From: Hemant Agrawal <>

When possible, replace the uses of rte_mempool_create() with
the helper provided in librte_mbuf: rte_pktmbuf_pool_create().

This is the preferred way to create a mbuf pool.

This also updates the documentation.

Signed-off-by: Olivier Matz <>
Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal <>
Acked-by: Olivier Matz <>


Hi Hemant,

I noticed I did not ack this patch. I just rebased it on top
of master branch (app/test was moved).

* rebase on top of master

* removing changes from ip_reassembly app

* removing compilation error from ip_reassmebly
* fix minor patch apply warnings

 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ipv4_multicast.rst        | 12 ++++----
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_job_stats.rst  | 33 ++++++++--------------
 .../sample_app_ug/l2_forward_real_virtual.rst      | 26 +++++++----------
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ptpclient.rst             | 11 ++------
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/quota_watermark.rst       | 26 ++++++-----------
 drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c          | 13 ++++-----
 examples/ip_pipeline/init.c                        | 18 ++++++------
 examples/multi_process/l2fwd_fork/main.c           | 13 +++------
 examples/tep_termination/main.c                    | 16 +++++------
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c                         |  7 +++--
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h                         | 29 +++++++++++--------
 test/test/test_link_bonding_rssconf.c              | 11 ++++----
 12 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ipv4_multicast.rst 
index 2f65eed..3e30f50 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ipv4_multicast.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ipv4_multicast.rst
@@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ Memory pools for indirect buffers are initialized 
differently from the memory po
 .. code-block:: c
-    packet_pool = rte_mempool_create("packet_pool", NB_PKT_MBUF, 
PKT_MBUF_SIZE, 32, sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-                                     rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL, 
rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, rte_socket_id(), 0);
-    header_pool = rte_mempool_create("header_pool", NB_HDR_MBUF, 
HDR_MBUF_SIZE, 32, 0, NULL, NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, rte_socket_id(), 0);
-    clone_pool = rte_mempool_create("clone_pool", NB_CLONE_MBUF,
-    CLONE_MBUF_SIZE, 32, 0, NULL, NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, 
rte_socket_id(), 0);
+    packet_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("packet_pool", NB_PKT_MBUF, 32,
+                       0, PKT_MBUF_DATA_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
+    header_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("header_pool", NB_HDR_MBUF, 32,
+                       0, HDR_MBUF_DATA_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
+    clone_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("clone_pool", NB_CLONE_MBUF, 32,
+                       0, 0, rte_socket_id());
 The reason for this is because indirect buffers are not supposed to hold any 
packet data and
 therefore can be initialized with lower amount of reserved memory for each 
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_job_stats.rst 
index 456e85e..1029cc8 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_job_stats.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_job_stats.rst
@@ -193,36 +193,25 @@ and the application to store network packet data:
 .. code-block:: c
     /* create the mbuf pool */
-    l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool =
-        rte_mempool_create("mbuf_pool", NB_MBUF,
-                   MBUF_SIZE, 32,
-                   sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-                   rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL,
-                   rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL,
-                   rte_socket_id(), 0);
+    l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("mbuf_pool", NB_MBUF,
+               rte_socket_id());
     if (l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool == NULL)
         rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot init mbuf pool\n");
 The rte_mempool is a generic structure used to handle pools of objects.
-In this case, it is necessary to create a pool that will be used by the driver,
-which expects to have some reserved space in the mempool structure,
-sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private) bytes.
-The number of allocated pkt mbufs is NB_MBUF, with a size of MBUF_SIZE each.
-A per-lcore cache of 32 mbufs is kept.
+In this case, it is necessary to create a pool that will be used by the driver.
+The number of allocated pkt mbufs is NB_MBUF, with a data room size of
+A per-lcore cache of MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE mbufs is kept.
 The memory is allocated in rte_socket_id() socket,
