Add API to setup and process response list. It is used to wait for
response from device.

Signed-off-by: Shijith Thotton <>
Signed-off-by: Jerin Jacob <>
Signed-off-by: Derek Chickles <>
Signed-off-by: Venkat Koppula <>
Signed-off-by: Mallesham Jatharakonda <>
 drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c |   5 ++
 drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.c   | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.h   |  73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/liquidio/lio_struct.h |  14 +++++
 4 files changed, 198 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c 
index 3702c61..a6813e0 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_ethdev.c
@@ -107,6 +107,11 @@
                return -1;
+       /* Initialize lists to manage the requests of different types that
+        * arrive from applications for this lio device.
+        */
+       lio_setup_response_list(lio_dev);
        if (lio_dev->fn_list.setup_mbox(lio_dev)) {
                lio_dev_err(lio_dev, "Mailbox setup failed\n");
                goto error;
diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.c b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.c
index cfec96d..515ba79 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.c
@@ -293,3 +293,109 @@ struct lio_soft_command *
+lio_setup_response_list(struct lio_device *lio_dev)
+       CIRCLEQ_INIT(&lio_dev->response_list.head);
+       rte_spinlock_init(&lio_dev->response_list.lock);
+       rte_atomic64_set(&lio_dev->response_list.pending_req_count, 0);
+lio_process_ordered_list(struct lio_device *lio_dev)
+       int resp_to_process = LIO_MAX_ORD_REQS_TO_PROCESS;
+       struct lio_response_list *ordered_sc_list;
+       struct lio_soft_command *sc;
+       int request_complete = 0;
+       uint64_t status64;
+       uint32_t status;
+       ordered_sc_list = &lio_dev->response_list;
+       do {
+               rte_spinlock_lock(&ordered_sc_list->lock);
+               if (CIRCLEQ_EMPTY(&ordered_sc_list->head)) {
+                       /* ordered_sc_list is empty; there is
+                        * nothing to process
+                        */
+                       rte_spinlock_unlock(&ordered_sc_list->lock);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               sc = LIO_CLIST_FIRST_ENTRY(&ordered_sc_list->head,
+                                          struct lio_soft_command, node);
+               status = LIO_REQUEST_PENDING;
+               /* check if octeon has finished DMA'ing a response
+                * to where rptr is pointing to
+                */
+               status64 = *sc->status_word;
+               if (status64 != LIO_COMPLETION_WORD_INIT) {
+                       /* This logic ensures that all 64b have been written.
+                        * 1. check byte 0 for non-FF
+                        * 2. if non-FF, then swap result from BE to host order
+                        * 3. check byte 7 (swapped to 0) for non-FF
+                        * 4. if non-FF, use the low 32-bit status code
+                        * 5. if either byte 0 or byte 7 is FF, don't use status
+                        */
+                       if ((status64 & 0xff) != 0xff) {
+                               lio_swap_8B_data(&status64, 1);
+                               if (((status64 & 0xff) != 0xff)) {
+                                       /* retrieve 16-bit firmware status */
+                                       status = (uint32_t)(status64 &
+                                                           0xffffULL);
+                                       if (status) {
+                                               status =
+                                               LIO_FIRMWARE_STATUS_CODE(
+                                                                       status);
+                                       } else {
+                                               /* i.e. no error */
+                                               status = LIO_REQUEST_DONE;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               } else if ((sc->timeout && lio_check_timeout(lio_uptime,
+                                                            sc->timeout))) {
+                       lio_dev_err(lio_dev,
+                                   "cmd failed, timeout (%ld, %ld)\n",
+                                   (long)lio_uptime, (long)sc->timeout);
+                       status = LIO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
+               }
+               if (status != LIO_REQUEST_PENDING) {
+                       /* we have received a response or we have timed out.
+                        * remove node from linked list
+                        */
+                       CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&ordered_sc_list->head,
+                                      &sc->node, entries);
+                       rte_atomic64_dec(
+                           &lio_dev->response_list.pending_req_count);
+                       rte_spinlock_unlock(&ordered_sc_list->lock);
+                       if (sc->callback)
+                               sc->callback(status, sc->callback_arg);
+                       request_complete++;
+               } else {
+                       /* no response yet */
+                       request_complete = 0;
+                       rte_spinlock_unlock(&ordered_sc_list->lock);
+               }
+               /* If we hit the Max Ordered requests to process every loop,
+                * we quit and let this function be invoked the next time
+                * the poll thread runs to process the remaining requests.
+                * This function can take up the entire CPU if there is
+                * no upper limit to the requests processed.
