On 1/16/2017 12:20 PM, Shirley Avishour wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application over dpdk which is consisted of the following threads
> each running on a separate core:
> 1) rx thread which listens on in a poll mode for traffic
> 2) 2 packet processing threads (for load balancing)
> 3) kni thread (which also runs on a separate core).

This is kernel thread, right? Is it bind to any specific core?
Is it possible that this thread shares the core with 2nd processing
thread when enabled?

> the rx thread receives packets and clones them and transmit a copy to the
> kni and the other packet is sent to the packet processing unit (hashing
> over 2 threads).
> the receive traffic rate is 100Mbps.
> When working with single packet processing thread I am able to get all the
> 100Mbps towards the kni with no drops.
> but when I activate my application with 2 packet processing threads I start
> facing drops towards the kni.
> the way I see it the only difference now is that I have another threads
> which handles an mbuf and frees it once processing is completed.
> Can anyone assist with this case please?
> Thanks!

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