 but it is possible to extend this code to allocate one mbuf pool per socket.
-Two callback pointers are also given to the rte_mempool_create() function:
-*   The first callback pointer is to rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() and is used
-    to initialize the private data of the mempool, which is needed by the 
-    This function is provided by the mbuf API, but can be copied and extended 
by the developer.
-*   The second callback pointer given to rte_mempool_create() is the mbuf 
-    The default is used, that is, rte_pktmbuf_init(), which is provided in the 
rte_mbuf library.
-    If a more complex application wants to extend the rte_pktmbuf structure 
for its own needs,
-    a new function derived from rte_pktmbuf_init( ) can be created.
+The rte_pktmbuf_pool_create() function uses the default mbuf pool and mbuf
+initializers, respectively rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() and rte_pktmbuf_init().
+An advanced application may want to use the mempool API to create the
+mbuf pool with more control.
 Driver Initialization
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_real_virtual.rst 
index b86bb7c..609c8f5 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_real_virtual.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/l2_forward_real_virtual.rst
@@ -207,31 +207,25 @@ and the application to store network packet data:
     /* create the mbuf pool */
-    l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool = rte_mempool_create("mbuf_pool", NB_MBUF, MBUF_SIZE, 
32, sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-        rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, SOCKET0, 0);
+    l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("mbuf_pool", NB_MBUF,
+       rte_socket_id());
     if (l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool == NULL)
         rte_panic("Cannot init mbuf pool\n");
 The rte_mempool is a generic structure used to handle pools of objects.
-In this case, it is necessary to create a pool that will be used by the driver,
-which expects to have some reserved space in the mempool structure,
-sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private) bytes.
-The number of allocated pkt mbufs is NB_MBUF, with a size of MBUF_SIZE each.
+In this case, it is necessary to create a pool that will be used by the driver.
+The number of allocated pkt mbufs is NB_MBUF, with a data room size of
 A per-lcore cache of 32 mbufs is kept.
 The memory is allocated in NUMA socket 0,
 but it is possible to extend this code to allocate one mbuf pool per socket.
-Two callback pointers are also given to the rte_mempool_create() function:
-*   The first callback pointer is to rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() and is used
-    to initialize the private data of the mempool, which is needed by the 
-    This function is provided by the mbuf API, but can be copied and extended 
by the developer.
-*   The second callback pointer given to rte_mempool_create() is the mbuf 
-    The default is used, that is, rte_pktmbuf_init(), which is provided in the 
rte_mbuf library.
-    If a more complex application wants to extend the rte_pktmbuf structure 
for its own needs,
-    a new function derived from rte_pktmbuf_init( ) can be created.
+The rte_pktmbuf_pool_create() function uses the default mbuf pool and mbuf
+initializers, respectively rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() and rte_pktmbuf_init().
+An advanced application may want to use the mempool API to create the
+mbuf pool with more control.
 .. _l2_fwd_app_dvr_init:
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ptpclient.rst 
index 2c5a60c..d3ef1d1 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ptpclient.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ptpclient.rst
@@ -171,15 +171,8 @@ used by the application:
 .. code-block:: c
-    mbuf_pool = rte_mempool_create("MBUF_POOL",
-                                   NUM_MBUFS * nb_ports,
-                                   MBUF_SIZE,
-                                   MBUF_CACHE_SIZE,
-                                   sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-                                   rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL,
-                                   rte_pktmbuf_init,      NULL,
-                                   rte_socket_id(),
-                                   0);
+    mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("MBUF_POOL", NUM_MBUFS * nb_ports,
+           MBUF_CACHE_SIZE, 0, RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
 Mbufs are the packet buffer structure used by DPDK. They are explained in
 detail in the "Mbuf Library" section of the *DPDK Programmer's Guide*.
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/quota_watermark.rst 
index c3c8cf6..9f86e10 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/quota_watermark.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/quota_watermark.rst
@@ -254,32 +254,24 @@ It contains a set of mbuf objects that are used by the 
driver and the applicatio
 .. code-block:: c
