Signed-off-by: Shijith Thotton <>
Signed-off-by: Jerin Jacob <>
Signed-off-by: Derek Chickles <>
Signed-off-by: Venkat Koppula <>
Signed-off-by: Srisivasubramanian S <>
Signed-off-by: Mallesham Jatharakonda <>
 drivers/net/liquidio/base/lio_hw_defs.h |   2 +
 drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c       | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.h       |  83 ++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 279 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/base/lio_hw_defs.h 
index cc189ad..8a22d10 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/base/lio_hw_defs.h
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/base/lio_hw_defs.h
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ enum octeon_tag_type {
 #define LIO_OPCODE_NW_DATA             0x02 /* network packet data */
 #define LIO_OPCODE_CMD                 0x03
 #define LIO_OPCODE_INFO                        0x04
+#define LIO_OPCODE_PORT_STATS          0x05
 #define LIO_OPCODE_IF_CFG              0x09
 #define LIO_MIN_RX_BUF_SIZE            64
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ enum octeon_tag_type {
 /* NIC Command types */
 #define LIO_CMD_CHANGE_DEVFLAGS                0x3
 #define LIO_CMD_RX_CTL                 0x4
+#define LIO_CMD_CLEAR_STATS            0x6
 #define LIO_CMD_SET_RSS                        0xD
 #define LIO_CMD_TNL_RX_CSUM_CTL                0x10
 #define LIO_CMD_TNL_TX_CSUM_CTL                0x11
diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c 
index 7f0e9f4..8459986 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c
@@ -117,6 +117,197 @@
        return 0;
+/* store statistics names and its offset in stats structure */
+struct rte_lio_xstats_name_off {
+       char name[RTE_ETH_XSTATS_NAME_SIZE];
+       unsigned int offset;
+static const struct rte_lio_xstats_name_off rte_lio_stats_strings[] = {
+       {"rx_pkts", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, total_rcvd)},
+       {"rx_bytes", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, bytes_rcvd)},
+       {"rx_broadcast_pkts", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, total_bcst)},
+       {"rx_multicast_pkts", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, total_mcst)},
+       {"rx_flow_ctrl_pkts", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, ctl_rcvd)},
+       {"rx_fifo_err", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, fifo_err)},
+       {"rx_dmac_drop", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, dmac_drop)},
+       {"rx_fcs_err", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, fcs_err)},
+       {"rx_jabber_err", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, jabber_err)},
+       {"rx_l2_err", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, l2_err)},
+       {"rx_vxlan_pkts", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, fw_rx_vxlan)},
+       {"rx_vxlan_err", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, fw_rx_vxlan_err)},
+       {"rx_lro_pkts", offsetof(struct octeon_rx_stats, fw_lro_pkts)},
+       {"tx_pkts", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, total_pkts_sent)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_bytes", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, total_bytes_sent)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_broadcast_pkts",
+               (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, bcast_pkts_sent)) +
+                       sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_multicast_pkts",
+               (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, mcast_pkts_sent)) +
+                       sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_flow_ctrl_pkts", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, ctl_sent)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_fifo_err", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, fifo_err)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_total_collisions", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats,
+                                         total_collisions)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_tso", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, fw_tso)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+       {"tx_vxlan_pkts", (offsetof(struct octeon_tx_stats, fw_tx_vxlan)) +
+                                               sizeof(struct octeon_rx_stats)},
+#define LIO_NB_XSTATS  RTE_DIM(rte_lio_stats_strings)
+/* Get hw stats of the port */
+static int
+lio_dev_xstats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, struct rte_eth_xstat *xstats,
+                  unsigned int n)
+       struct lio_device *lio_dev = LIO_DEV(eth_dev);
+       uint16_t timeout = LIO_MAX_CMD_TIMEOUT;
+       struct octeon_link_stats *hw_stats;
+       struct lio_link_stats_resp *resp;
+       struct lio_soft_command *sc;
+       uint32_t resp_size;
+       unsigned int i;
+       int retval;
+       if (!lio_dev->intf_open) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "Port %d down\n",
+                           lio_dev->port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (n < LIO_NB_XSTATS)
+               return LIO_NB_XSTATS;
+       resp_size = sizeof(struct lio_link_stats_resp);
+       sc = lio_alloc_soft_command(lio_dev, 0, resp_size, 0);
+       if (sc == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       resp = (struct lio_link_stats_resp *)sc->virtrptr;
+       lio_prepare_soft_command(lio_dev, sc, LIO_OPCODE,
+                                LIO_OPCODE_PORT_STATS, 0, 0, 0);
+       /* Setting wait time in seconds */
+       sc->wait_time = LIO_MAX_CMD_TIMEOUT / 1000;
+       retval = lio_send_soft_command(lio_dev, sc);
+       if (retval == LIO_IQ_SEND_FAILED) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "failed to get port stats from firmware. 
