+Cc dev@dpdk.org

2017-03-13 15:29, Thomas Monjalon:
> Hi i40e developers,
> Referring to the VFD discussion, I thought basic behaviours were the
> same regardless of the PF driver:
> http://dpdk.org/ml/archives/dev/2016-December/053056.html
> "
> > In the meanwhile, we have some test models ongoing to validate
> > combination of Linux and DPDK drivers for VF and PF.
> > We'll fully support below 4 cases going forward.
> > 1. DPDK PF + DPDK VF 
> > 2. DPDK PF + Linux VF
> > 3. Linux PF + DPDK VF 
> > 4. Linux PF + Linux VF (it's not our scope)
> [...]
> > Linux PF + DPDK VF has been tested with 1.0 API long time ago.
> > There is some test activities ongoing.
> "
> I think the Linux PF case is important and deserves more consideration.
> When looking at the code, specifically i40evf_vlan_offload_set() and
> i40evf_vlan_pvid_set(), I read this:
> "
>     /* Linux pf host doesn't support vlan offload yet */
>     if (vf->version_major == I40E_DPDK_VERSION_MAJOR) {
> "
> Is there some work in progress on Linux side to get the same behaviour
> as with a DPDK PF?
> At least, it must be documented in
>       doc/guides/nics/features/i40e_vf.ini
> and marked as partially supported (P instead of Y) in
>       doc/guides/nics/i40e.rst

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