     /* Create a pool of mbuf to store packets */
-    mbuf_pool = rte_mempool_create("mbuf_pool", MBUF_PER_POOL, MBUF_SIZE, 32, 
sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-        rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, rte_socket_id(), 
+    mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create("mbuf_pool", MBUF_PER_POOL, 32, 0,
+                                        MBUF_DATA_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
     if (mbuf_pool == NULL)
         rte_panic("%s\n", rte_strerror(rte_errno));
 The rte_mempool is a generic structure used to handle pools of objects.
-In this case, it is necessary to create a pool that will be used by the driver,
-which expects to have some reserved space in the mempool structure, 
sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private) bytes.
+In this case, it is necessary to create a pool that will be used by the driver.
-The number of allocated pkt mbufs is MBUF_PER_POOL, with a size of MBUF_SIZE 
+The number of allocated pkt mbufs is MBUF_PER_POOL, with a data room size
+of MBUF_DATA_SIZE each.
 A per-lcore cache of 32 mbufs is kept.
 The memory is allocated in on the master lcore's socket, but it is possible to 
extend this code to allocate one mbuf pool per socket.
-Two callback pointers are also given to the rte_mempool_create() function:
-*   The first callback pointer is to rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() and is used to 
initialize the private data of the mempool,
-    which is needed by the driver.
-    This function is provided by the mbuf API, but can be copied and extended 
by the developer.
-*   The second callback pointer given to rte_mempool_create() is the mbuf 
-The default is used, that is, rte_pktmbuf_init(), which is provided in the 
rte_mbuf library.
-If a more complex application wants to extend the rte_pktmbuf structure for 
its own needs,
-a new function derived from rte_pktmbuf_init() can be created.
+The rte_pktmbuf_pool_create() function uses the default mbuf pool and mbuf
+initializers, respectively rte_pktmbuf_pool_init() and rte_pktmbuf_init().
+An advanced application may want to use the mempool API to create the
+mbuf pool with more control.
 Ports Configuration and Pairing
diff --git a/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c 
index 2f7ae70..7b863d6 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
@@ -888,8 +888,8 @@ bond_mode_8023ad_activate_slave(struct rte_eth_dev 
*bond_dev, uint8_t slave_id)
        RTE_ASSERT(port->tx_ring == NULL);
        socket_id = rte_eth_devices[slave_id].data->numa_node;
-       element_size = sizeof(struct slow_protocol_frame) + sizeof(struct 
-                               + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
+       element_size = sizeof(struct slow_protocol_frame) +
+                               RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
        /* The size of the mempool should be at least:
         * the sum of the TX descriptors + BOND_MODE_8023AX_SLAVE_TX_PKTS */
@@ -900,11 +900,10 @@ bond_mode_8023ad_activate_slave(struct rte_eth_dev 
*bond_dev, uint8_t slave_id)
        snprintf(mem_name, RTE_DIM(mem_name), "slave_port%u_pool", slave_id);
-       port->mbuf_pool = rte_mempool_create(mem_name,
-               total_tx_desc, element_size,
-               RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE >= 32 ? 32 : 
-               sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private), rte_pktmbuf_pool_init,
-               NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, socket_id, MEMPOOL_F_NO_SPREAD);
+       port->mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(mem_name, total_tx_desc,
+               RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE >= 32 ?
+                       32 : RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE,
+               0, element_size, socket_id);
        /* Any memory allocation failure in initalization is critical because
         * resources can't be free, so reinitialization is impossible. */
diff --git a/examples/ip_pipeline/init.c b/examples/ip_pipeline/init.c
index d46bd36..c7f9470 100644
--- a/examples/ip_pipeline/init.c
+++ b/examples/ip_pipeline/init.c
@@ -329,16 +329,14 @@ app_init_mempool(struct app_params *app)
                struct app_mempool_params *p = &app->mempool_params[i];
                APP_LOG(app, HIGH, "Initializing %s ...", p->name);
-               app->mempool[i] = rte_mempool_create(
-                               p->name,
-                               p->pool_size,
-                               p->buffer_size,
-                               p->cache_size,
-                               sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-                               rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL,
-                               rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL,
-                               p->cpu_socket_id,
-                               0);
+               app->mempool[i] = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(
+                       p->name,
