `------.------'
> | <-------- init, conf, Rx/Tx
> v
> .-----------.
> | fail-safe |
> `-----.-----'
> |
> .---'----. <--- init, conf, dev check, Rx/Tx
> | |
> v v
> .-------. .------.
> | ixgbe | | mlx4 |
> `-------' `------'
> Typical automatic hot-plug handling with device fail-over.
> [...]
Yes, I think we all understand the purpose of your PMD - its there to provide a
placeholder device that can respond to application requests in a sane manner,
until such time as real hardware is put in its place via a hot plug/failure.
Thats all
well and good, I'm saying there are better ways to go about this that can
provide the same functionality without having to add an extra 4k lines of code
to the project, many of which already exist.
Ah, yes, I didn't want to imply that the purpose of this PMD wasn't
understood already by many. These figures are there to illustrate some
use cases that some users could recognize, and serve as a support for
the point made afterward.
The main thing that can be taken from these is the division along the
link-level and device-level checking that is done. This explains most of
my position. The nature of those checks imply different kind of code,
most of which is thus actually not duplicated / would require pretty
much the same amount of code to be implemented either as libraries or as
part of the bonding PMD. This is the crux of my argument, which I expand
upon below.
> 1. LSC vs. RMV
> A link status change is a valid state for a device. It calls for
> specific responses, e.g. a link switch in a bonding device, without
> losing the general configuration of the port.
> The removal of a device calls for more than pausing operations and
> switching an active device. The party responsible for initializing the
> device should take care of closing it properly. If this party also
> wants to be able to restore the device if it was plugged back in, it
> would need be able to initialize it back and reconfigure its previous
> state.
> As we can see that in [Fig. 1], this responsibility lies upon the
> application.
Again, yes, I think we all see the benefit of centralizing hot plug operations,
no one is disagreing with that, its the code/functional duplication that is
Certainly, I will try to explain why the code is not actually duplicated
/ why the functions are actually only superficially overlapping.
> 2. Bonding and link availability
> The hot-plug functionality is not a core function of the bonding PMD.
> It is only interested in knowing if the link is active or not.
Currently, yes. The suggestion was that you augment the bonding driver so that
hot plug is a core function of bonding.
> Adding the device persistence to the bonding PMD would mean adding the
> ability to flexibly parse device definitions to cope with plug-ins in
> evolving busses (PCI hot-plug could mean changing bus addresses), being
> able to emulate the EAL and the ether layer and to properly store the
> device configuration. This means formally describing the life of a
> device in a DPDK application from start to finish.
Which seems to me to be exactly what your PMD does. I don't see why its
fundamentally harder to do that in an existing pmd, than it is in a new one.
Indeed it does. I must emphasize the "formally describe the life of a
device". The hot-plug functionality goes beyong the link-level check.
The description of a device from a DPDK standpoint is complete in the
fail-safe PMD. The state-machine must be able to describe the entire
life of a device, from the devargs parsing to its start-up.
We cannot reuse the existing bonding PMD architecture for this. We
would have to rewrite the bonding PMD from the ground up for the
hot-plug function. Because it is actually a different approach to
managing the slaves.
This is what I wanted to illustrate in [Fig. 1] and [Fig. 2]:
- In the bonding, the init and configuration steps are still the
responsibility of the application and no one else. The bonding PMD
captures the device, re-applies its configuration upon dev_configure()
which is actually re-applying part of the configuration already
present within the slave eth_dev (cf rte_eth_dev_config_restore).
- In the fail-safe, the init and configuration are both the
responsibilities of the fail-safe PMD itself, not the application
anymore. This handling of these responsibilities in lieu of the
application is the whole point of the "deferred hot-plug" support, of
proposing a simple implementation to the user.
This change in responsibilities is the bulk of the fail-safe code. It
would have to be added as-is to the bonding. Verifying the correctness
of the sync of the initialization phase (acceptable states of a device
following several events registered by the fail-safe PMD) and the
configuration items between the state the application believes it is in
and the fail-safe knows it is in, is the bulk of the fail-safe code.
This function is not overlapping with that of the bonding. The reason I
did not add this whole architecture to the bonding is that when I tried
to do so, I found that I only had two possibilities:
- The current slave handling path is kept, and we only add a new one
with additional functionalities: full init and conf handling with
extended parsing capabilities.
- The current slave handling is scraped and replaced entirely by the new
slave management. The old capturing of existing device is not done
The first solution is not acceptable, because we effectively end-up with
a maintenance nightmare by having to validate two types of slaves with
differing capabilities, differing initialization paths and differing
configuration code. This is extremely awkward and architecturally
unsound. This is essentially the same as having the exact code of the
fail-safe as an aside in the bonding, maintening exactly the same
breadth of code while having muddier interfaces and organization.
The second solution is not acceptable, because we are bending the whole
existing bonding API to our whim. We could just as well simply rename
the fail-safe PMD as bonding, add a few grouping capabilities and call
it a day. This is not acceptable for users.
All of this, for hotplug support in the bonding PMD, while it actually
makes sense to offer this function on its own. Again, this third path
with a new PMD clarifies the functions for the users and for the reasons
exposed, helps the maintenance of the code.
There is no code duplication, or very little, because the slave
management done by the fail-safe is specific to the hot-plug function.
We do not handle slaves in the same way, and this is entirely due to the
difference in nature between a link-level check and a device-level
My suggestion to you would be to re-architect this in the following way:
1) Augment the null pmd to accept arbitrary parameters. Paremeters which are
not explicitly recognized are stored. Create an api call via the ethdev api to
retrieve said arguments.
2) Augment the bonding driver so that, upon configuration, null drivers can be
added to the bond, and marked as replaceable in some fashion
3) Port your hotplug implementation into the bonding code (or make it a separate
library, not sure which yet). On a hot plug event trigger, react by querying
the replaceable interfaces to see if the hot plugged nic is meant to replace an
existing one. If a match is found, detach the null pmd instance, and add the
hot plugged interface.
Porting this feature either as part of the bonding PMD or as a library
means having a good part of the fail-safe PMD added somewhere else. It
does not reduce much code length.
It does however modify the proposed user interface: either as a library
that an application would have to explicitly use, or part of the bonding
PMD with the problems previously explained.
The library form has been considered before. We would have to propose
both a library for hot-plug handling (initializing and uninitializing a
device), and a library for handling configuration. Neither can be
seamlessly integrated in existing applications. They will have to be
called correctly, an API will have to be respected to add the hot-plug
Additionally, their implementation is not so simple in this form. The
configuration store / restore for example will need a full dev_ops
coverage in order to deal with each configuration items that can be
used. We end up with a complete dev_ops layer that strongly resemble a
PMD. It also requires a saving space that will need to be managed,
either by an application or by a PMD calling it. Having this space
somehow managed by the EAL leads to implementing a PMD.
The PMD form allows for a clean abstraction layer that can be interfaced
both with an application on top and a driver underneath. We are able to
respect both APIs and to be inserted without either being aware of it.
It does not overcomplicate the code itself nor the architecture while
the overhead of a PMD is a negligible part, which can be justified to
offer the seamless integration feature.
The intent here is to provide you with the functionality that you have (which is
a good feature), without having to support an entire new pmd that replicates a
great deal of existing code an functionality.
We already considered using the bonding PMD as much as possible, having
generic libraries otherwise for the new facilities that we want. It is
not simpler or easier to maintain. It however impedes users in adopting
the feature.
Gaëtan Rivet