Thanks Ferruh for your quick turnaround!

Sure, I’ll send a patch for your review.


On 1/18/17, 10:39 AM, "Ferruh Yigit" <> wrote:

    On 1/18/2017 4:12 AM, Steve Shin (jonshin) wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have a question on MAC address replay logic in 
    > lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c:
    > code snippet of rte_eth_dev_config_restore()
    > ~~
    >         /* replay MAC address configuration */
    >         for (i = 0; i < dev_info.max_mac_addrs; i++) {
    >                 addr = dev->data->mac_addrs[i];
    >                 /* skip zero address */
    >                 if (is_zero_ether_addr(&addr))
    >                         continue;
    >                 /* add address to the hardware */
    >                 if  (*dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_add &&
    >                         (dev->data->mac_pool_sel[i] & (1ULL << pool)))
    >                         (*dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_add)(dev, &addr, i, 
    >                 else {
    >                         RTE_PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("port %d: MAC address array 
not supported\n",
    >                                         port_id);
    >                         /* exit the loop but not return an error */
    >                         break;
    >                 }
    >         }
    > dev->data->mac_addrs[0] is filled with a HW MAC address (by default) when 
a device is initialized. But there’s no flag setting for 
    > As the value of “(dev->data->mac_pool_sel[i] & (1ULL << pool)) “ becomes 
0 for i=0, the replay logic will be stopped without processing the rest of MAC 
addresses in dev->data->mac_addrs[] list.
    > Shouldn’t ‘break’ statement be replaced with ‘continue’ to process other 
MACs in the list?
    Hi Steve,
    Looks like you are right. The commit that pool check added (4bdefaad) says:
    Fix bug in rte_eth_dev_config_restore function, which will restore all
    MAC address to default pool.
    So intention looks like not stop adding mac_addr loop if mac is not in
    pool, but instead not adding a mac address if it is not part of pool.
    But pool check seems added later, and initial "break" is added for
    "dev_ops->mac_addr_add" check.
    Logic can be:
    if (dev_ops->mac_addr_add)
        if (mac in pool)
    But of course, instead of checking the dev_ops in a loop for same
    device, it makes more sense to remove it out of loop.
    Are you planning to send a patch for this issue?
    It is easier to discuss code based on patches..
    > Any feedback would be appreciated.
    > Regards,
    > Steve

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