+                       p->pool_size,
+                       p->cache_size,
+                       0, /* priv_size */
+                       p->buffer_size -
+                               sizeof(struct rte_mbuf), /* mbuf data size */
+                       p->cpu_socket_id);
                if (app->mempool[i] == NULL)
                        rte_panic("%s init error\n", p->name);
diff --git a/examples/multi_process/l2fwd_fork/main.c 
index 08df942..67a9f15 100644
--- a/examples/multi_process/l2fwd_fork/main.c
+++ b/examples/multi_process/l2fwd_fork/main.c
@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@
 #define MBUF_NAME      "mbuf_pool_%d"
-#define MBUF_SIZE      \
 #define NB_MBUF   8192
 #define RING_MASTER_NAME       "l2fwd_ring_m2s_"
 #define RING_SLAVE_NAME                "l2fwd_ring_s2m_"
@@ -989,14 +988,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                flags = MEMPOOL_F_SP_PUT | MEMPOOL_F_SC_GET;
                snprintf(buf_name, RTE_MEMPOOL_NAMESIZE, MBUF_NAME, portid);
                l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool[portid] =
-                       rte_mempool_create(buf_name, NB_MBUF,
-                                          MBUF_SIZE, 32,
-                                          sizeof(struct 
-                                          rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL,
-                                          rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL,
-                                          rte_socket_id(), flags);
+                       rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(buf_name, NB_MBUF, 32,
+                               0, MBUF_DATA_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
                if (l2fwd_pktmbuf_pool[portid] == NULL)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot init mbuf pool\n");
+                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot create mbuf pool\n");
                printf("Create mbuf %s\n", buf_name);
diff --git a/examples/tep_termination/main.c b/examples/tep_termination/main.c
index bd1dc96..20dafdb 100644
--- a/examples/tep_termination/main.c
+++ b/examples/tep_termination/main.c
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
                                (nb_switching_cores * MBUF_CACHE_SIZE))
 #define MBUF_CACHE_SIZE 128
-#define MBUF_SIZE (2048 + sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM)
 #define MAX_PKT_BURST 32       /* Max burst size for RX/TX */
 #define BURST_TX_DRAIN_US 100  /* TX drain every ~100us */
@@ -1199,15 +1199,13 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        /* Create the mbuf pool. */
-       mbuf_pool = rte_mempool_create(
+       mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(
-                       NUM_MBUFS_PER_PORT
-                       * valid_nb_ports,
-                       MBUF_SIZE, MBUF_CACHE_SIZE,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
-                       rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL,
-                       rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL,
-                       rte_socket_id(), 0);
+                       NUM_MBUFS_PER_PORT * valid_nb_ports,
+                       MBUF_CACHE_SIZE,
+                       0,
+                       MBUF_DATA_SIZE,
+                       rte_socket_id());
        if (mbuf_pool == NULL)
                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot create mbuf pool\n");
diff --git a/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c b/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c
index 72ad91e..3fb2700 100644
--- a/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c
+++ b/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
  * ctrlmbuf constructor, given as a callback function to
- * rte_mempool_create()
+ * rte_mempool_obj_iter() or rte_mempool_create()
 rte_ctrlmbuf_init(struct rte_mempool *mp,
@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ rte_ctrlmbuf_init(struct rte_mempool *mp,
  * pktmbuf pool constructor, given as a callback function to
- * rte_mempool_create()
+ * rte_mempool_create(), or called directly if using
+ * rte_mempool_create_empty()/rte_mempool_populate()
 rte_pktmbuf_pool_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void *opaque_arg)
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ rte_pktmbuf_pool_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void 
  * pktmbuf constructor, given as a callback function to
- * rte_mempool_create().
+ * rte_mempool_obj_iter() or rte_mempool_create().
  * Set the fields of a packet mbuf to their default values.
diff --git a/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h b/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h
index ce57d47..fd5d32a 100644
--- a/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h
+++ b/lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h
@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@
  * buffers. The message buffers are stored in a mempool, using the
  * RTE mempool library.