status: %x\n",
+                           retval);
+               goto get_stats_fail;
+       }
+       while ((*sc->status_word == LIO_COMPLETION_WORD_INIT) && --timeout) {
+               lio_flush_iq(lio_dev, lio_dev->instr_queue[sc->iq_no]);
+               lio_process_ordered_list(lio_dev);
+               rte_delay_ms(1);
+       }
+       retval = resp->status;
+       if (retval) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "failed to get port stats from 
+               goto get_stats_fail;
+       }
+       lio_swap_8B_data((uint64_t *)(&resp->link_stats),
+                        sizeof(struct octeon_link_stats) >> 3);
+       hw_stats = &resp->link_stats;
+       for (i = 0; i < LIO_NB_XSTATS; i++) {
+               xstats[i].id = i;
+               xstats[i].value =
+                   *(uint64_t *)(((char *)hw_stats) +
+                                       rte_lio_stats_strings[i].offset);
+       }
+       lio_free_soft_command(sc);
+       return LIO_NB_XSTATS;
+       lio_free_soft_command(sc);
+       return -1;
+static int
+lio_dev_xstats_get_names(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev,
+                        struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names,
+                        unsigned limit __rte_unused)
+       struct lio_device *lio_dev = LIO_DEV(eth_dev);
+       unsigned int i;
+       if (!lio_dev->intf_open) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "Port %d down\n",
+                           lio_dev->port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (xstats_names == NULL)
+               return LIO_NB_XSTATS;
+       /* Note: limit checked in rte_eth_xstats_names() */
+       for (i = 0; i < LIO_NB_XSTATS; i++) {
+               snprintf(xstats_names[i].name, sizeof(xstats_names[i].name),
+                        "%s", rte_lio_stats_strings[i].name);
+       }
+       return LIO_NB_XSTATS;
+/* Reset hw stats for the port */
+static void
+lio_dev_xstats_reset(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev)
+       struct lio_device *lio_dev = LIO_DEV(eth_dev);
+       struct lio_dev_ctrl_cmd ctrl_cmd;
+       struct lio_ctrl_pkt ctrl_pkt;
+       if (!lio_dev->intf_open) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "Port %d down\n",
+                           lio_dev->port_id);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* flush added to prevent cmd failure
+        * incase the queue is full
+        */
+       lio_flush_iq(lio_dev, lio_dev->instr_queue[0]);
+       memset(&ctrl_pkt, 0, sizeof(struct lio_ctrl_pkt));
+       memset(&ctrl_cmd, 0, sizeof(struct lio_dev_ctrl_cmd));
+       ctrl_cmd.eth_dev = eth_dev;
+       ctrl_cmd.cond = 0;
+       ctrl_pkt.ncmd.s.cmd = LIO_CMD_CLEAR_STATS;
+       ctrl_pkt.ctrl_cmd = &ctrl_cmd;
+       if (lio_send_ctrl_pkt(lio_dev, &ctrl_pkt)) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "Failed to send clear stats command\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (lio_wait_for_ctrl_cmd(lio_dev, &ctrl_cmd)) {
+               lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "Clear stats command timed out\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       /* clear stored per queue stats */
+       RTE_FUNC_PTR_OR_RET(*eth_dev->dev_ops->stats_reset);
+       (*eth_dev->dev_ops->stats_reset)(eth_dev);
 /* Retrieve the device statistics (# packets in/out, # bytes in/out, etc */
 static void
 lio_dev_stats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev,
@@ -1471,7 +1662,10 @@ static int lio_dev_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev)
        .allmulticast_disable   = lio_dev_allmulticast_disable,
        .link_update            = lio_dev_link_update,
