2017-03-14 07:58, Raphael Cohn:
> Hi,
> To compile DPDK on a system with Busybox tar installed, it's necessary to
> make a small change to the build system:-
>     sed -i -e '/--keep-newer-files/d' mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk
>     sed -i -e 's;--strip-components=1 \\;--strip-components=1;g' mk/
> rte.sdkinstall.mk
> I'm not sure whether the impact of this change fundamentally affects DPDK.
> I'm a little surprised that tar is needed at all for a compile + install,
> but I haven't investigated further. Is it being used to do a copy?

Yes it is used to make a copy.
It is a convenient one-liner.

I am a bit surprised that you need to install DPDK with busybox.
The busybox systems are generally cross-built and prepared out of the box,
with the host tools.
However, if you feel it is important to install DPDK on such target,
you are welcome to propose a patch.

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