On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:52:00AM +0100, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> when moving to DPDK 16.11 Debian/Ubuntu packaging of DPDK has hit a new
> twist on the (it seems reoccurring) topic of DPDK ABI tracking.
> I have found, ... well I don't want to call it solution ..., let's say a
> crutch to get around it for the moment. But I wanted to use the example I
> had to share a few thoughts on it and to kick off a wider discussion.
> *## In library cross-dependencies plus partial ABI bumps ##*
> Since the day moving away from the combined shared library we had several
> improvements on tracking the ABI versions. These days [1] we have LIBABIVER
> per library and it gets bumped to reflect it is breaking with former
> versions e.g. removing symbols.
> Now in the 16.11 release the ABIs for cryptodev, eal and ethdev got bumped
> by [2] and [3].
> OTOH please remember that in general two versions of a shared library in
> the usual sense are meant to be able to stay alongside on a system without
> hurting each other. I picked a random one on my system.
> Package              Library
> libisc-export160: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libisc-export.so.160
> libisc-export160: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libisc-export.so.160.0.0
> libisc-export95: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libisc-export.so.95
> libisc-export95: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libisc-export.so.95.5.0
> Some link against the new, some against the old library - all fine.
> Usually most programs can just be rebuilt against the new library and after
> some time the old one can be dropped. That mechanism gives downstream
> distributions a way to handle transitions and consumers of libraries which
> might not all be ready for the same version every time.
> And since the per lib versioning with LIBABIVER and and the version maps we
> are good - in fact we qualify for all common cases on [4].
> Now in DPDK of those libraries that got an ABI bump eal and ethdev are part
> of those which most of us consider "core libraries" and most other libs and
> pmds link to them.
> And here DPDK continues to be special, due to that inter-dependency with
> old and new libraries installed on the same system the following happens on
> openvswitch built for an older version of dpdk:
> ovs-vswitchd-dpdk
>     librte_eal.so.2 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librte_eal.so.2
>     librte_pdump.so.1 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librte_pdump.so.1
>         librte_eal.so.3 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librte_eal.so.3
> You can see that Openvswitch itself depends on the "old" librte_eal.so.2.
> But because  librte_pdump.so.1 did not get an ABI bump it got upgraded to
> the newer version from DPDK 16.11.
> But since the "new" pdump got built with the new DPDK 16.11 it depends on
> the "new" librte_eal.so.3.
> And having both in the same executable space at the same time causes
> segfaults and pain.
> As I said for now I have passed the issue with a crutch that I'm not proud
> of and I'd like to avoid in the future. For that I'm reaching out to you
> with several suggestions to discuss.
> *## Thoughts ##*
> None of these seems like a perfect solution to me yet, but clearly good to
> start discussions on them.
> Options that were in discussion so far and that we might adopt next cycle
> (some of these are upstream changes, some downstream, some require both to
> change - but any of them should have an ack upstream so that we are
> agreeing how to proceed with those cases).
> 1. Downstreams to insert Major version into soname
> Distributions could insert the DPDK major version (like 16.11) into the
> soname and package names. A common example of this is libboost [5].
> That would perfectly allow 16.07.<LIBABIVER> to coexist with
> 16.11.<LIBABIVER> even if for a given library LIBABIVER did not change.
> Yet it would mean that anything depending on the old library will have to
> be recompiled to pick up the new code, even if it depends on an ABI that is
> still present in the new release.
> Also - not a technical reason - but it is clearly more work to force update
> all dependencies and clean out old packages for every release.
> 2. ABI Ranges
> One could argue that due to the detailed tracking of functions DPDK is
> already close to track not ABI levels but actually ABI ranges. DPDK could
> Every time functionality is added LIBABIVER would get bumped, but
> LIBABIVERMIN only gets moved to the OLDEST still supported ABI when things
> are dropped.
> So on a given library librte_foo you could have LIBABIVER=5 and
> LIBABIVERMIN=3. The make install would then install the shared lib as:
> librte_foo.so.5
> and additionally links for all compatible versions:
> librte_foo.so.3 -> librte_foo.so.5
> librte_foo.so.4 -> librte_foo.so.5
> Yet, while is has some nice attributes this might make DPDK even more
> special and cause ABI level proliferation over time.
> Also even with this in place, changes moving LIBABIVERMIN "too fast" (too
> fast is different for each downstream) could still cause an issue like the
> one I initially described.
> 3. A lot of conflicts
> In packaging one can declare a package to conflict with another package [6].
> Now we could declare e.g. librte_eal3 to conflict with librte_eal2 (and the
> same for all other bumps).
> That would make them not coinstallable, and working on a new release would
> mean that all former consumers would become not installable as well and
> have to be rebuilt before they all could migrate [7] together.
> That "works" in some sense, but it denies the whole purpose of versioned
> library packages (to be coninstallable, to allow different library
> consumers to depent on different versions)
> 4. ABI bump is infecting
> Another way might be to also bump any dependent DPDK library.
> So when core libs like eal are ABI bumped likely all libs would get a bump.
> If only e.g. mempool gets a bump only those other parts using it would be
> bumped as well.
> To some extend this might still proliferate ABI versions more than one
> would like.
> Also it surely is hard to track if not automated - think of dependencies
> that are existing only in certain config cases.
> 5. back to single ABI
> For the sake of giving everybody a chance to re-open old wounds I wanted to
> mention that DPDK could also decide to go back to a single ABI again.
> This could (but doesn't have to!) be combined with having a single .so file
> again.
> To decide for this might be a much cleaner and easier to track way to #4.
> 6. More
> I'm sure there are more approaches to this, feel free to come up with more.
> I'm sure my five suggestions alone will make the thread messy, Maybe we do
> this in two rounds, sorting out the insane and identifying the preferred
> ones to then in a second run focus on discussing and maybe implementing the
> details of what we like.

Of the 5 options you propose, No 4 looks most appealing to me. If it
does cause problems with different config cases, then that looks a good
reason to cut down on the allowed configs. :-)


> [1]: http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/tree/doc/guides/contributing/versioning.rst
> [2]: http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/commit/?id=d7e61ad3ae36
> [3]: http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk/commit/?id=6ba1affa54108
> [4]: https://wiki.debian.org/TransitionBestPractices
> [5]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/libboost1.62-dev
> [6]:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-conflicts
> [7]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration
> P.S. I beg a pardon for the wall of text
> -- 
> Christian Ehrhardt
> Software Engineer, Ubuntu Server
> Canonical Ltd

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