+ * The preferred way to create a mbuf pool is to use
+ * rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(). However, in some situations, an
+ * application may want to have more control (ex: populate the pool with
+ * specific memory), in this case it is possible to use functions from
+ * rte_mempool. See how rte_pktmbuf_pool_create() is implemented for
+ * details.
+ *
  * This library provides an API to allocate/free packet mbufs, which are
  * used to carry network packets.
@@ -812,14 +819,14 @@ __rte_mbuf_raw_free(struct rte_mbuf *m)
  * This function initializes some fields in an mbuf structure that are
  * not modified by the user once created (mbuf type, origin pool, buffer
  * start address, and so on). This function is given as a callback function
- * to rte_mempool_create() at pool creation time.
+ * to rte_mempool_obj_iter() or rte_mempool_create() at pool creation time.
  * @param mp
  *   The mempool from which the mbuf is allocated.
  * @param opaque_arg
  *   A pointer that can be used by the user to retrieve useful information
- *   for mbuf initialization. This pointer comes from the ``init_arg``
- *   parameter of rte_mempool_create().
+ *   for mbuf initialization. This pointer is the opaque argument passed to
+ *   rte_mempool_obj_iter() or rte_mempool_create().
  * @param m
  *   The mbuf to initialize.
  * @param i
@@ -893,14 +900,14 @@ rte_is_ctrlmbuf(struct rte_mbuf *m)
  * This function initializes some fields in the mbuf structure that are
  * not modified by the user once created (origin pool, buffer start
  * address, and so on). This function is given as a callback function to
- * rte_mempool_create() at pool creation time.
+ * rte_mempool_obj_iter() or rte_mempool_create() at pool creation time.
  * @param mp
  *   The mempool from which mbufs originate.
  * @param opaque_arg
  *   A pointer that can be used by the user to retrieve useful information
- *   for mbuf initialization. This pointer comes from the ``init_arg``
- *   parameter of rte_mempool_create().
+ *   for mbuf initialization. This pointer is the opaque argument passed to
+ *   rte_mempool_obj_iter() or rte_mempool_create().
  * @param m
  *   The mbuf to initialize.
  * @param i
@@ -915,7 +922,8 @@ void rte_pktmbuf_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void 
  * This function initializes the mempool private data in the case of a
  * pktmbuf pool. This private data is needed by the driver. The
- * function is given as a callback function to rte_mempool_create() at
+ * function must be called on the mempool before it is used, or it
+ * can be given as a callback function to rte_mempool_create() at
  * pool creation. It can be extended by the user, for example, to
  * provide another packet size.
@@ -923,8 +931,8 @@ void rte_pktmbuf_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void 
  *   The mempool from which mbufs originate.
  * @param opaque_arg
  *   A pointer that can be used by the user to retrieve useful information
- *   for mbuf initialization. This pointer comes from the ``init_arg``
- *   parameter of rte_mempool_create().
+ *   for mbuf initialization. This pointer is the opaque argument passed to
+ *   rte_mempool_create().
 void rte_pktmbuf_pool_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void *opaque_arg);
@@ -932,8 +940,7 @@ void rte_pktmbuf_pool_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, void 
  * Create a mbuf pool.
  * This function creates and initializes a packet mbuf pool. It is
- * a wrapper to rte_mempool_create() with the proper packet constructor
- * and mempool constructor.
+ * a wrapper to rte_mempool functions.
  * @param name
  *   The name of the mbuf pool.
diff --git a/test/test/test_link_bonding_rssconf.c 
index 34f1c16..9034f62 100644
--- a/test/test/test_link_bonding_rssconf.c
+++ b/test/test/test_link_bonding_rssconf.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 #define SLAVE_RXTX_QUEUE_FMT      ("rssconf_slave%d_q%d")
 #define NUM_MBUFS 8191
-#define MBUF_SIZE (1600 + sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) + RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM)
 #define MBUF_CACHE_SIZE 250
 #define BURST_SIZE 32
@@ -536,13 +536,12 @@ test_setup(void)
        if (test_params.mbuf_pool == NULL) {
-               test_params.mbuf_pool = rte_mempool_create("RSS_MBUF_POOL", 
-                               SLAVE_COUNT, MBUF_SIZE, MBUF_CACHE_SIZE,
-                               sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private), 
-                               NULL, rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL, rte_socket_id(), 
+               test_params.mbuf_pool = rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(
+                       "RSS_MBUF_POOL", NUM_MBUFS * SLAVE_COUNT,
+                       MBUF_CACHE_SIZE, 0, MBUF_SIZE, rte_socket_id());
                TEST_ASSERT(test_params.mbuf_pool != NULL,
-                               "rte_mempool_create failed\n");
+                               "rte_pktmbuf_pool_create failed\n");
        /* Create / initialize ring eth devs. */

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