        .stats_get              = lio_dev_stats_get,
+       .xstats_get             = lio_dev_xstats_get,
+       .xstats_get_names       = lio_dev_xstats_get_names,
        .stats_reset            = lio_dev_stats_reset,
+       .xstats_reset           = lio_dev_xstats_reset,
        .dev_infos_get          = lio_dev_info_get,
        .mtu_set                = lio_dev_change_vf_mtu,
        .rx_queue_setup         = lio_dev_rx_queue_setup,
diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.h 
index 6543061..150e9c9 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.h
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.h
@@ -62,6 +62,83 @@ struct octeon_if_cfg_info {
        char lio_firmware_version[LIO_FW_VERSION_LENGTH];
+/** Stats for each NIC port in RX direction. */
+struct octeon_rx_stats {
+       /* link-level stats */
+       uint64_t total_rcvd;
+       uint64_t bytes_rcvd;
+       uint64_t total_bcst;
+       uint64_t total_mcst;
+       uint64_t runts;
+       uint64_t ctl_rcvd;
+       uint64_t fifo_err; /* Accounts for over/under-run of buffers */
+       uint64_t dmac_drop;
+       uint64_t fcs_err;
+       uint64_t jabber_err;
+       uint64_t l2_err;
+       uint64_t frame_err;
+       /* firmware stats */
+       uint64_t fw_total_rcvd;
+       uint64_t fw_total_fwd;
+       uint64_t fw_total_fwd_bytes;
+       uint64_t fw_err_pko;
+       uint64_t fw_err_link;
+       uint64_t fw_err_drop;
+       uint64_t fw_rx_vxlan;
+       uint64_t fw_rx_vxlan_err;
+       /* LRO */
+       uint64_t fw_lro_pkts;   /* Number of packets that are LROed */
+       uint64_t fw_lro_octs;   /* Number of octets that are LROed */
+       uint64_t fw_total_lro;  /* Number of LRO packets formed */
+       uint64_t fw_lro_aborts; /* Number of times lRO of packet aborted */
+       uint64_t fw_lro_aborts_port;
+       uint64_t fw_lro_aborts_seq;
+       uint64_t fw_lro_aborts_tsval;
+       uint64_t fw_lro_aborts_timer;
+       /* intrmod: packet forward rate */
+       uint64_t fwd_rate;
+/** Stats for each NIC port in RX direction. */
+struct octeon_tx_stats {
+       /* link-level stats */
+       uint64_t total_pkts_sent;
+       uint64_t total_bytes_sent;
+       uint64_t mcast_pkts_sent;
+       uint64_t bcast_pkts_sent;
+       uint64_t ctl_sent;
+       uint64_t one_collision_sent;    /* Packets sent after one collision */
+       /* Packets sent after multiple collision */
+       uint64_t multi_collision_sent;
+       /* Packets not sent due to max collisions */
+       uint64_t max_collision_fail;
+       /* Packets not sent due to max deferrals */
+       uint64_t max_deferral_fail;
+       /* Accounts for over/under-run of buffers */
+       uint64_t fifo_err;
+       uint64_t runts;
+       uint64_t total_collisions; /* Total number of collisions detected */
+       /* firmware stats */
+       uint64_t fw_total_sent;
+       uint64_t fw_total_fwd;
+       uint64_t fw_total_fwd_bytes;
+       uint64_t fw_err_pko;
+       uint64_t fw_err_link;
+       uint64_t fw_err_drop;
+       uint64_t fw_err_tso;
+       uint64_t fw_tso;     /* number of tso requests */
+       uint64_t fw_tso_fwd; /* number of packets segmented in tso */
+       uint64_t fw_tx_vxlan;
+struct octeon_link_stats {
+       struct octeon_rx_stats fromwire;
+       struct octeon_tx_stats fromhost;
 union lio_if_cfg {
        uint64_t if_cfg64;
        struct {
@@ -87,6 +164,12 @@ struct lio_if_cfg_resp {
        uint64_t status;
+struct lio_link_stats_resp {
+       uint64_t rh;
+       struct octeon_link_stats link_stats;
+       uint64_t status;
 struct lio_link_status_resp {
        uint64_t rh;
        struct octeon_link_info link_info;

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