+                */
+               if (request_complete >= resp_to_process)
+                       break;
+       } while (request_complete);
+       return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.h b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.h
index 8dab73e..58e2a6e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_rxtx.h
@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@
 #include "lio_struct.h"
+#define LIO_CLIST_FIRST_ENTRY(ptr, type, elem) \
+       (type *)((char *)((ptr)->cqh_first) - offsetof(type, elem))
+#define lio_check_timeout(cur_time, chk_time) ((cur_time) > (chk_time))
+#define lio_uptime             \
+       (size_t)(rte_get_timer_cycles() / rte_get_timer_hz())
 struct lio_request_list {
        uint32_t reqtype;
        void *buf;
@@ -94,6 +102,71 @@ struct lio_soft_command *
                       uint32_t ctxsize);
 void lio_free_soft_command(struct lio_soft_command *sc);
+/** Maximum ordered requests to process in every invocation of
+ *  lio_process_ordered_list(). The function will continue to process requests
+ *  as long as it can find one that has finished processing. If it keeps
+ *  finding requests that have completed, the function can run for ever. The
+ *  value defined here sets an upper limit on the number of requests it can
+ *  process before it returns control to the poll thread.
+ */
+#define LIO_MAX_ORD_REQS_TO_PROCESS    4096
+/** Error codes used in Octeon Host-Core communication.
+ *
+ *   31                16 15           0
+ *   ----------------------------
+ * |           |               |
+ *   ----------------------------
+ *   Error codes are 32-bit wide. The upper 16-bits, called Major Error Number,
+ *   are reserved to identify the group to which the error code belongs. The
+ *   lower 16-bits, called Minor Error Number, carry the actual code.
+ *
+ *   So error codes are (MAJOR NUMBER << 16)| MINOR_NUMBER.
+ */
+/** Status for a request.
+ *  If the request is successfully queued, the driver will return
+ *  a LIO_REQUEST_PENDING status. LIO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT is only returned by
+ *  the driver if the response for request failed to arrive before a
+ *  time-out period or if the request processing * got interrupted due to
+ *  a signal respectively.
+ */
+enum {
+       /** A value of 0x00000000 indicates no error i.e. success */
+       LIO_REQUEST_DONE        = 0x00000000,
+       /** (Major number: 0x0000; Minor Number: 0x0001) */
+       LIO_REQUEST_PENDING     = 0x00000001,
+       LIO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT     = 0x00000003,
+/*------ Error codes used by firmware (bits 15..0 set by firmware */
+#define LIO_FIRMWARE_STATUS_CODE(status) \
+       ((LIO_FIRMWARE_MAJOR_ERROR_CODE << 16) | (status))
+/** Initialize the response lists. The number of response lists to create is
+ *  given by count.
+ *  @param lio_dev - the lio device structure.
+ */
+void lio_setup_response_list(struct lio_device *lio_dev);
+/** Check the status of first entry in the ordered list. If the instruction at
+ *  that entry finished processing or has timed-out, the entry is cleaned.
+ *  @param lio_dev - the lio device structure.
+ *  @return 1 if the ordered list is empty, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+int lio_process_ordered_list(struct lio_device *lio_dev);
+static inline void
+lio_swap_8B_data(uint64_t *data, uint32_t blocks)
+       while (blocks) {
+               *data = rte_cpu_to_be_64(*data);
+               blocks--;
+               data++;
+       }
 /** Setup instruction queue zero for the device
  *  @param lio_dev which lio device to setup
diff --git a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_struct.h 
index a06726b..ad67ed1 100644
--- a/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_struct.h
+++ b/drivers/net/liquidio/lio_struct.h
@@ -213,6 +213,17 @@ struct lio_sriov_info {
        uint32_t num_vfs;
+/* Head of a response list */
+struct lio_response_list {
+       /** List structure to add delete pending entries to */
+       struct lio_clist_head head;
+       /** A lock for this response list */
+       rte_spinlock_t lock;
+       rte_atomic64_t pending_req_count;
 /* Structure to define the configuration attributes for each Input queue. */
 struct lio_iq_config {
        /* Max number of IQs available */
@@ -289,6 +300,9 @@ struct lio_device {
        /** The input instruction queues */
        struct lio_instr_queue *instr_queue[LIO_MAX_POSSIBLE_INSTR_QUEUES];
+       /** The circular-linked list of instruction response */
+       struct lio_response_list response_list;
        struct lio_io_enable io_qmask;
        struct lio_sriov_info sriov_info;

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